Forums => Roulette Forum => Even chance => Topic started by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on February 04, 2018, 04:52:04 PM

Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on February 04, 2018, 04:52:04 PM
Hi to all who remember me and hi to those who don't know me yet.

Well its been 5 years since I was on this forum. I still play PATTERN BREAKER. But with some tweaks which made it even stronger and more profitable.

The revised system rules

(1)--You track ALL THREE even chances at the same time, instead of focusing on just one like I once did. The advantages of this are a slightly higher strikerate. And faster game qualification.

(2)--The first even chance to deliver the 8th pattern is your bet.

(3)--You proceed to bet against the 8th pattern using the classic 1-2-4 progression.

(4)--You stop at a win or of course a loss.

(5)--Optional and something I recommend is to cover Zero at least the last step of the progression. So if my progression was 5--10--20. I would bet 5--10--22--(2 on zero).

(6)--I play no more than 5 to 10 games in a calendar day. I know there's been this argument forever that hit and run makes no difference in the sea of variance. But its worked for me for years. Securing an average strikerate of 10--1 to 12--1. And by allowing random to now choose your bet for you. This has improved to an average of 13 to 15 to 1.

(7)--I always play my first game of the day as my banker bet. As it has an outstanding strikerate of over 20--1. I bet 3 times as much on this first game. As the ones that follow.

(8)--To give you some idea how good this first game is. So far this year I've only lost 1 game. So im running at a strikerate of 34--1 so far. Last year in 2017 it lost only 17 times out of 365 days. that's a strikerate of over 20--1 for the year.

Once I get to 400 games played of the revised system later this week I will give an update on results. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask... ???
Post by: wannawin on February 05, 2018, 11:01:06 PM
if you are the same john legend we remember welcome back.  do you consider it a winning system? what is MK2? thank you.
Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on February 26, 2018, 03:52:50 PM
Yes wannawin I am he, I consider it the greatest roulette concept and strategy of alltime wannawin. Its never failed me in 11 years. I have just come off a 54 game winning streak. Allowing random to select your bet for you made the system much stronger. And faster.

Random steers you away from the losing game more often. Than if you just stay on the same even chance. There is also the phenomena of what I call the perfect storm.

That is when you get 7 patterns of an even chance form in the minimum number of spins 21. You then  go all in against the 8th pattern. A perfect storm is probably the safest three step marty bet in existence. In 430 games..I have only lost 8 times. You must cover the Zero if you get one of these gems. Its the only thing that can upset the party most of the time. And I have had a winning streak of 67 games with them.

Post by: Sputnik on February 26, 2018, 04:57:21 PM

Welcome back John Legend - it make me really happy to read about your succés ...

Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on February 26, 2018, 06:12:17 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on February 26, 2018, 04:57:21 PM
Welcome back John Legend - it make me really happy to read about your succés ...

Sputnik nice to hear from you..Its been a while.
Post by: Blue_Angel on February 26, 2018, 08:16:53 PM
Just for clarification purposes, after 7 different permutations you are betting against the 8th possible permutation/pattern?

If that's the betting principle then Albalaha would argue about the validity of the reasoning.

I don't consider myself as an expert on EC's betting, that's why I've mentioned user Albalaha who, according his mentality, considers every bet selection to be the same and only a money management could make the difference.

I'm somewhat neutral regarding EC betting but I would like to be further explained the reasoning about WHY it IS better or NOT.

Thank you
Post by: wannawin on February 27, 2018, 05:45:37 PM
Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on February 26, 2018, 03:52:50 PM
Yes wannawin I am he, I consider it the greatest roulette concept and strategy of alltime wannawin. Its never failed me in 11 years. I have just come off a 54 game winning streak. Allowing random to select your bet for you made the system much stronger. And faster.

thanks for answering. an indiscreet question: if the system is good enough then why publish it? Is it not better to keep it a secret?? you are the exception to the norm . If you ask anyone who has a solid method for 11 years of continued use I do not think he will let it go so easily for the casinos to know.
Post by: CoderJoe on March 03, 2018, 01:49:12 PM
Hi guys, I've attached the results of a simulation of PATTERN BREAKER. I used a kind of generic EC, labels 0 & 1, and there is no house edge of any kind but that doesn't detract from the results. Here are the first 3 games in the output file which I've attached :

*** GAME #1 ***
Waiting for 7 unique patterns...

Opposite of remaining pattern :010
1 Bank :  -1
1 Bank :   1
Bank after game #1:   1   W

*** GAME #2 ***
Waiting for 7 unique patterns...

Opposite of remaining pattern :101
1 Bank :   2
Bank after game #2:   2   W

*** GAME #3 ***
Waiting for 7 unique patterns...

Opposite of remaining pattern :011
0 Bank :   3
Bank after game #3:   3   W

And here are the final results after 20,000 games:

------ SUMMARY ------

Final Balance : 104 units
Gain from Wins = 17513
No. Busts = 2487
Check : 17513 - 2487 x 7 = 104
Ratio of wins:busts : 7.04 to 1

The final balance of +104 is almost certainly due to there being no house advantage, and given that, it's not statistically significant anyway. The ratio of wins to busts is right about where it should be assuming no house edge.

To be honest I wasn't expecting anything different. I'm not denying that John Legend may have had a lot of success with his system, only that it's probably due to sheer luck. If I knew exactly how many games he has played I could figure out just how lucky he has been.
Post by: james on March 03, 2018, 02:10:22 PM
Thanks for taking the time to code and publish the results.
Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 03, 2018, 05:19:45 PM
Quote from: wannawin on February 27, 2018, 05:45:37 PM
thanks for answering. an indiscreet question: if the system is good enough then why publish it? Is it not better to keep it a secret?? you are the exception to the norm . If you ask anyone who has a solid method for 11 years of continued use I do not think he will let it go so easily for the casinos to know.
Because wannawin Human beings wouldn't play a system in great numbers no matter how long it turned a profit.

PB is a PERCENTAGE GRINDER. It works over the longterm. There is no rocket science or great drawdowns. Huge bankroll required.

It asks of the player one thing. DO YOU HAVE THE PATIENCE TO WAIT FOR SUCCESS. And the answer to that wannawin. Is the vast majority of human beings DO NOT. Over 90%

As soon as they lose a game or three. Or have a poor 100 game set. Where they only make 12 UNITS of profit. The enthusiasm wanes. And the MIND asks what's NEXT.

That's why I can publish this and have zero worries. Not even 5 people on this forum will STAY with this.

When I began playing PB 11 years ago. I lost 4 of my first 20 games. Now you tell me. How many people would even carry on if that happened to them? VERY FEW.

Then after that poor start. I won 38 games in a row. And finished my 100 game set 92--8. Or in other words 36 units of profit.

Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 03, 2018, 05:27:59 PM
Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 26, 2018, 08:16:53 PM
Just for clarification purposes, after 7 different permutations you are betting against the 8th possible permutation/pattern?

If that's the betting principle then Albalaha would argue about the validity of the reasoning.

I don't consider myself as an expert on EC's betting, that's why I've mentioned user Albalaha who, according his mentality, considers every bet selection to be the same and only a money management could make the difference.

I'm somewhat neutral regarding EC betting but I would like to be further explained the reasoning about WHY it IS better or NOT.

Thank you
I don't get too philosophical about the reason it works. All I know is putting random on the spot to show you that 8th pattern IMMEDIATELY after that 7th pattern is SUPERIOR. To say waiting on 6 reds and hoping they don't become 16 reds.

