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Overcome the Chimp

Started by Gizmotron, May 05, 2017, 02:20:53 PM

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Kimo Li

Later that evening, I played again.
In 6 minutes, this is how much I made.
"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li


Quote from: Kimo Li on June 12, 2017, 08:35:59 PM
Can your Global Effect do this?

I don't need help being honest. There's not a person here that can help me do that.

The global effect is like having 90% of your bets win for a stretch from 30 to 90 spins or longer in a single stretch. Do the math. With $25 straight up bets placed on 24 numbers per spin, with a win rate of 90% at $300 for each win and $600 for each loss you end up with $-5400 in losses, $24,300 in winnings, for a net win of $18,900. If you were to use $100 bets that would end up being a net win of $75,600.

I'm just trying to give away something that works.

There are people in this world that think that any pet set of numbers are more important than any other set or grouping. It is only at times that these special grouping have value, like the global effect or the perfect pattern. Domination of singles, doubles, or sleepers only add to the fact that these characteristics are far more important than any arbitrary shape formed by locations on the wheel.


Kimo Li

I walk the walk.
Here is my first session on May 19, 2017 at the Palazzo.
"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li


Nice Winnings Kimo Li - that is hard core :-)



Quote from: Sputnik on June 13, 2017, 08:21:13 AM
Nice Winnings Kimo Li - that is hard core :-)


I wonder what the buy-ins were? This gives new meaning to cherry picking possibilities. These images are subjective at best. I'm surprised that they were offered as evidence. Where's the Good Housekeeping Approval sticker? Are they UL approved?

Kimo Li

Thanks for the kind words Sputnik.


Buy ins for InterBlock was 100.00, 40.00, 40.00, 100.00, 40.00

Palazzo, 1,000.00

Here's the irony, Base 10, number ending in 7, "magical groupings."
Total bets, 1,000.00.

200.00 straight up on 17, surrounded by four 100.00 splits, won.
100.00 straight up on 27, surrounded by three 100.00 splits, lost.

400 times 35 equals 14,000.00 minus 2 more spins and tip equals chip porn.

Here's the approval: KISS

"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li


Kimo Li,

How do your methods fare on RRS wheels?

Kimo Li

Hi Mike,

My method fares well with RRS wheels.
The changing of wheel speed and ball speed can be quite a challenge.
But, it can be overcome.

"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li


I just did a round trip to the casino with 700 miles of driving and 5 hours of live play. The new method of charting works perfectly. I had no distractions because I had nothing to look at. I stayed focused on my 12 sets of dozens and the four groupings.


With regards to our resident narcissist and his latest PM: "remember gizo---you promised  (PROMISED TO ALL) to quit gambling!!!!!!!!!!!

I am on the verge of quitting. But, now that I have discovered the source of my focus issues, a discovery made after I thought I was done, it would be stupid to quit now. I'm giving it one more chance. It's my 30 year effort to master the characteristics of randomness with regards to Roulette. My efforts go back to 1996 when I began to write computer sims in order to discover the nature of randomness. Nobody showed me these characteristics. Nobody segregated them or identified them in specific detail. They called it following the trend or "the trend is your friend."

In a few weeks you will have your answer. There is no point in continuing gambling if I can't overcome my own demons. I sure don't need to hold court in residence preaching to people things I can't do myself. Everything is here at this website. There is no need to go on boring people by regurgitating the same old concepts and techniques. I don't have a need to hear the sound of my own voice. I wanted the information published, and it is. You will hear one of two messages from me regarding gambling. One would be that I'm continuing and that things are working out to the point that it is worth it. The other message would be that I'm quitting gambling because I can't keep it together when I'm at a casino.

