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The "mathBoyz" are wrong and so is the Einstein quote about Roulette

Started by Gizmotron, June 01, 2018, 01:14:11 PM

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Quote from: Jimske on June 03, 2018, 02:29:08 PM
Good criteria about problem gambling!  Thanks.  How about including not following a preset plan?  Include making bets higher than the method requires (I am guilty of that on occasion).  I call that plunging or tilting.  Included would be staying longer than expected.  Stuff like that.  Disicpline.

I never said that the people that came up with this actual diagnoses tool ever really understood any type of gambling strategies. In fact they know about as much as an excited newbie that just discovered the power of the Martingale. They deal with people that are crashing or about to crash. What's the funniest about this is not in recognizing that a person has problems but that the only advice that they ever give is that "you can't win." They pull some kind of statistical house's advantage spiel. Then assume that this was so convincing that any further discussion is moot. That doesn't cure anything. It hasn't helped us wackos for decades, yet I doubt that there are that many problem gamblers here as classified by the DSM-5. Your suggestions about actual causes for failure, or problem gambling's causes is a great point. I have failed to influence the mental health industry in getting therapists to actually make a more convincing argument concerning expectations. I fear that all they end up doing is degrading the client and angering them. That's a bad way to start and a great way to get the client to stop listening.


Quote from: Mike on June 03, 2018, 07:24:28 AM
I know, but my replies aren't really for Gizmo. And besides, he's admitted he has a "problem" with gambling. I'm proud to be one of the "mathboyz".  :P



"I know you are but what am I." -- that's it? Yikes. Are you enjoying the implication of the other thread? They completely impeach decades of accepted thought in that discussion. Your edge argument just dried up and died on the vine. It's fun to see a good logical argument refute past dogma. You can no longer demagogue your saintly position. Your tower is crumbling. nanner nanner nanner  :no:


Quote from: Gizmotron on June 04, 2018, 12:50:47 PM
"I know you are but what am I." -- that's it? Yikes. Are you enjoying the implication of the other thread? They completely impeach decades of accepted thought in that discussion. Your edge argument just dried up and died on the vine. It's fun to see a good logical argument refute past dogma. You can no longer demagogue your saintly position. Your tower is crumbling. nanner nanner nanner  :no:

I remember several downfalls and negative "such and such's" someone named Mark admitted and faced and it was on this board, no?  Which to me, for whatever it is worth to anyone else, awards huge credibility, credence and experience(s) of great value from the Yale or Harvard equivalent of the 'University of Hard Knocks & Value'.  Double period.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Quote from: alrelax on June 04, 2018, 12:54:55 PM
I remember several downfalls and negative "such and such's" someone named Mark admitted and faced and it was on this board, no?  Which to me, for whatever it is worth to anyone else, awards huge credibility, credence and experience(s) of great value from the Yale or Harvard equivalent of the 'University of Hard Knocks & Value'.  Double period.

I've not forgetting my failures. I remember almost all of them. I've moved away from needing 20 to 40 big wins in order to have a winning session or day gambling. I know that just 2 net wins resulting in 3 units won is enough for me now. So far it works. Still waiting for that eventual crash that makes the (must have an edge group) so stalwart. Added to my technique was the realization that I should try these micro movement tactics on even chance bets and no longer chart the dozens anymore. You know that quote "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment." I have had a problem with self control that I now self regulate thru discipline. Many here would relate to it as MM. It could be that alone but it is massively improved by situational awareness and improved bet selection.

You know that the human factor is the real culprit in gambling issues. It's all throughout your writings. I have played a strategy that descending does not matter because the upward kill sequence will disintegrate the draw down. It's a bad tactic for me. I know others on this forum use it, even now. Perhaps they just do it better than me? I don't care. I was a mediocre top level rock climber for my period in that sport. I was one of the very best extreme skiers in the world. I just never put any of it on film. To get good at just those two things I had to fail a lot. And I did. That is why I'm not afraid to admit that I failed at my previous strategy and was very close to quitting gambling. But to have an obnoxious participant here thrive on punkish remarks by attempting to throw this back at me only demonstrates his obvious blind spot. I like seeing this guy in his regimented world of limited introspect. He has boxed himself in and controls all that is in his self made safe zone. He reminds me of Snowman from GG.