Its got alot more certainty to it. It can be molded to suit your pocket and nerve. On another forum for example. One of the members there has been playing PB with great success for several years. Just betting the FIRST 2 STEPS of the prog. 1--2. They average 12--1 doing that. In other words for every 12 units they win. They lose 3. Giving a net of 9 units on average every 13 games.
Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 03, 2018, 08:22:11 PM
Quote from: CoderJoe on March 03, 2018, 01:49:12 PM
Hi guys, I've attached the results of a simulation of PATTERN BREAKER. I used a kind of generic EC, labels 0 & 1, and there is no house edge of any kind but that doesn't detract from the results. Here are the first 3 games in the output file which I've attached :

*** GAME #1 ***
Waiting for 7 unique patterns...

Opposite of remaining pattern :010
1 Bank :  -1
1 Bank :   1
Bank after game #1:   1   W

*** GAME #2 ***
Waiting for 7 unique patterns...

Opposite of remaining pattern :101
1 Bank :   2
Bank after game #2:   2   W

*** GAME #3 ***
Waiting for 7 unique patterns...

Opposite of remaining pattern :011
0 Bank :   3
Bank after game #3:   3   W

And here are the final results after 20,000 games:

------ SUMMARY ------

Final Balance : 104 units
Gain from Wins = 17513
No. Busts = 2487
Check : 17513 - 2487 x 7 = 104
Ratio of wins:busts : 7.04 to 1

The final balance of +104 is almost certainly due to there being no house advantage, and given that, it's not statistically significant anyway. The ratio of wins to busts is right about where it should be assuming no house edge.

To be honest I wasn't expecting anything different. I'm not denying that John Legend may have had a lot of success with his system, only that it's probably due to sheer luck. If I knew exactly how many games he has played I could figure out just how lucky he has been.
Over the last 11 years Mr coder I have played over 14,000 games. There may be an element of luck involved. But I know of three others who make their living from this system. So it cannot be ALL LUCK.

You must understand that no system that can be played for as little as 3 units is bullet proof. No realisitic playable system ever has been or everwill be.

ROULETTE IS A PERCENTAGE GAME. Nothing more nothing less.

Once you have a system that can show a profit over the ultimate denomination of percentage. 🛑100🛑 You have the game beaten. At least in a mans lifetime.

And that is where the pattern breaker concept wins. In its revised format it is capable of winning over 20 times in a row at LEAST ONCE in every hundred games. And never fails to do so.

NOW! You all know what a parlay is. Imagine YOU KNOW. That in every frame of 100 games you at some point are going to have AT LEAST one winning streak of AT LEAST 20 games in a row.

Do I have to spell out the potential here?

You parlay


Etc for 20 in a row. You get 50 units of profit at win 20. 14 wins in a row is break even point. PBR has no trouble stringing together 4 to 5 streaks of 14 plus in a 100 games including at least ONE set of 20 plus.

I just came off a 54 game streak. You have to think about these things. And stop worrying about bot simulations. They in no way represent real roulette.

Just as an RNG doesn't. Playing 5 to 10 games a day. With random entry into variances cycle. Cannot ever be faithfully replicated in an artificial simulator. Im sorry but it can't. I wouldn't have been successful. And others I know on other forums wouldn't have either. Playing continuously. In a robotic fashion.

There's a distinct difference playing a limited set of games. On a real wheel with a real dealer. There truly is.

But the lazy who want all the anwsers yesterday. The jaded impatient system hoppers will never know this.

So spend years jumping from one system to another. And achieving no real profit building.

That takes them to a level they only have to play 3 or 4 games a day to be and living money level. Add in a nice parlay or two each month. And you are good to go.
Post by: Sputnik on March 03, 2018, 08:59:36 PM

John Legend i understand you and i agree with you.

Post by: CoderJoe on March 04, 2018, 08:04:46 AM
Hello John,

I didn't use an RNG for the simulation, but actual spins, I just ignored the zeros and coded red/black as 1/0. You say that your system is mechanical so I don't understand what difference there is between actual play and my simulation. A simulation, if coded correctly, has no issues with patience or discipline, which I agree are very important. A simulation is no different than real play as long as you are following the system's rules perfectly. If there are other rules which you follow then let me know and I can code them, but if that's the case why didn't you tell us about them in your opening post?

Post by: Sputnik on March 04, 2018, 08:37:16 AM

Well i have seen several members report succés with Pattern Breaker and have a hard time to understand why all this members would lie.
Patern Breaker has the same issue as Ching A Ling method - members start to report winning 5K and 30K and some vanish from the forum boards and start to play full time.
Guess what - still there was some members who say that the method does not work and you can not win.
Can you see what's wrong with this picture.

Post by: CoderJoe on March 04, 2018, 09:02:37 AM
Hi Sputnik,

I'm not saying all these people are lying, but think about it. What do you actually know about any of these people, and what does success mean? They may have only played the system for a couple of hundred spins. You can't come to any sensible conclusion based on that. Do you really know that these people are  playing full time using the system? and do you know that they are continuing to be successful?

I'm not saying that you can't win for a while with the system and I'm not really interested in getting into long arguments about the merits of systems because my simulations do the arguing for me, so to speak. Hard data and numbers are more persuasive to me than hype and rhetoric.
Post by: CoderJoe on March 04, 2018, 09:46:27 AM
Quote from: james on March 03, 2018, 02:10:22 PM
Thanks for taking the time to code and publish the results.

You're welcome James. I'm glad at least some members appreciate the value of a simulation.
Post by: Sputnik on March 04, 2018, 10:12:51 AM

But the code was a waste of time - we who has experience and been around for 10 year or more know that all existing systems fail after several simulations.
When are we going to see a test that show us what a system is made of - what kind of variance and imbalance it create during the short term.
We know everything even out towards expectation in the long run.

For example - why did you not show us the true odds?
Assume you would count for how many times you win before the eight pattern show for each and every cycle and measuring does values to give us the median value for the 50% probability benchmark in the short term.

The coding modell below is what i use then exploring sleepers (no matter amount of numbers) and i never get the true odds and where the 50% benchmark is something else then the true odds.

Cycle's - Strikes - Skips

We can use different spread of numbers/sectors.
They will come in cycles.
Sometimes they will sleep and not hit with expectation.

This method can you use with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 numbers

I see this as you measuring the random fluctations hit ratio or bias.
Where the numbers hit ratio give us a medium value that we can take advantage of.

We can chose to play when our numbers hit or we can attack when they have fall to sleep.

Skip Streak System by Apache:

First I want tell I build this system using Ion Saliu concepts :
Skip, Streak, and Median Value.

Example :

Roulette Number: 6
Hits > 24 times
Skips > 51 43 104 1 2 29 37 77 79 15 130 15 12 7 11 131 11 129 8 16 20 14 21 12

* Sorted Skips: 1 2 7 8 11 11 12 12 14 15 15 16 20 21 29 37 43 51 77 79 104 129 130 131

* Median Skip: 16

So number 6 hit 24 times. The first row - called Skips - show ( to the right to left) the skips of number 6. Number 6 show. After 12 spins, show again, after 21 spins show again, after 14 spins number 6 show again etc. The last three skips of number 6 are 104, 43, 51.

The second row - called - Sorted Skips show all the skips for a particular number in ascending order.

The three row called - Median Skip - show the median value of the sorted skips. The median is the middle value of a string of numbers. In this example the median value of skips is 16. It should not be confused with the average. So the Median Value is the middle value in a string of values.

Therefore 50% of the values are within the median or less, and 50% are within the median or more. In my example of number 6, the skip median is 16. That mean that 50% of the time number 6 hits within a skip of 16 or less.