I don't care about damaged individuals that have so much to deal with that all I can do is feel sorry for them. I can live without gambling and without posting on gambling forums. I just want to be real with myself. So what if I'm a failure or not. Does that make anyone of you and your lives better? Most normal people here don't give a damn about how others really do. They are looking for a usable advantage discovered somewhere in these discussions. To this day I have never heard of another person seeing and taking advantage of an Elegant Pattern, that's a perfect reoccurring pattern for those that don't know it. With so many gamblers in this world I'm fascinated that this one thing has gone on for so long. Elegant Patterns, Global Effect, Sleeping Dozens, swarms of singles in series, and the Effectiveness States are all my legacy. They are terms that I made up to describe conditions of opportunity.

If I quit gambling, these concepts, no matter what they are called or how they are described, will one day put an end to the way that table games in casinos are played. It does not matter that the discoveries were made by a person that could not keep the focus required to take advantage in the first place. But I'm giving it one more real, last chance. You might say that I'm just trying to be real with situational awareness.


Great, I will swing by Joe's and the Blueberry Almond Joy donuts will be on me!  By the way, please divulge your 'secret method' only 2 people on earth know!  Please, all the roulette players want to make millions and millions of dollars!  Maybe you can get together with an author and write a book??
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Quote from: alrelax on June 21, 2017, 01:16:18 PM
Great, I will swing by Joe's and the Blueberry Almond Joy donuts will be on me!  By the way, please divulge your 'secret method' only 2 people on earth know!  Please, all the roulette players want to make millions and millions of dollars!  Maybe you can get together with an author and write a book??

It's actually 5 people as pointed out by the author TurboGenius. 4 of us came together to discover why the "Turbo Effect" actually worked. You will have to go back to that forum that doesn't put up with your BS to get that context.

I always love it when a narcissist runs to his/her safe zone in a fantasy world inside of a fantasy world. The only thing I want from your donuts is the empty hole.

I disagree with you. Now go ahead and try to figure that out.  ???


This is as good a place as any. IT WORKS! I've done it. ... and I'm done posting too. I've mastered my method, posted how to think about it all over places on the BetSelection forum. It took 11 years plus a decade more to figure it out. I had to deal with my own issues of keeping my focus on the target. There was trial and error and invention all along the way.

There is no need to post anything more. I'm not needed in discussions supporting my methods or in arguing against them. I like it just the way that it is. I also like the fact that Vic let me publish my findings here.

May you all succeed where you have made the effort to succeed. Beating a casino is a thought experiment. It's a war against the chemical reactions associated with pleasure or in keeping your logic. It's in understanding the low expectations of soft bigotry. It's in knowing what normal is in all it's wild capacities. It's in sterilizing yourself from massive streaks of losses. It's in knowing when to quit. It's in knowing when to quit while you are ahead.

It is my belief that people stay with these forums in order to find a secret that makes the difference. They stay out of habit even after finding enough that works for them, one way or an other. I've had to go through a self discipline problem for the past three years. I've done that now.

I've shown far more than I should have. Yet, to my astonishment, it goes on baffling just about everybody. I'm not one to flog a dead horse for those that can't see it. It's here, I'm done, and I'm gone.

Goodbye to all,


The Crow

Goodbye Mark,

Welcome to my world. You finally made it.

The Crow


Just curious, this is the chimp you are referring to, no?

Bubbles (gambling and card playing chimpanzee)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bubbles Bubbles the chimpanzee.jpg
Bubbles being held in Michael Jackson's arm
Species    Common chimpanzee
Sex    Male
Born    April 30, 1983 (age 34)[1]
Austin, Texas, United States[1]
Notable role    Companion animal, occasional actor[1]
Known for    One-time companion animal of American recording artist Michael Jackson[1]
Owner    Michael Jackson
Centre for Great Apes 2005-present
Weight    160 lb (73 kg)[2] - 170 lb (77 kg)[1]

Bubbles (born April 30, 1983) is a common chimpanzee, known for being the one-time companion animal of American recording artist Michael Jackson, who bought the primate from a Texas research facility in the early 1980s. The animal was a frequent travel companion to the singer, whose attachment to the animal led to media mockery and, among other factors, a public perception of Jackson as eccentric. During the Bad world tour, for example, Jackson brought Bubbles with him to Japan, where they both drank tea with the mayor of Osaka.