You know Mark, I have done a lot of varied things in my 40 years as an adult, or so.  You read lots of my writings, here and elsewhere, I would only assume.  Reading what you just wrote, over a cup of fresh coffee---my buddy from New York City is here with me right now as well.  The one I occasional gamble with, whom is a 30 year +retired Vet of law enforcement.  We were both young Metro Dade Police Officers in the early Miami Vice days in South Florida.  We both went to the police academy together and we were both high school friends.  Both of us resigned from Metro-Dade the sign day and we both moved to New York City from there.  He stayed into law enforcement with the NYPD and I went off into other things.

He was ultimately the Arnold Schwarzenegger of the NYPD along with a handful of others, no doubt.  But being on Truck 1 in Manhattan, ESU (Emergency Service Unit, SWAT and more) he retired with a chest full of medals, in fact he has so many--there is no way could wear them all on his full dress blues at one time, seriously.  I admire him in many ways, but when we both wound up in a rural part of the Midwest within 30 miles of each other a few years ago, without any communication or knowledge of each other's relocation to the present locale we are residing in, it blew our minds.  He told me a while back, about his transformation, realization and love of having a 10+ acres hobby horse farm, ATV's, motorcycles, dune buggies, horses and the ability to ride down a dirt road, no helmet, no cars, a beer in hand, doing twice the speed limit posted somewhere, and if he just happens to spot one of the 5 Sheriif's on patrol in the county, he waves to them and they salute him.  This is a guy that loved to propel off buildings, cut through traffic in Manhattan, side swipe a vehicle while proceeding to a '10-13' (officer shot or down or hostage situation, etc.) and work 48 hours without going home or sleeping, etc., etc.  A guy that would grab a soda and a slice of pizza on a busy intersection corner, telling his dispatcher he is caught in traffic before proceeding to the next call because he was having stomach cramps from not eating for 15 hours or so.  Playing baccarat with him is another experience and experience beyond the 14 player tables I played on in Atlantic City for decades.

Like wise, I done many things of varied nature since leaving partnership with him at Metro-Dade back in the extreme late 70's and early 80's.  At times I do kind of wish I did not do some of them and other times, I love everything I did, experienced and was involved in.  When I actually do deduce down and really give thought to it, I do not actually regret anything I did or did not do (to the point of resentment and dwelling or throwing up road blocks, etc.)--because  I simply do not think my life could have been more exciting, valuable or memorable than what I actually lived and experienced.   I am whom I am and I usually do not get involved with what most say, "I wish I never did that", or "My life sucked and I wish I could have had the chance to do 'so and so' or 'such and such' or something along those lines", etc. 

The 'human factor'......................Yes Sir, not just gambling, but in everything.  Like that little 5 year old carbon copy of myself in the posting I wrote the other day, my little boy.  How I channel the tangibles to him and giving him every single thing I never ever had or was not available when I/we were kids.  Seeing that smile, getting that hug, having him wrap those arms around me and say, "Daddy, you are the greatest and I am not just kidding you", stuff like that is a terrific way to continue in my upcoming 60's.  Especially after that little kid saying a couple of months ago, "Daddy, no more birthdays for you"!  I asked him why?  He says, "Because with every birthday you get older and then one day in 20 or 30 years you have to die and I never want you to do that, Okay--so no more birthdays for you from now on".  That's myself right there and my fuel for most everything I do, playing baccarat or otherwise. 

The 'failures'....................Yeah, we all had them, just some of us (a whole lot) will not say what they were or recognize them or in fact, use them for their own benefit.  Because, I do something and profit from it in whatever way, shape or form, does not mean it is worthless, senseless, does not really exist, etc., or exclusive or mine only.  But for others to come in and say, 'That does not exist, wrong or you are lying' usually means, jealousy, failure, etc., of their own mind and protocols/believes, or just plain resentment of someone doing something 'successfully or profitably' that they tried and failed at for whatever real reasoning.  Such as, someone that tried what I am successful at or enjoy and they are not and hate or causes them grief.  I do the same thing but with refinement to make it work for myself, that they fail to notice, see, observe or explore, touch and witness for themselves before making their statements, that they declare facts back up by 'such and such', etc.  Gambling related and/or otherwise. 
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com