Now if in the string of skips of number 6 I mark :

with sign (+) I mark if the skip is greater than median value of skips
with sign (-) I mark if the skip is small than median value of skips
with sign (=) I mark if the skip is equal with median value of skips

I obtain this :


51  43  104  1  2  29  37  77  79  15  130  15  12  7  11  131  11  129  8  16  20  14  21  12

+   +    +  -  -   +   +   +   +   -    +   -   -  -   -    +   -    -  -   =   -   -   -   


We bet on the numbers which have a 3 consecutive streak of skips greater than the median value of skips. ( That mean three consecutive + )

In our example number 6 is qualified because the last three skips ( consecutive ) are 104, 43, 51. We have + + + ( three consecutive value of skips, greater than median value of skips. 16

(104 > 16) (43 > 16) (51 > 16)

1.Bet on numbers with encounter 3 consecutive signs +
2.Bet on numbers with encounter 4 consecutive signs + (tight bettors)
3.Bet on numbers until hit.
4.Bet on numbers for 37 spins
5.Bet on numbers for a number of spins equal with the median value of skips. ( In this example we bet number 6 for 16 spins)

Money managament : Flat bet.
Post by: Blue_Angel on March 04, 2018, 12:54:46 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on March 04, 2018, 10:12:51 AM
But the code was a waste of time - we who has experience and been around for 10 year or more know that all existing systems fail after several simulations.
When are we going to see a test that show us what a system is made of - what kind of variance and imbalance it create during the short term.
We know everything even out towards expectation in the long run.

For example - why did you not show us the true odds?
Assume you would count for how many times you win before the eight pattern show for each and every cycle and measuring does values to give us the median value for the 50% probability benchmark in the short term.

The coding modell below is what i use then exploring sleepers (no matter amount of numbers) and i never get the true odds and where the 50% benchmark is something else then the true odds.

Cycle's - Strikes - Skips

We can use different spread of numbers/sectors.
They will come in cycles.
Sometimes they will sleep and not hit with expectation.

This method can you use with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 numbers

I see this as you measuring the random fluctations hit ratio or bias.
Where the numbers hit ratio give us a medium value that we can take advantage of.

We can chose to play when our numbers hit or we can attack when they have fall to sleep.

Skip Streak System by Apache:

First I want tell I build this system using Ion Saliu concepts :
Skip, Streak, and Median Value.

Example :

Roulette Number: 6
Hits > 24 times
Skips > 51 43 104 1 2 29 37 77 79 15 130 15 12 7 11 131 11 129 8 16 20 14 21 12

* Sorted Skips: 1 2 7 8 11 11 12 12 14 15 15 16 20 21 29 37 43 51 77 79 104 129 130 131

* Median Skip: 16

So number 6 hit 24 times. The first row - called Skips - show ( to the right to left) the skips of number 6. Number 6 show. After 12 spins, show again, after 21 spins show again, after 14 spins number 6 show again etc. The last three skips of number 6 are 104, 43, 51.

The second row - called - Sorted Skips show all the skips for a particular number in ascending order.

The three row called - Median Skip - show the median value of the sorted skips. The median is the middle value of a string of numbers. In this example the median value of skips is 16. It should not be confused with the average. So the Median Value is the middle value in a string of values.

Therefore 50% of the values are within the median or less, and 50% are within the median or more. In my example of number 6, the skip median is 16. That mean that 50% of the time number 6 hits within a skip of 16 or less.

Now if in the string of skips of number 6 I mark :

with sign (+) I mark if the skip is greater than median value of skips
with sign (-) I mark if the skip is small than median value of skips
with sign (=) I mark if the skip is equal with median value of skips

I obtain this :


51  43  104  1  2  29  37  77  79  15  130  15  12  7  11  131  11  129  8  16  20  14  21  12

+   +    +  -  -   +   +   +   +   -    +   -   -  -   -    +   -    -  -   =   -   -   -   


We bet on the numbers which have a 3 consecutive streak of skips greater than the median value of skips. ( That mean three consecutive + )

In our example number 6 is qualified because the last three skips ( consecutive ) are 104, 43, 51. We have + + + ( three consecutive value of skips, greater than median value of skips. 16

(104 > 16) (43 > 16) (51 > 16)

1.Bet on numbers with encounter 3 consecutive signs +
2.Bet on numbers with encounter 4 consecutive signs + (tight bettors)
3.Bet on numbers until hit.
4.Bet on numbers for 37 spins
5.Bet on numbers for a number of spins equal with the median value of skips. ( In this example we bet number 6 for 16 spins)

Money managament : Flat bet.

Not bad idea but takes a lot of time in order to qualify your bet selections.
Yesterday I saw number 30 hit only once in about 150 spins and then returned after approximately 280 spins, therefore 150 + 280 = 430 spins / 2 hits = 215 average but you still would need a third skip before you start betting it!
Your method is not so practical, just my 1 cent.
Post by: CoderJoe on March 04, 2018, 01:52:20 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on March 04, 2018, 10:12:51 AM
But the code was a waste of time

I disagree. John Legend claims that the win rate is way above what it should be according to the maths, but the simulation shows it's not so. Surely that has to be worth something for those who were thinking of testing it? Of course there are a lot of other analyses you could do on the system so I've modified the code to generate data on the streak lengths (winning and losing streaks), and the file is now in csv format so you can load it into a spreadsheet for further analysis.

All the testing shows that waiting for the last pattern makes no difference to the end result. You would get exactly the same stats just betting red with a 3 step martingale. According to theory, without the zero the win rate is 87.5% and a ratio of 7:1 wins to losses, this is very close to what the data in the file tells you.
Post by: Blue_Angel on March 04, 2018, 02:00:44 PM
14 years don't mean a thing to me, perhaps I'm betting more spins in a year than you in 14 years!
Time doesn't matter by itself but only what you do and how often you do it on this time.
Time is the common currency of everything in life but exists only as a notion, it's just a perception, a human invention if you will in order to create a sense of order in what happened and what are we intending to do.
But certainly it doesn't exist as energy, like electricity or gravity for example.
Post by: Sputnik on March 04, 2018, 04:13:29 PM

That was good that you can observe and get a visual over the L/W sequence - have read that some one only once got two loses in a row during 400 sessions and with your simulation is pretty common.
Missing the function to click on F9 to get new sample with new results.

Post by: Mr J on March 04, 2018, 07:37:58 PM
Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on February 04, 2018, 04:52:04 PM
Hi to all who remember me and hi to those who don't know me yet.

Well its been 5 years since I was on this forum. I still play PATTERN BREAKER. But with some tweaks which made it even stronger and more profitable.

The revised system rules

(1)--You track ALL THREE even chances at the same time, instead of focusing on just one like I once did. The advantages of this are a slightly higher strikerate. And faster game qualification.

(2)--The first even chance to deliver the 8th pattern is your bet.

(3)--You proceed to bet against the 8th pattern using the classic 1-2-4 progression.

Even chances >> Nope

Pattern >> Nope

1-2-4 progression >> Nope
Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 05, 2018, 04:22:33 PM
Quote from: Mr J on March 04, 2018, 07:37:58 PM
Even chances >> Nope

Pattern >> Nope

1-2-4 progression >> Nope
11 years of winning success YUP!

I've heard nothing but bad things about you Mr pessimistic. But you need to know a system doesn't turn a profit for 11 years and counting without having something.