Bubbles was initially kept at the Jackson family's home in Encino, Los Angeles, but was moved to Neverland Ranch in 1988. There, he slept in a crib in Jackson's bedroom, used the singer's toilet and ate candy in the Neverland movie theater. By 2003, like many captive chimpanzees, Bubbles had matured into a large and aggressive adult chimp unsuitable as a companion animal. He was sent to a California animal trainer. When the trainer closed his operation in 2004, Bubbles was moved to the Center for Great Apes, a sanctuary in Wauchula, Florida, where he has lived since 2005.


Bubbles was born in early 1983 in an Austin, Texas research facility that bred primates for animal testing.[1][3] There are conflicting reports as to how he came into Jackson's possession. Multiple reports state that Jackson had Bubbles bought for him when the chimpanzee was eight months old. The acquisition was said to have been supervised by Bob Dunn, then one of Hollywood's most famous suppliers and trainers of animals for films, photoshoots and advertisements.[1][4][5]
Life at Neverland Ranch

Bubbles was kept at the Jackson family's Encino home until 1988 when he was moved to Jackson's newly acquired Neverland Ranch.[6] There, Bubbles slept in a crib in the singer's bedroom,[7] ate candy in the Neverland movie theater,[8] was fed at the dining table,[7] wore a diaper, and relieved himself in Jackson's personal toilet.[8][9]

At Jackson's 2005 People v. Jackson trial, jurors learned from a videotaped interview with Jackson that his several chimpanzees would help him with housekeeping chores. "They run around, help me clean the room. They help me dust, clean the window," Jackson stated. At the same trial, Jackson's maids testified that they were not impressed with the behavior of the chimpanzees that the singer had kept over the years. One housekeeper told of how she had to clean up feces hurled at the bedroom wall. Another maid described a chimpanzee called Max tearing off his diaper before crawling into Jackson's bed.[9]
Media mockery
The public perception of what Michael is as a human being has been highly exaggerated. Those articles are hard for me to relate to. For instance, Bubbles is more fun than a lot of people I know. I saw Bubbles at a wedding in a tux. He has great table manners.
Quincy Jones.[10]

Jackson's attachment to Bubbles drew media mockery. For instance, the media reported that the chimpanzee would be the ringbearer at Elizabeth Taylor's October 6, 1991 Neverland Ranch wedding. The report was not true, but was, according to The New York Times, "an idea that some newspapers found too delightful not to report."[11] Bubbles' companionship was a source of comfort to Jackson and formed, writes journalist Steve Huey, a public perception of Jackson as a "bizarre eccentric, obsessed with recapturing his childhood."[12][13][14] "This is when the weirdness began to reach mythic proportions," wrote Robert Thompson, a professor of popular culture at Syracuse University.[15]

Jackson and Bubbles' bond, as well as Jackson's other alleged eccentricities, contributed to the media epithet "Wacko Jacko," a nickname Jackson came to despise.[13] The media often focused on Bubbles, rather than on Jackson's music, and published many false stories regarding the animal, such as the allegation that Bubbles was not a single ape, but one of several.[16][17] A later claim suggested that Bubbles had died; Jackson's press agent Lee Solters quipped to the media that "when Bubbles heard about his demise he went bananas ... Like Mark Twain, his death is grossly exaggerated and he's alive and doing well."[18][19] Another story, reported in The National Enquirer, claimed that Prince, Jackson's longtime rival, had used extrasensory perception to turn Bubbles crazy. "What kind of sicko would mess with a monkey?" Jackson was reported to have asked. "This is the final straw. Poor, poor Bubbles." Jackson found the story hilarious, and his staff reported that they had never seen the singer laugh so much.[20]
Late 1980s
A headshot of a man wearing a blue baseball cap and red shirt. He has long black hair and is smiling towards the camera.
Michael Jackson had Bubbles accompany him throughout the late 1980s.

