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Why betting on roulette?

Started by PDA, June 15, 2013, 10:21:18 PM

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Well, first of all since is one of my first posts let me introduce.

Peter, from Portugal 35 years old.

Been watching various roulette betting "methods" and they all end up at the same result.
In the long run, the is no profit.

Over and over we see more and more methods and "studies" or alternatives, but all of them (mostly discussed in this forum), give us nothing but losses in the long run.

So, my question is, what's the point?

The point might be....

1) Addictive mind trap
2) Stupidity
3) When winning (altough the long run gives us losses, there are methods where we have periods os profit) try to capitalize them in order to cover the long term losses

Is anyone with me?

1) is it truth that no method can beat the roulette?
2) is it truth that we can capitalize the "temporary profits"? - how?



This is the terse reply from your brother of Badajoz:

First of all welcome.

Friend Peter, these questions are asked every year in these forums, the answers are endless and generate very long debate and controversy.

From my humble point of view: there is no mechanical method to beat roulette, methods with fixed and rigid rules. For a method to work, you need luck and intuition. Maybe it's a little sad, but it is.

A greeting
Uno de Badajoz que pasaba por aquí.


Ok, so with no long answers or studies the truth is that no method can beat the roulette, but capitalizing the profits may change this situation?

How to capitalize?


and they all end up at the same result.

No, they don't!


You sound disillusioned.  While it is true no mechanical method will work 100% of the time, mechanical methods can be made to work.  This may sound like "old hat" but one has to learn "when to hold 'em" and "when to fold 'em" and things will look up.

How does one do this?

Through years of study and practice. 

There are times when things are going your way and you go with the flow.  Then it turns on you.  The idea is to get out with a profit and come back another day.  I play BetVoyager a lot.  While every number is generated just like every other number, there are times when you would swear you can't lose.  Then the flow changes and you couldn't buy a win.

The trick is to know when this is happening.  I don't think this can be taught.  winkel called it "gambler's intelligence". 

I also think there is a connecting we will never understand.  Sometimes it's just not your day.  No matter what you do, you will lose.  Switch to Back-A-Rat or BJ and you will still lose.  Your planets are not aligned!!  I know this sounds spooky (Voodoo) but when you've seen it as much as I have, you will come to believe.

There is a time to mow the yard, but be darn careful will the mower!!

Take it or leave it, but don't tell me I can't win.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Very well said Sam. Either you continuously win or continuously lose or alternate.  One who gambles should make every attempt to read this pattern in order to stay up. That's why tracking patterns of your bets is as important as tracking patterns on the table. 
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


I got that point Sam. As I said my suggestion was to try and capitalize those positive moments, and the respective profit, so that in the long term they can be higher than the the negative moments.

I´m a math person. I belive in math....so for me even knowing when to take the profit out and when to stop losing, in the long run there is life you´ll end up with a negative account there.

I found my self using the double street system and winning, losing, winning, losing.....now my ideia is to try and capitalize the winning periods in order to cover the losing ones.


I´ll try later to explain what i mean with capitalize, but i was thinking in something like this:

Imagine your playing double street system and at the 2nd or 3rd spin you get a profit of 4 units (you are on a good moment).
Why not start the next round of spins from zero but using those 4 units to cover the eventual loss?

Lets say spin one (no units) gives you the nº1.
I´ll bet 1 unit at 1st street right?
I´d say bet that 1 unit at street one, plus 2 units at 2nd 12´s and 3rd 12´s?
With this you may have 3 situations:

1) 2nd spin hits 1st street and your profit is 2 (6 - 4), but added to the initial 4, you get 6.
2) 2nd spin hits 2nd or 3rd 12´s and your profit is 1 (2X3 = 4 - 2 - 1 = 1) and still you continue to 2n spin at this round but without losing the 1st unit betted.
3) 2nd spin hits 1st 12´s but not 1st street....bad luck, you loss the initial profit of 4 and continue the spins of the system

You cover nearly 90% of the chances....or am i wrong?