Pattern breaker in all the forms I play it 3 step 2 step. Makes no difference. In a 100 game set. The outcome is ALWAYS THE SAME. 🛑PROFIT🛑 The only thing I cannot predict is HOW MUCH. It can be anything from 12 units to 60 units now with the superior revised version.

But I will be making a living from this system until I draw my last breath. Played properly and faithfully. It has this game beaten for ALLTIME.

It comfortably grinds out 10% yield on a bankroll per week. that means someone starting with just 200 units at the beginning of the year will have over 29,000 units by the end of the year.

I said the pattern breaker concept played for 3 steps or 2 steps. Is the greatest AFFORDABLE AND PLAYABLE system of alltime for a reason. It WORKS......
Post by: Sputnik on March 05, 2018, 06:51:58 PM

JL you wrote you make some kind of Banker bet - is that a three step Marty with higher unit size - for example 5 10 20 - after that i understand you play with lower unit size until you lose or go home with profit - is that correct understanding.

How many times with real play have you experience two loses after each other?
Read about another member at other forum board who made around 300/400 session and encounter to loses after each other once or twice - do you have the same experience.

JL how does a visit to the casino look like - i could after a simple test see that you get a trigger after 30/40 spins tracking all EC positions.
Do you play all three when the qualify?

When do you take a break for some soda and sandwish - do you take a break and tracking several tablies in the same time.
Do you play online or only real casino.


Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 05, 2018, 07:32:04 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on March 05, 2018, 06:51:58 PM
JL you wrote you make some kind of Banker bet - is that a three step Marty with higher unit size - for example 5 10 20 - after that i understand you play with lower unit size until you lose or go home with profit - is that correct understanding.

How many times with real play have you experience two loses after each other?
Read about another member at other forum board who made around 300/400 session and encounter to loses after each other once or twice - do you have the same experience.

JL how does a visit to the casino look like - i could after a simple test see that you get a trigger after 30/40 spins tracking all EC positions.
Do you play all three when the qualify?

When do you take a break for some soda and sandwish - do you take a break and tracking several tablies in the same time.
Do you play online or only real casino.

Hi Sputnik.

Yes I play the first game of the day as my banker. It has the best performance. In 2013. I won 352 days and lost 13. that's how good that first bet can be. Last year I won 347 and lost 18. It performs above the other bets of the day. That's why its my banker.

Back to back losses are rare for me. In my last 100 losses. 2 were back to back Sputnik. So its AN EXCELLENT. Oppurtunity to make EXTRA PROFIT. And recover most if not all of the previous loss. Its very powerful.

I've played in real casinos. But mostly play online. I live in the UK so we have it easy. I have 11 online accounts.
Post by: Sputnik on March 05, 2018, 08:08:29 PM

Thank for your answer JL ...

I have one last question - how do you track for results using online casinos ...

Ask because i don't like to be online with live table and not place bets - then after some time being not active you need to enter again or push and click on some functions to let the live feed stay alive.
One solution i been looking at is that some casinos with live wheels have a live score board with live results that you can view before entering the game - is that how you do it?

Post by: Bally6354 on March 05, 2018, 08:13:36 PM

Try 'MrGreen'.....I can sit there and watch a whole shoe on their 'no commission' baccarat without getting cut off or sent back to the lobby. For anyone interested, the no commission just means both banker and player pays 1/1 except a banker 6 which only pays 1/2.

Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 05, 2018, 08:38:21 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on March 05, 2018, 08:08:29 PM
Thank for your answer JL ...

I have one last question - how do you track for results using online casinos ...

Ask because i don't like to be online with live table and not place bets - then after some time being not active you need to enter again or push and click on some functions to let the live feed stay alive.
One solution i been looking at is that some casinos with live wheels have a live score board with live results that you can view before entering the game - is that how you do it?

Sputnik the beauty of online casinos is they're FAST. I ALWAYS. Count the first 10 numbers on the board. And use them first then go from there. Because they spin the ball around twice a minute online and PBR finds your bet inside 50 numbers the vast majority of the time. Most games are over in 15--20 minutes with 36 spins being the average number of spins to close the 7th pattern. When you allow random to choose for you. In a real casino A game of PB could take 2 hours plus. That's why I favour online.
Post by: Mr J on March 05, 2018, 09:06:00 PM
Code it? Simulation?  ???

Post by: Mr J on March 05, 2018, 11:07:15 PM
So you walk into the casino and ask pit to code it? What do they usually tell you?

Post by: Sputnik on March 06, 2018, 09:46:06 AM

JL i will test playing PB and try to copy your play/game.
Is there anything i need to change on the list?

1) Start each game with one Banker bet and after that lower you bet size until you quit playing or reach a loss.

I have acconts and money on following online casinos:

a) 5Dimes
b) Sbobet
c) Bet365
d) Unibet
e) William Hill
f) Betfair

How many session do you play each day - early day time - middle day time - late day time ??
And how come you spread all your bankroll into so many online casino - is there a strategic reason for that ??

Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 06, 2018, 04:01:06 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on March 06, 2018, 09:46:06 AM
JL i will test playing PB and try to copy your play/game.
Is there anything i need to change on the list?

1) Start each game with one Banker bet and after that lower you bet size until you quit playing or reach a loss.

I have acconts and money on following online casinos:

a) 5Dimes
b) Sbobet
c) Bet365
d) Unibet
e) William Hill
f) Betfair

How many session do you play each day - early day time - middle day time - late day time ??
And how come you spread all your bankroll into so many online casino - is there a strategic reason for that ??

Hi Sputnik. I play 5 to 10 games per day NEVER MORE.

My first game of the day is played between 3.30am and 6.00am. Then I will have breakfast and play two more games. I will play one to 3 games between 12 to 3pm. And 1 to 3 games between 5 to 8pm.

Still that first game out performs them all.

No simulator will EVER replicate what happens in the real world..Computer nerds who haven't got the patience to even play 100 REAL GAMES. Want to tell me they know what will be. Because a flawed unreliable simulator showed them a graph.

It doesn't work. You have to play REAL GAMES. With a live dealer. At various times throughout the day to mirror my results.

Not test a bunch of spins. Then tell me im telling porkies. Because they didn't match what I claimed to achieve.

The EXACT reason I don't sit there all day like a gormless fool playing incessantly, is because I KNOW I WOULD LOSE.

PBR married together with H&R is invincible. It will be making me money for life. Along with the 2 step version I now play aswell.

Were I to sit there and play 100 games a day. I WOULD LOSE MONEY. I am under no illusions about that.

But you just cannot get this fact into a math obsessed computer geeks head. They don't get this and neverwill.

As Brett Morton said in his great book PLAYING TO WIN. Einstein claimed the only way to win at roulette..was to steal the money when the dealer wasn't looking.

But Einsteins attitude never stopped him from making his living from roulette. And it will never stop me.

You can have TOO MUCH respect for math and all the bunk put forward. To stop you from EVEN TRYING..And the people who fall for that B.S will die believing this game is invincible.

Sad for them. I will play PATTERN BREAKER in all its incarnations for the rest of my life. And leave the blueprint in my will for my children and their children. Should they want to make their own money and way in life. Without having to take orders from anyone. Be their own person. That's what PB affords any who stay with it faithfully.

The reason I use so many accounts Sputnik is simple..I have to stay under the radar as best as I can..Once these bastards realize you have them beat. They will shut you down. They only want losers. Once they know you will ALWAYS be winning money in the longterm. You are enemy number one. That's why I have to rotate my play. Never play at the same casino more than twice a week.