The late 1980s were a busy period for Bubbles. Jackson took him on outings and would often talk to him. According to reports, he later showed him how to moonwalk.[21] Bubbles had an agent and was rumoured to have his own bodyguard.[7][22] He sat in for the recording of the Bad album— Jackson insisted that Bubbles and Jackson's pet snake attend as spectators—and accompanied Jackson for the filming of the "Bad" music video.[7][23][24] In the short film for "Liberian Girl", Bubbles made a cameo appearance.[25] When the Bad world tour began in September, 1987, he and Jackson shared a two-bedroom hotel suite in Tokyo.[7] During the tour, Bubbles and Jackson made a social visit to the Mayor of Osaka, Yasushi Oshima; there, Bubbles drank Japanese green tea while seated quietly next to Jackson. Oshima commented that he and his fellow officials were "surprised to see the chimpanzee, but we understand he is [Michael's] good friend ... This is the first time an animal ever entered City Hall."[26][27] Though allowed to travel to Japan, Bubbles was unable to enter Britain and Sweden due to strict quarantine laws.[28][29] Jackson also brought Bubbles for tea at Elizabeth Taylor's house. Taylor did not mind the fact that Jackson had brought a chimpanzee.[30] Later, at a party to celebrate and promote Bad, Bubbles reportedly "worked the room" and was "the life of the party".[7]

Around this time, Bubbles and Jackson were photographed by Kenny Rogers for his book, Your Friends and Mine. The photo shows Bubbles held on Jackson's hip, and has been cited as one of the best taken of Jackson.[by whom?] In the black and white photograph, Bubbles is dressed casually in a long sleeved shirt and overalls. Jackson is also dressed casually; he wears jeans and a simple shirt.[31] Rogers said: "Bubbles was so human it was almost frightening. He would take Christopher [Rogers' son] by the hand, walk over to the refrigerator, open it, take out a banana and hand it to him. Christopher was amazed... we all were."[31]
An aerial shot of a large ranch. Trees surround several huts and buildings on the barren property.
Neverland Ranch served as the home of Bubbles, until he became too aggressive to live with the Jackson family.

In a 2003 documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, the singer revealed to journalist Martin Bashir that Bubbles had become overly pugnacious.[32] He was removed to an animal sanctuary over fears he might attack Jackson's newborn son, Prince Michael II.[nb 1][34] Jackson subsequently bought two more baby chimpanzees, Max and Action Jackson; the public believed these two chimpanzees were also Bubbles.[1] Bubbles' removal was a source of regret for the musician, who stated that the animals could live for up to 60 years. During the interview, Bashir was also told of how Jackson had planned to hold a "celebrity animal party" for Bubbles. Cheeta, the chimpanzee from Tarzan, Benji and Lassie were to be invited.[35] Bubbles was relocated to Bob Dunn's ranch in Sylmar, California.[4][36] "Bubbles is an adult chimp and a wild animal," Dunn stated at the time. "We don't let him out to play."[36] According to CNN, the chimpanzee would be visited by Jackson and his children, who also played with the other animals while at the Californian ranch.[36] "He still acts like a kid around them", Dunn added, referring to the musician.[36] The Washington Times, however, claimed Bubbles was not visited by Jackson, despite the singer's representative stating beforehand that the entertainer would like to meet with the animal again.[37] Shortly afterward, in December 2003, it was claimed that Bubbles had attempted suicide.[nb 2][42][43] The chimpanzee was supposedly taken to a hospital in time to be saved.[43]