3rd spin and you got chance situation 2...you will have it even more capitalized as you have streets on two differente 12´s, and one of them is also covered by those 2 (from the capitalized 4), so if it hits the street....you win the street profit and the 12´s profit.



Definitely .... :o  Peter.

In your post #6, U started of talking about Double Street System, then move on to Streets!

Which are U meaning.
I do wish we would ALL stick to one terminology, as in:- Streets are Streets.......... and Double Streets are Lines.
(would make for a simpler life!)

I think what U are trying to elude to, is making an erosion bank, as Great Grampa showed us in his
Epic Master Class Film from 2013, is this link....

Here he shows us all what we should be doing with our BR, for the professional approach to Roulette playing.

In essence, there is something for your pocket that the casino can not take away, something for the next game, and something for a unexpected event later! ;)

Perhaps U could have a look at it.

In reality tho, even when U take a slice of NEW profit, and set aside for a future loss....that loss will come, sure as eggs are eggs.
Even bots lose now and again, but their (making them sound like a real person! lol) beauty is, that they can be programmed with a very low threshold of Stop Loss, and then reset.....it really is the future.
Then, esp with BetVoyager True RNG, is U come into the game with fresh numbers, and try again.
Maybe another avenue for U to look into.......
as there are so many systems/methods U can try at your chosen Casino............
U just change the Excel sheet that the bot is calling on for its instructions.
Like changing the Card Reader in a CNC machine......it then make the next component.  :)

(New Excel sheets, with new methods, are being made every day,
and soon, U could have a New Sheet for every day of the year.)


PDA why do you continue if you lose your money, i would not continue doing what i am doing if i was losing money.


Sorry. I was actually talking about double streets. Ill try to make an excel out of my ideia and post it in the right sectoon...



So I tested 30 Spins (i know its very few but my time lacks) going to post the results now in the Streets system.

318% more profit with mt method rather than just simple double street.

51% increase in Bank with 30 spins...


Pls insert a Link to  your New Post on the same subject.


(Oh...........I have done it for u!)



PDA  (Does that stand for "Pretty Darned Angry"?

Whether anyone chooses to believe it or not, this account started with a deposit of 200 Euro.  Dublin gave us a bonus of 100 Euro so 300 bank to start.  I have doubled that playing .10 per bet on singles and 1.00 on ECs.  That's a lot of bets won.  A lot was lost, so I'm on my way to clearing the bonus requirement.

Now, will I double the 600?  I honestly believe I will.  If you honestly thought you were going to lose, why would you even play?

This has been several methods, one of which is the one posted by Atlantis on the "other" forum.  It is so good, I will post it here.

When RO or BE comes, bet High and the number 3 line.
When BO or RE comes, bet Low and the number 4 line.
On your first bet, put 2 units on the EC an 1 on the line.
For each loss raise the bet one chip on the EC.
For each double loss (LL) raise the bet one chip on the line and the EC.
The goal is to win 3 units.  When you win 3, start over.

You track one and only one spin with this and that is the first spin.  After that, you always have a bet.  If zero comes, just add the appropriate amount and rebet.  Just don't get bored and fall asleep.

Now, here's what you do.  Log onto Dublin in fun mode and test it a few hours.  Will it go down?  Yes, it will.  You will get a run of losers and you'll ask, "Geez, how many times can that empty dozen hit?"  But you will get a run of winners (you're covering 24 numbers) and you'll get out of the hole.

The most I've been down is about 50 Euro playing 1 Euro per bet.

All of you who try this and make money with it should thank Atlantis.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Winning in all probability is not possible by any mechanical or non-mechanical approach. Similarly, winning in every session is also not possible with any mechanical or non-mechanical approach but one can win in most of them (i.e. upon a variety of probabilities). Gambling can never be absolutely risk-free but you can still win more and lose less.
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