If I had one or two accounts..And im taking 500 to a 1000 off them every week. It won't be long before they stop me. If im taking 25 to 50 off 11 accounts. There will be plenty taking alot note than that. So I won't stand out. Do you get me Sputnik??
Post by: Blue_Angel on March 06, 2018, 06:12:43 PM
Quote from: Mr J on March 05, 2018, 11:07:15 PM
So you walk into the casino and ask pit to code it? What do they usually tell you?


It doesn't work that way!

@ JL,

Every now and then, in the course of decades, someones like you comes along and reinvents the Martingale...
Almost forgot, Hit And Run it's what really boosts your system!
You may ignore the inconvenient truth but what do I care, you know better!
Post by: alrelax on March 06, 2018, 06:28:48 PM
Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 06, 2018, 04:01:06 PM

Sad for them. I will play PATTERN BREAKER in all its incarnations for the rest of my life.

I am curious sir, is 'your' or the 'PATTERN BREAKER' something you are selling or represent?

Or is it what you laid out in your first post here on Page 1, basically the 8th pattern, etc., etc., and you gave away the entire system and no one else can capitalize on it??  Or, was that an incomplete 'teaser' and there is more for sale??  Etc.?

I am lost, but hey, that's me.

I do not play roulette and never will.  I am curious as you write on the board here.  It is unclear or at least not easily identifiable as to what "PATTERN BREAKER" is. 

I hope you are not offended. 

Thank you.
Post by: CoderJoe on March 06, 2018, 06:43:20 PM
Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 06, 2018, 04:01:06 PM
Not test a bunch of spins. Then tell me im telling porkies. Because they didn't match what I claimed to achieve.

John, if you actually read my posts I explicitly denied that you were making up the stats, so I'm wondering why you feel the need to attack by calling me names.

I followed your instructions to the letter when writing the sim.  I used real spins, and skipped 100-150 spins before starting a new set of games.

I think you owe me an apology, but I'm not going to press it. People can make up their own minds, and course before playing any system with real money they should consider whether it makes any sense, and do their own tests.

And by the way, I've been looking at some of your previous threads from several years ago on this and the other forum. You don't exactly have a great track record of winning systems, but you are a great talker.
Post by: CoderJoe on March 06, 2018, 06:45:41 PM
Quote from: alrelax on March 06, 2018, 06:28:48 PM

I am curious sir, is 'your' or the 'PATTERN BREAKER' something you are selling or represent?

Hi alrelax, he does come across that way doesn't he? But as far as I'm aware he's not selling anything.
Post by: Sputnik on March 06, 2018, 07:00:05 PM
Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 06, 2018, 04:01:06 PM
Hi Sputnik. I play 5 to 10 games per day NEVER MORE.

My first game of the day is played between 3.30am and 6.00am. Then I will have breakfast and play two more games. I will play one to 3 games between 12 to 3pm. And 1 to 3 games between 5 to 8pm.

Still that first game out performs them all.

No simulator will EVER replicate what happens in the real world..Computer nerds who haven't got the patience to even play 100 REAL GAMES. Want to tell me they know what will be. Because a flawed unreliable simulator showed them a graph.

It doesn't work. You have to play REAL GAMES. With a live dealer. At various times throughout the day to mirror my results.

Not test a bunch of spins. Then tell me im telling porkies. Because they didn't match what I claimed to achieve.

The EXACT reason I don't sit there all day like a gormless fool playing incessantly, is because I KNOW I WOULD LOSE.

PBR married together with H&R is invincible. It will be making me money for life. Along with the 2 step version I now play aswell.

Were I to sit there and play 100 games a day. I WOULD LOSE MONEY. I am under no illusions about that.

But you just cannot get this fact into a math obsessed computer geeks head. They don't get this and neverwill.

As Brett Morton said in his great book PLAYING TO WIN. Einstein claimed the only way to win at roulette..was to steal the money when the dealer wasn't looking.

But Einsteins attitude never stopped him from making his living from roulette. And it will never stop me.

You can have TOO MUCH respect for math and all the bunk put forward. To stop you from EVEN TRYING..And the people who fall for that B.S will die believing this game is invincible.

Sad for them. I will play PATTERN BREAKER in all its incarnations for the rest of my life. And leave the blueprint in my will for my children and their children. Should they want to make their own money and way in life. Without having to take orders from anyone. Be their own person. That's what PB affords any who stay with it faithfully.

The reason I use so many accounts Sputnik is simple..I have to stay under the radar as best as I can..Once these bastards realize you have them beat. They will shut you down. They only want losers. Once they know you will ALWAYS be winning money in the longterm. You are enemy number one. That's why I have to rotate my play. Never play at the same casino more than twice a week.

If I had one or two accounts..And im taking 500 to a 1000 off them every week. It won't be long before they stop me. If im taking 25 to 50 off 11 accounts. There will be plenty taking alot note than that. So I won't stand out. Do you get me Sputnik??

JL i understand.
I will send you a personal message ...

Post by: TheMagician on March 06, 2018, 07:19:25 PM
It´s simple. He is trying to peddle horse sh*t as pure gold, and yet it is not even gold (were it true).

Having gone through his "system" I can say it is a bust on the long run. Having built complex systems and platforms with very complex multi-layered probability algos that can analyze any online wheel within minutes after a specific set of spins, the best platforms I have offered my own team over at VRTech can make them 100-300 units a session (60-70 minutes) with a chance of 60% to come through.

The most experienced test pilots are using a bankroll of 100 units and consequently count their profits in the hundreds of percent, while those driving a more careful game with a higher bankroll count a more modest 50-100% RORC (Return On Risk Capital). Do I sell these platforms? No I do not as the test results and Real money sessions by my team return sufficient data to improve them for my own RM games.

Do my team members make money? Sure, those who choose to play for real instead of going for the fun option and mere testing, have made thousands of euros over the past two years. The secret has been, training, practice, discipline (in watching the probability indicators and variance curves the platforms offer them as help during real-time gaming), enjoyment and a good return found in the faith and appreciation of something that consistently produces a profit.

Have they, or I, ever been barred from an online Casino for making too much profit? Never. The myth of Casinos fearing players or gamblers winning sums that pales in comparison to their daily incomes from the greater herd of guaranteed losers is just that, a myth. Usually, this myth is upheld by those who never tried to win big and BIG very often, and on that withdrawing said sums a couple of times each month.

Playing roulette with lower expectations and outcomes than the above mentioned is not a viable way of earning money on this game nor having a certain measure of entertainment while doing it.

Our dear John Legend presents bold claims, and "stats" without solid proof to those who buys his old-fashioned (suicidal) EC based pattern breaker. Roulette has been around since the 18th century. Not a single player, or gambler, has ever been able to consistently win or more correctly produce a continuous profit on EC bets. NOT IN ANY combination, an order of permutations, or sequence stops, or the inverse. Not one. That is why the Casino flourish and gladly have the limits on the EC chances high to extremely high (Monte Carlo Salon Prive).

Those here who know me, know that what I am talking about is true. In the face of Variance, EC betting is ultimately a broke customer, add Martingale to that, and DEAD is just the beginning of this tragic saga of ignorance and make-believe.

There are a lot of "John Legends" out there. Then there are true legends, known by a few, and a reality to even fewer. You want to become one - then abandon the idea that any EC game with a Martingale infusion will make you a consistent winner at the roulette table. It would be like telling a Baccarat player that playing the TIE at certain sequences of appearing banker and player hands is a sure thing. ;)

Post by: CoderJoe on March 06, 2018, 07:20:21 PM
Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 06, 2018, 04:01:06 PM
But Einsteins attitude never stopped him from making his living from roulette.