Since the closure of Dunn's facility in 2004, Bubbles has been kept at the Center for Great Apes in Wauchula, Florida, where he is said to enjoy painting and listening to flute music.[4] The center for apes, where the annual care for each animal costs around $17,000 as of 2009, also houses 41 other chimpanzees and orangutans.[2][4] Patti Ragan, director for the Center for Great Apes, commented on the animals' daily routine at the sanctuary. "They relax. They take naps together. They might go up in the top of the cupola. They go out in the chutes and lie under a tree in the tunnel system. They groom each other and they fight and they have arguments, too."[4] According to animal keepers at the center, the 160 pound (73 kg) Bubbles—whose facial features have changed since his time with Jackson—is now "huge and ugly" but has a "sweet character".[2][3] The ape now spends most of his time sitting quietly in trees with his best friend Sam, a 40-year-old chimpanzee.[2]
Death of Michael Jackson

On June 25, 2009, Jackson died at the age of 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest.[44] News organizations reported that Bubbles was not brought to the singer's memorial service, but instead stayed at the Center for Great Apes.[2] It has not been revealed whether Jackson left money to support Bubbles, whose care, to date, has been paid for from public donations.[3] Animal trainer Dunn, speaking to the News of the World, stated that the chimpanzee would miss Jackson.[42] "Bubbles definitely missed him when they parted and will miss him now. Chimpanzees are intelligent. They remember people and stuff. Bubbles and Michael were close friends and playmates. The last time Michael visited, Bubbles definitely recognized and remembered him."[nb 3][42] He revealed that Bubbles was thought of by the singer as his first child, and added that he hoped Jackson's children would keep in touch with their "stepbrother" following their father's death.[42] In 2010, La Toya visited Bubbles at the Center for Great Apes in Florida.[46]

Jackson launched Michael's Pets, a range of soft toys based upon the animals the singer owned, in November 1986. The toys consisted of a frog, dog, rabbit, snake, ostrich, giraffe, llama and Bubbles the chimp. Jackson also appeared, as a bear wearing sunglasses and a fedora.[47] "He [Jackson] was very instrumental in designing the toys", said Bob Michaelson, who was responsible for developing them.[47] "He was very instrumental in how it should be programmed... he's got tremendous intuition."[47] Jackson, in approving the toys, stipulated that the manufacturers donate $1 per sale to a children's charity.[48]
Porcelain sculpture by Jeff Koons

In 1988, Jeff Koons made the three identical porcelain sculptures Michael Jackson and Bubbles as part of his Banality exhibit.[49] At the time, each sculpture was said to be worth $250,000.[50] Koons once said of the pop star, "If I could be one other living person, it would probably be Michael Jackson."[49] The art piece became one of Koons' best known works.[51] The figure shows Jackson and the chimpanzee wearing gold military-style suits.[49] In 2001, one of the figures was put up for auction and was expected to fetch between $3 million and $4 million.[52] The figure sold to an anonymous telephone bidder for $5.6 million.[49][53] The sale was a record for a work by Koons.[54] Two of the sculptures are housed at The Broad Contemporary Art Museum in downtown Los Angeles and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

The Daily Telegraph reported in August 2009 that Bubbles was to publish a "tell-all memoir" about his time with Michael Jackson. The book—entitled Bubbles: My Secret Diary, From Swaziland to Neverland—is a spoof diary by journalist John Blake.[55] The book fictionally documents the "darker aspects" of Bubbles' life, including a "$2,000-a-day banana addiction, depression, romantic conquests, and [his] 'vicious rivalry' with Tarzan star Cheeta".[55] The "collection of very personal and honest entries from [Bubbles'] diary" fictitiously revealed how the chimpanzee coped with the death of Jackson. The publication was released in October 2009.[55] Speaking of Bubbles, Blake stated:

Behind his seemingly-perfect life of glamorous friends, gold-plated tyre swings, and personal chefs, there is a dark history of medical experiments, addiction and loss. But Bubbles has fought against his personal and professional problems and, with his help of man-pet Michael Jackson, he has grown to become bigger than King Kong—figuratively speaking.[55]
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com