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Wagering with or Against others

Started by alrelax, May 06, 2019, 02:07:30 PM

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The following was posted by Lungyeh, in another thread:

There have been countless discussions about systems based approaches, trends, anti trends, dragon repeat, dragon jump (BPBPBP...) etc.

I had an interesting discussion with several gamers recently as to an approach which has won one practitioner S$1mil per year for 2 years running now.

This guys spends 4-5 hours a day in the casino walking around looking for a noisy busy table. Baccarat tables are normally busy in Asian based casinos due to the popularity of the game. He finds a table and watches for a lead customer on a roll ie making unfathomable winning hands. He merely follows with a S$1k bet and once awhile S$2k. He wins 3-4 bets and leaves making S$3-4k per day. No fuss no stress. No system.

One could also find a losing customer who loses no matter what he bets. We just bet opposite to his bets. I am not a proponent of this schadenfreude approach and I find no joy in this practice and do not recommend.

But following the winning bets of a customer on a roll sounds good and less stressful.

And yes, I totally agree.  I have written about this and most things that go along with it, emotions, winning no matter what the person wagers on, losing no matter what the person wagers on, etc.  It all affects the atmosphere of those sitting at the table.

No matter what anyone says, a table of screaming people winning stacks of chips equivalent to most any ones weekly pay check or take from a business within 30 to 90 seconds at a clip, is powerful.  That is a given.  Coupled with occurring hand after hand after hand.

Like wise, the complete opposite.  Losing.  Extremely powerful as well,  Although a miserable aura and heart wrenching feelings abound, especially when you know the people or have played with them for some time, even worse.   

There are players at a table that will very obviously wager very clearly opposite of what some are doing and there are other players that will also wager with those, especially the larger wagering bets being made.  Both have an effect on many people, maybe not all, but most.  I generally do not wager against people, I have if I see something else that leads me that way, but rarely have I for just that sole reason.  On the other hand, I have solely wagered with other players, which I call getting sucked in, for the sole reason of their wager.  Seldom is it a small wager or just asking someone what side to wager on, etc. 

Many things at the bac table as I have mentioned in my long rants and threads, etc., have pointed these things out.  Yes, there are many side ways things that come into play for various reasons I believe we all have, no matter if that is columns, roads, guessing, past experiences, things other players are saying and doing, etc. 

If someone can limit themselves to something such as Lungyeh stated above, it simplifies the game enormously.  However, there very well might be a downfall to that as well.  Can that person looking for a happy/joyous table with a certain caliber of winning player or even a losing one with the player destined in his mind to lose, and place your larger wager accordingly always maintain their winnings and consistently rely on that as the sole source of their betting reason(s).  A few wagers, quick and simple.  A nice possible protocol?

Can that be replicated into its own game plan and schedule for others to count on?  But do it too much and the tables turn, which they always will in the game of bac.

Brings one player to mind I watched for years.  Always came with the same amount of money.  $600.00.  Always bought in for $300.00 once or twice.  Once if he won and twice if he lost.  His wagers were always the same.  I can not tell you why he wagered on what he did, he never spoke to anyone.  But it was clear what he was doing.  He was betting on the opposite side when everyone was all heavy wagering on one side, but never the first time the table wagered on that one side after the guy got there and bought in. He would put the $300.00 on the opposite side and if won he would do it one additional time with a full parlay.  His goal was to wager to win $900.00.  He never played more than the $600.00 once a week and he almost never played past obtaining $900.00 if he won.  I might have seen him wager once more on rare occasion.  I just remember this player now that Lungyeh wrote what he did.

I see many wager small amounts and much larger amounts with that purpose.  I have just never seen anyone that decisively did it without wagering anything else or playing a longer time, with the exception of that one person.   

Fact is, anything is possible and anything can win in Bac for a few hands within a shoe.     
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 36,311 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 36,311 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com