Post by: Sputnik on March 06, 2018, 07:48:44 PM

This is what i say
One person show a method with the name Ching A Ling method and most people start to say is not working

but some people try the method and report back making 5K and 30K
that is not a joke or something taking easy

the method is not a bust after a losing level and you can continue to recover and make new profits
the person behind the method report one lose of all four level once after several thousand (if i remember it correct) sessions and still up 25/28K
i have to take that serious when members start to stop posting and playing the method full time

Now if you can make 2 year of income using a EC method - then i don't care what people have to say about negativ expectation and house edge
Conclusion is that several members report succés using the method and still people say it could not be done - how stupid is that - i don't care about long term result as i will not live that long
Same situation with PB - several members have report succes and still you have people saying it can not be done

Post by: ozon on March 07, 2018, 12:00:58 AM
that's  from PB topic  on diffrent  forum

That  should not be too negative.
I carried out some tests
I just like to know why something can work, and why not something.
I played 1000 spins with Andre Chass with an idea, i.e. I played against two paterns using 1-1-3 progression.
What I noticed was that for the first 500 spins I was on the plus side of 17 units, then in the course of 100 spins a few losing progressions, the next 300 spins climbing on the plus and the next 100 spins lost again.
I ended the end of the game with +6 units, but the tests were carried out on a wheel without a zero.

What is the theory behind this?
The losses occur in a large extent in clusters, which is why there is a good chance that we will end up in a longer period in which roulette will not adapt to our rare pattern.
An example is CHT which uses rare patern and win periods are longer than losing clusters.
In a way, this would confirm the possibility of hitnrun strategy to avoid variance.

But in a very long time it may not keep up, because sometimes we should hit the clusters periods.

Theory  is that , if we using  hitnrun , for  long  time  we could playing  in favorite situation .
Becose losing periods are shorter than  winning ones.
Post by: ozon on March 07, 2018, 12:16:24 AM
One more theoretical consideration, once in another forum someone carried out tests that one of the optimal selections is to play.
  We follow 11 streets when only one of the coldest stays, once we play that 11 streets for one time.
Negative progression would be meaningless, but you can use positive to increase the edge.
By sticking hitnrun on wheels live, it could be a whole strategy.
Post by: Albalaha on March 07, 2018, 03:37:57 AM
Pattern Breaker has been one of the most talked about system on this forum. It is a martingale with thinking that waiting for a particular stretch of  pattern will make it tougher to be beaten ahead, while it is not the reality. Even if you get 10 reds in a row, 11th is as much likely as it is unlikely. Chances of hitting one or more zeros can not be ruled out too at bad spots that makes it even worse.
          I have simulated of it enough despite a mere simple rational thinking doesn't warrant even any simulation and confirm that not just Pattern Breaker but "any bet selection" in a purely random game does not help by itself. Playing martingale is like fooling yourself and fastest way to lose huge. I do not want to spoil any discussion preaching these things but since my name crept in(through blue angel), I had to answer.
Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 07, 2018, 05:19:49 AM
Quote from: TheMagician on March 06, 2018, 07:19:25 PM
It´s simple. He is trying to peddle horse sh*t as pure gold, and yet it is not even gold (were it true).

Having gone through his "system" I can say it is a bust on the long run. Having built complex systems and platforms with very complex multi-layered probability algos that can analyze any online wheel within minutes after a specific set of spins, the best platforms I have offered my own team over at VRTech can make them 100-300 units a session (60-70 minutes) with a chance of 60% to come through.

The most experienced test pilots are using a bankroll of 100 units and consequently count their profits in the hundreds of percent, while those driving a more careful game with a higher bankroll count a more modest 50-100% RORC (Return On Risk Capital). Do I sell these platforms? No I do not as the test results and Real money sessions by my team return sufficient data to improve them for my own RM games.

Do my team members make money? Sure, those who choose to play for real instead of going for the fun option and mere testing, have made thousands of euros over the past two years. The secret has been, training, practice, discipline (in watching the probability indicators and variance curves the platforms offer them as help during real-time gaming), enjoyment and a good return found in the faith and appreciation of something that consistently produces a profit.

Have they, or I, ever been barred from an online Casino for making too much profit? Never. The myth of Casinos fearing players or gamblers winning sums that pales in comparison to their daily incomes from the greater herd of guaranteed losers is just that, a myth. Usually, this myth is upheld by those who never tried to win big and BIG very often, and on that withdrawing said sums a couple of times each month.

Playing roulette with lower expectations and outcomes than the above mentioned is not a viable way of earning money on this game nor having a certain measure of entertainment while doing it.

Our dear John Legend presents bold claims, and "stats" without solid proof to those who buys his old-fashioned (suicidal) EC based pattern breaker. Roulette has been around since the 18th century. Not a single player, or gambler, has ever been able to consistently win or more correctly produce a continuous profit on EC bets. NOT IN ANY combination, an order of permutations, or sequence stops, or the inverse. Not one. That is why the Casino flourish and gladly have the limits on the EC chances high to extremely high (Monte Carlo Salon Prive).

Those here who know me, know that what I am talking about is true. In the face of Variance, EC betting is ultimately a broke customer, add Martingale to that, and DEAD is just the beginning of this tragic saga of ignorance and make-believe.

There are a lot of "John Legends" out there. Then there are true legends, known by a few, and a reality to even fewer. You want to become one - then abandon the idea that any EC game with a Martingale infusion will make you a consistent winner at the roulette table. It would be like telling a Baccarat player that playing the TIE at certain sequences of appearing banker and player hands is a sure thing. ;)
You are mistaken.

Casinos don't flourish because they cannot be beaten. They flourish because the MIND breaks long before a good system like PB. People can't stay with something LONG ENOUGH.There are not ENOUGH people with my mindset playing the game. If there were the gaming industry would be in trouble. When I first started playing PB in 2007 I lost 4 of my first 20 games. FOR MOST. They would have already turned their back on the system after that. SO WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? I won 36 games in a row. And finished my first 100 game set 90--10. If I consistently win an average of 92 times out of 100. With a system that requires 88 wins out of 100 to come in 4 units over break even point. Am I winning or losing? When these online casinos start shutting me down send me your email. And I will show you fear. ONCE it twigs in their greedy brains that they are never getting their money back.

I told you before. And I will tell you again. Roulette is a PERCENTAGE GAME. Nothing more, nothing less. Find a system that can turn a profit consistently over 100 games. And you have the game beaten. In 11 years and over 14,000 games the worst result PB has ever given me is 89--11.

In other words 89 units won. 11 times 7=77 units lost. A net of 12 units. That's my worst result. My best result ever. 94 units won. 6 times 7=42 units lost. A net of 52 units.

And most of the time the split is around 91--9. You see that for 11 years. You know you have something..Nobody can tell me otherwise. The results that unfolded in REAL TIME. Tell me all I ever need to know.
Post by: alrelax on March 07, 2018, 06:56:03 AM
Quote from: alrelax on March 06, 2018, 06:28:48 PM

I am curious sir, is 'your' or the 'PATTERN BREAKER' something you are selling or represent?

Or is it what you laid out in your first post here on Page 1, basically the 8th pattern, etc., etc., and you gave away the entire system and no one else can capitalize on it??  Or, was that an incomplete 'teaser' and there is more for sale??  Etc.?

I am lost, but hey, that's me.

I do not play roulette and never will.  I am curious as you write on the board here.  It is unclear or at least not easily identifiable as to what "PATTERN BREAKER" is. 

