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Why "Bet Selection"?

Started by VLS, October 03, 2012, 05:30:00 PM

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...Why "Bet Selection"?

Because this is the true quid of the matter in gambling.

You could have the best positive, negative, mixed, layered or compounding staking plan, but it isn't the true "engine" that fuels your game. It is only complementary.

The true "motor" of the gambling operation are your picks. Your bet selection.

What and *WHEN* to bet is where the smart bettor differentiates from the regular birthday numbers / chip scattering player.

It is where the smart gambler is bound to place the gross of his attention.

In our forum, we aim to put our main focus in Bet Selections, hence the name.

In here, our goal and mission is to help you find the best combination that suits you and improves your game the most.

Your success at the betting table is the utmost achievement for the site.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Absolutely so. This is the essence and the title is apt. Its all about the clarity and focus to enable the very most effective bets, and the timing as to when to apply that selection/ trap, and the timing of when to quit, most probably with profit, and a suitable sum.

Having affirmed that very rational position let me remind us all of the 'comedy of errors' we may witness at the casino while playing live. No such errors occur when testing or reviewing previous play.

The frailties of human nature are such that I can only emphasise repeat and repeat and repeat, as would the professional in any endeavour. Learn from the errors and bring to the table only your very best learned and trained behaviour. And when you do fall short simply pick yourself up and do it again, better next time. No self flagellation is needed. That is the way of nature, with a series of micro adjustments, and yes the occasional quantum leap.

Recently ( again) reading 'Deep Simplicity' and seeing the forces at work that adjust and improve, and also the mathematics of such wonderful change for adjustment and improvement 'on the edge of chaos'. It appears that on many levels, as with Fractal Patterns, there is a 'simplicity' which transcends all.

That is also where the most action is, just below the surface, or at the 'interface', in interaction.

More on this soon, and congratulations to Victor et al for establishing this Forum.

My preference is for simplicity in selection and application of bets and taking profits.

I will be specific soon and set up a suitable thread.



A very thoughtful response.  :thumbsup:

Looking forward to specifics and the proposed thread.

Blood Angel

I see this question on lots of forums and I must admit that I don't see that there is any other way except bet selection.
Without it we are may as well just throw our chips down as I see some others doing when I visit the casinos.
We may not get an edge by our bet selections, but at least we are following some sort of expectation with it (if we have tested it over a fairly large sample of spins).
I know Im drifting into "method" rather than bet selection here but I would rather have some kind of plan than nothing at all.
Luck happens when Preparation meets Opportunity.


Welcome, Blood!

As Ralph pointed out on cc, a human brain cannot produce random results.  So these people throwing down their chips are betting some sort of pattern even though they might no know it.  I saw a lady win handsomely one night and I asked her how she did it.  Birthdays.  Then ages of grandchildren.  Then anniversaries.  And so on.  Her bet selection was dynamic, moving all around the table.  Never the same bet twice.  She amazed some folks, myself included.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers

Blood Angel

Luck happens when Preparation meets Opportunity.


Dear all,

Bet = Aiming

Money management/progression = Force/Shoot

Shooting with accuracy hits the target.

Shooting without aiming, you need luck.

Aiming without shooting, brings you no where.

We need the right bet selection with a suitable money management.


NoBody ^.^