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Where is the sense in negative progressions?

Started by Bally6354, December 04, 2012, 08:38:51 PM

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I have been thinking about this lately  ???

It really strikes me that positive progressions are the way to go.

Let's say that you bet 6 splits x $10 = $60.

You win and get back $180. That's a profit of $120.

Now here is the good part. You can increase your bet on the next spin and STILL keep some of the winnings from the previous bet!

So you could now go 6 splits x $15 = $90.

You win and get back $270. That's a profit of $180 plus the $120 you made on the last spin.

If you happened to lose that last bet.....

You are still in front over the 2 bets to the tune of $30.

Maybe the trick to playing positive progressions is the way I have mentioned above making sure you at least guarantee yourself some profit even if you lose the 2nd bet. (of course you would just stay at the base level should you lose the first bet)

I understand that you couldn't do it with even money bets and you are not always going to get long winning runs betting dozens but I have seen plenty of 2 dozen negative progression methods bust to know which one I would personally prefer to play.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Every once in a while you get very long sleeping dozens. Try to design a bet that first pays all the risk on the first winning bet. Then what's left over to increase on each win. Let it ride for six more sleeper. You can also design it so you take a little for each winning step. The trick is to get that first winner on the big bet. With a double dozen bet you have about a 64% chance of winning that opening bet.


Thanks gizmo  :thumbsup:

I see where you are coming from. It just strikes me that it would make more sense to capitalize on good luck / timing as opposed to throwing more money at something when your luck is out / bad timing. One small advantage that I think we as players have is that we can choose when to bet and skip spins if we like. Using some kind of positive progression during an upswing in our fortunes could hit the jackpot. I sometimes think negative progressions are a very dangerous excuse just to bet on every spin. That is surely going to lead to disaster on one of those vicious downturns.
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


The 2-1-2  system

Each EC betting  series begins with  the higher first bet.2 units After a Win we regress to 1 unit. Here find a  winning  betting series  2 - 1- 2- 3- 3- 5 -1-2- 2-3 etc

Ater a loss at any stage we  go back to the first bet o 2 units.

Bankroll  required for  one  of 3 sessions $ 200 ( total amount  required for  3 sessions $ 600) . This is  for a $ 5  Minimum Table

The Objective: Winning 2 out of 3 sessions. WIN GOAL 7 % ( Yes SEVEN %) LOSS LIMIT 25 % for each session.

A chop cannot hurt us W-L-W-L-W-L-W-LW-L . We can show  5 2 unit wins and 5 1 unit losses.

Nathan Detroit

.For recreational purposes only. Play at your own risk .


QuoteA chop cannot hurt us W-L-W-L-W-L-W-LW-L . We can show  5 2 unit wins and 5 1 unit losses.

That is because:
WLWLWLWLWL will cause:
so 13-10=+3

Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.


With the first WIN you are up 2 units NOT only one unit.  The loss at the second spin reduces the win to one unit. At the  3 rd spin you win 2 units so you are up to 3 units.
( At this stage take your winnings  and leave)

For you information we are not   starting with 1 unit as our first bet but we are starting with 2 units. !!!


You are NEVER in the MINUS column at all.

I am not wasting my trime here . Figure it out yourself.

This method is  being played by a known to me  professional gambler for over 50 years   and he knows what he is  doing.Does not need the  correction of an amateur.

For  recreational purposes only Play at your own risk

Nathan Detroit


I agree, I missed that part and calculated wrongly. Actually, I personally use +2 and -1, starting with 1 as base unit and for your kind information, I am not an amaeture.
Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.


For  recreational purposes only Play at your own risk

This applies universally to whatever way you gamble. Every so called "system" or "MM" is within the domain of "probable loss".
Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.


For the ECs which is my favoured bet, I prefer a mild negative progression with regression, D'Alembert style. ECs outcomes tend to choppiness much of the time and as long as your bet selection is reasonable, you won't get into trouble. I used an oscar's grind style positive progression for a long time but just found it wasn't reliable enough because you can't count on the bunches of wins which are needed. A negative progression puts more on the winners than the losers and the regression "locks in" a win, whereas a positive progression puts more on the losers than the winners and locks in a loss - not what you want. An extended bad run can be managed by cutting back the stakes by as much as half if they get too high, rinse and repeat.


Both negative and positive progression has their respective limitations and none can help you really, in all cases. In practical situations, if someone likes to gamble still, mild negative progression is the only way to go.
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