I hope you are not offended. 

Thank you.

And i don't believe i was disrespectful or anything similar in my posting??

And you came on your thread and could not offer the professionalism of an answer???

I figured so. 

Post by: Sputnik on March 07, 2018, 07:43:56 AM
The problem with the test result is that they are false positiv.

For example you have more winnings then losing selections - so when you use hit and run you are more certain to hit a winning bet then a losing bet - let me illustrate this - assume you have 15 winning selections and one losing selection for the next eight hours - then you decide to jump on board with this particular live wheel online to play pattern breaker - then the probability is on your side that you will hit one of does 15 winning strikes with your first Banker bet - the true odds is 15 to 1 with this situation.

Another day you might have 25 winning selections and one losing selections - then the true odds is 25 to 1 using hit and run.
But other days the odds might be worse with 8 winning selections and 2 losing selections - but still pretty good chance hitting a winning strike among does results using hit and run.

So the probability and the true odds come in cycles and are not static as Coder Joes Test Results.

So when coder joe code the pattern breaker he make it continues flow where there is no beginning or end of the results.
Each day a gambler enter the table he does not know what the wheel has done or will do in the future.
But coder joes test show us that you get sometimes several winning strikes that increase the probability hitting one winning bet once using hit and run as does are more then the losing selections.

This might be the reason why the Banker Bet Works - where you bet higher units size with the first bet and lower you unit size into the second bet operating with casino money - for example 5 10 20 and after that 113 ...

Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 07, 2018, 09:50:47 AM
Quote from: alrelax on March 07, 2018, 06:56:03 AM
And i don't believe i was disrespectful or anything similar in my posting??

And you came on your thread and could not offer the professionalism of an answer???

I figured so.
Apologies if you think I ignored you. Nothing to sell. It only requires your PATIENCE. A quality few possess. Can you stay with this for 1000 🛑REAL GAMES🛑 TO SEE ITS VALUE.

that's what you have to bring. And those who can start to realize the games beatable. There just arent enough PATIENT people pkaying it. Which perpetuates the myth that its not.
Post by: alrelax on March 07, 2018, 01:55:10 PM
As in any table game, but I believe Baccarat and Roulette more so than anything else.

Find and identify the winning hands/results that are produced by the table.

Be knowledgeable of those, as I have extensively written about.  (in Baccarat)

Small groups of produced hands that the player can identify as they happen, is the total key with reality and admission by the player--that a continual play will only grind themselves down and they cannot literally with unlimited play, 'beat-the-casino' as so many think.

Change your wagering protocol from the guessing you have done most of the time as well as developing a money management system that will allow you to use the win money when you win to keep playing to see how much more you can win or that is the stop play point.

Be in reality.

Risk only a limited buy-in and never re buy-in repeatedly thinking you can get whole.

(I have written about it but I believe most people still believe in the mechanical wagering system that will allow them to gamble unlimited hours and get rich). 

IMO and experience. 
Post by: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on March 07, 2018, 02:45:45 PM
May I chip in my half cent,

CoderJoe is right, JL is right too, they just on different parrarel time plane.

When Coderjoe simulate 20k test, it continuously,  the 24 hours casino  table also continuously,

So assume Coderjoe simulation computer need 24hours, to work through the 20k test,
and he start the test at 6am, after he start the test,
he brushes his teeth and take a bath, after dressing up, he take a look at this simulation,
he notice the tens of win, a few losses, and the current bet produces a win...
Then after breakfast, have a look again,
"Ahh, the current a hit, and the tens of win and few losses in between. .",he murmured.
Hours later, take a look again,
After lunch,  have a look again,
At 2pm, take a look again,
After evening tea, look again,
After dinner, look again,
After an hour, look again,
in short, he peeks every hourly through the 24hours period.
What he found when he sneak in and  peek?
The result when he peeked show win, and only once show loss!

Nothing wrong with the simulation test, it right throughout,
But Coderjoe didn't look at the screen for 24hours continuously!
If he did, then , he  looked at losing bets.

He only peeks, intervaly, hourly.

Now in  the casino 24hour table, the wheel spins continuosly 24hours,
JL walk in , every few day interval, and win more than he lose,
if he sit at and bet continuosly 24/7/365, well, he loses his underwear,  before new year eves!

The real math equation, should be...
What the %, of win/lose,
when JL, sit in and start to bet ONCE, at that particular moment of the day?=1/7
Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 07, 2018, 03:55:27 PM
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on March 07, 2018, 02:45:45 PM
May I chip in my half cent,

CoderJoe is right, JL is right too, they just on different parrarel time plane.

When Coderjoe simulate 20k test, it continuously,  the 24 hours casino  table also continuously,

So assume Coderjoe simulation computer need 24hours, to work through the 20k test,
and he start the test at 6am, after he start the test,
he brushes his teeth and take a bath, after dressing up, he take a look at this simulation,
he notice the tens of win, a few losses, and the current bet produces a win...
Then after breakfast, have a look again,
"Ahh, the current a hit, and the tens of win and few losses in between. .",he murmured.
Hours later, take a look again,
After lunch,  have a look again,
At 2pm, take a look again,
After evening tea, look again,
After dinner, look again,
After an hour, look again,
in short, he peeks every hourly through the 24hours period.
What he found when he sneak in and  peek?
The result when he peeked show win, and only once show loss!

Nothing wrong with the simulation test, it right throughout,
But Coderjoe didn't look at the screen for 24hours continuously!
If he did, then , he  looked at losing bets.

He only peeks, intervaly, hourly.

Now in  the casino 24hour table, the wheel spins continuosly 24hours,
JL walk in , every few day interval, and win more than he lose,
if he sit at and bet continuosly 24/7/365, well, he loses his underwear,  before new year eves!

The real math equation, should be...
What the %, of win/lose,
when JL, sit in and start to bet ONCE, at that particular moment of the day?=1/7
Yes I can agree with this. The system played in conjunction with limited selections. What most term HIT & RUN. Is what makes it a success.

Jumping in and out of variances minefield. Will be enough to weather the storm. Or so it has proven. And ensure you end a 100 GAME CYCLE. IN THE BLACK. NOT IN THE RED. No pun intended.

What someone who is self absorbed in all the negatives can't understand or refuse to. Is all the elements that make the game appear unbeatable in the long run. Only apply when you play CONTINUOUSLY.

I have absolutely no argument. That if you sat there and played PB all day. You will lose. Absolutely you will.

But when applied to a select number of games. It becomes a totally different ball game literally.

Then you also learn how to PROFIT FROM LOSSES. That's right. Most of you fear losing. That's why you never play this game for REAL. You will test, evaluate. Summarize your lives away.

Without ever putting the real stuff on the line. For fear of LOSING. The beauty of having stuck with this system for 11 years. Is I know it inside out. I know its behaviour like clockwork.

And the fact that is loses around 7--10 times every 100 games. Can be utilized to the players advantage. One thing that's special about PB is BACK TO BACK losses don't happen very often.

You will get a double loss on average once every 30 to 40 LOSSES. You see right there I've just given you a system WITHIN A SYSTEM. That will make you PROFIT FOR ALLTIME.

And that's why EVEN if I have a poor 100 game set. Where I only win 12 UNITS from the straight games themselves. I've actually won at least 24. Because the game immediately after a loss. I will double up. And the strikerate for that is 38--1 at present.

