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Gizmotron you around?

Started by alrelax, August 02, 2024, 03:41:19 PM

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Well, I don't know what to say.  Every once in awhile I email Gizmotron (Mark) and ask if he is okay.  Awhile back I got a short answer of yes, but not writing any longer on forums. 

I have not heard from him in quite awhile so this morning I emailed him and received this back:

"Address not found
Your message wasn't delivered to g1234567@...........com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail."

I called his cell phone number and it says, "I'm sorry the person you called has a voice mail box not set up yet", with no ring tones.  My experience is those are phone numbers either out of order or not assigned yet by the cellular company that controls them. 

Anyways, we had our share of drama and fights for well over a decade plus between the two of us.  Mark is a great guy 24/7!  Hope all is well!
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Re: Gizmotron
I don't know him /never played with him. He has alot of fine posts, IMO.

I've reviewed many of his posts. However, since I have never focused as much time on roulette (vs Bac) I didn't take the time to discuss with him.
He is vague on some of his approach (Maybe on purpose as many + players choose not to embellish 100% of the recipe to their "secret sauce"). However, he offers enough that one can still glean some of his approach. Just my opinion.

I play Bac(and a little roulette) with an octogenarion that is probably the only person I know that has successfully made a living playing roulette. He knows Gizmo and communicated with him in the past. He has played with him and knows one of his family members. He has said "gizmo knows some stuff" about roulette and considers his writings helpful.

Personally, I am not 100% clear on exactly how Gizmo plays but find his posts worthy of further study.

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