You see LOSING can actually turn into WINNING. If you have something with that kind of consistency. And you only get this confidence. By sticking with the system long enough to learn what works and what doesn't...
Post by: CoderJoe on March 07, 2018, 04:41:17 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on March 07, 2018, 07:43:56 AM
For example you have more winnings then losing selections - so when you use hit and run you are more certain to hit a winning bet then a losing bet - let me illustrate this - assume you have 15 winning selections and one losing selection for the next eight hours - then you decide to jump on board with this particular live wheel online to play pattern breaker - then the probability is on your side that you will hit one of does 15 winning strikes with your first Banker bet - the true odds is 15 to 1 with this situation.

Why are you more likely to hit a winning bet if you hit and run? Sure there are winning and losing sequences, that's just variance but you can't know in advance when the bad sequences will arrive. Playing a few games at a time doesn't change this, how could it?

QuoteSo when coder joe code the pattern breaker he make it continues flow where there is no beginning or end of the results.

I said it isn't a continuous flow. I coded it as 5 games at a time and then skip100-150 spins. And anyway my tests show it makes no difference. Are you really suggesting that the difference between a win-rate of 10-1 and 7-1 is down to hit and run? And if that was true why would you need to play pattern breaker? A simpler system which didn't require any waiting would do just as well if hit and run was the key to success!

Post by: Sputnik on March 07, 2018, 05:05:34 PM
Well you missunderstand me - lets assume you have 15 winning strikes and 1 losing strike and use hit and run - are you chance better to hit a winning sequence or is your chance better hitting a losing sequence?
I understand this is variance and i also understand that the results even out towards 1 in 8 in the long run.

But with simple observation of your results with your coding you can see that several winning strikes in a row is more common then losing strikes.
I know we can not know the future.

But when i entering the live wheel i will one day face the odds 1 in 8 where i will get 8 winning strikes and one losing strike - then do i have a greater chance hitting one winning strike versus a losing strike with the odds 1 in 8 - and other day i might have the situation where i will face 25 winning strikes and 1 losing strike - then what is the probability that i will hit one of the 25 winning strikes versus the 1 losing strike.

Then there will be days when there is no variance and i get 1 in 8 and lose one single sequence - how many times does that happen during all does days when you randomly face variance with more winning strikes then losing strikes - there has to be a % or a median value for the strength behind the imblance where you peak is around 50/50 and that is not 1 in 8 when you count varaince and fluctation into the game in the short term.

I show the measuring model for this and i have never with all my testing and observation seen any true odds become a reality when you  count varaiance and fluctation into the calculation for the strike ratio for the imbalnce part.

The closest explination i can get to this that is similar is the following and i quote a member from other forum with the name Mike:

There is something called Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) which finds the most likely probability based on the data. In that case you take the "current" probability to be the actual probability, and you can update it as you get more data.

Post by: CoderJoe on March 07, 2018, 05:24:58 PM
I still don't see how that improve the odds. And John doesn't do any of that, he just plays a few games at a time and miraculously it results in 10-1 instead of 7-1. I code the simulation the same way but somehow that's unacceptable and the results are deemed invalid.  ;)
Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 07, 2018, 05:30:19 PM
Quote from: CoderJoe on March 07, 2018, 04:41:17 PM
Why are you more likely to hit a winning bet if you hit and run? Sure there are winning and losing sequences, that's just variance but you can't know in advance when the bad sequences will arrive. Playing a few games at a time doesn't change this, how could it?

I said it isn't a continuous flow. I coded it as 5 games at a time and then skip100-150 spins. And anyway my tests show it makes no difference. Are you really suggesting that the difference between a win-rate of 10-1 and 7-1 is down to hit and run? And if that was true why would you need to play pattern breaker? A simpler system which didn't require any waiting would do just as well if hit and run was the key to success!
It comes down to random entry into the cycle. Sure there's an element of luck here. I've experimented in the past. I've taken a winning game and started it JUST ONE SPIN EARLIER. And it LOST.

That's the beauty of random entry. At the same time you HAVE TO BE WORKING within that 100 game frame..This is why too many people never REALLY know if a system works or not. They will play a handful of games. Lose too many then dismiss the system as a loser.

As I stated before. If I were such a pessimistic negative person. I would have dropped pattern breaker after the first 25 games. IT LOST 🛑5🛑 Times. Its what happened in the next 75 games that made me realize roulette is INDEED a PERCENTAGE GAME.

And 100 game set after 100 game set. The same thing.


That was the breakdown of my first 1000 games of PB. And had I been a negative thinker like most people on these forums. I would never have realized its INCREDIBLE CONSISTENCY..And carried on system hopping FOREVER. Developing the negative attitudes all too prevalent on forums like these.

You put the EFFORT IN. You be BOTHERED to play it properly..And not rely on some unrealistic simulator as your yeigh or neigh to even start a system.

Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 07, 2018, 05:35:11 PM
Quote from: CoderJoe on March 07, 2018, 05:24:58 PM
I still don't see how that improve the odds. And John doesn't do any of that, he just plays a few games at a time and miraculously it results in 10-1 instead of 7-1. I code the simulation the same way but somehow that's unacceptable and the results are deemed invalid.  ;)
Actually as I write this my strikerate stands at 13.26--1.

PBR has improved EVERYTHING. Using random to beat random so to speak. And the first game of the day is something else now.

My greatest year to date for the first game is 2013. I finished the year 352--13. For this year so far I am 63--3. Its looking very good.
Post by: Sputnik on March 07, 2018, 05:51:37 PM

Very nice stats JL - thanks ...

Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 07, 2018, 06:08:06 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on March 07, 2018, 05:51:37 PM
Very nice stats JL - thanks ...

Thankyou Sputnik. They are to be EXPECTED. If you stick faithfully to the system.LONGTERM.
Post by: Viking64 on May 15, 2018, 07:37:11 AM
Hi John L - bit of a ramble, so important bits in red in case you want to skip!
I like the pattern breaker idea and have spent so much time looking at all manner of other options without much success. So I return to it. What I like about it is that it has little to do with predictions and assumptions. It follows the laws of the wheel as far as I can see, neither altering the odds but accepting that within that you have a chance to win. For me a win means a profit. I'd rather have small and regular than rollercoaster rides, but I'm risk averse. I have seen winning systems that seem to work 90pc of the time, but the progression depletes your bankroll. I think the million spins thing is great for stats, but if we want to sit down for a couple of hours and come away with a fuller wallet, it means little. H&R has to be the way. Perhaps we should code for 100 bets instead and have a H&R simulator.
Anyway, all these pondering question is, if we are pretty much looking at normal odds for events, would this system be likely to work on RNG. I gather it's programmed to mimic the statistical averages of the wheel (in theory) plus a tweak to mimic a bit of dealer bias or whatever, but would you ever or have you ever tried it?
Also, are there some online casinos you'd recommend and what would be the reasons. I think you like Ladbrokes? I have used Betfair because I occasionally do the gee gees.
Respect to you.
Post by: Blue_Angel on June 01, 2018, 01:29:59 PM
The most common and dangerous thing in roulette world and perhaps on gambling in general is the deception, what we use to say as: "phenomena could (are most of the times) deceptive.

When I've created a betting strategy in which waits till there only 2 not shown numbers left, thus bet the remaining 35 numbers only once, they told me that this is a gamblers' fallacy and by betting randomly 35 numbers would have the same end result as by betting 35 shown against 2 non shown numbers.

I've apologised for my fallacious approach and acknowledged the flaw in my betting strategy.
Now why am I posting this here, it's because it seems that the same principle is here but instead of 35 to 2 we have a bet of 18 against 19 numbers...

I know nothing guys, do whatever you think better.
Good luck!