Glen's => Alrelax's Blog => Al's Book Reviews => Topic started by: alrelax on June 16, 2018, 02:33:34 PM

Title: The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic
Post by: alrelax on June 16, 2018, 02:33:34 PM
This is hands down, the most comprehensive, technical, and best book about the subject, IMO.  It is also filled with great 'side-info' of sorts that can and will open many doors for those of you that are not 'super-math/statistical' freak-a-schizoids.

Title:  "The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic
Author:  Richard A. Epstein
Publisher:  Academic Press
First Edition:  1977
Revised Edition:  1995

I did not read the whole thing, but I had this on my list of publications to get for a very long time.  I finally got one used off of Amazon.  The book is in many ways above my head and level, but there are many interesting and useful things within it, that I do not regret getting in in anyway!  I should have got it a long time ago. 

Great reference tool beyond a doubt.  I would have to say it has almost all aspects covered. 


1)  Kubeiagenesis
2)  Mathematical Preliminaries
3)  Fundamental Principals of a Theory of Gambling
4)  Coins, Wheels and Oddments
5)  Coups and Games with Dice
6)  The play of the Cards
7)  Blackjack
8   Contract Bridge
9)  Weighted Statistical Logic and Statistical Games
10) Games of Pure Skill and Competitive Computers
11)  Fallacies and Sophistries
Appendix Tables
Author Index
Subject Index

For Example in Chapter #3)  While technical like a lot of the book, there is great stuff that can lead a player down research paths that will certainly open doors into, 'insight', as I see it, IMO.

Lots and lots of references as well.  For someone that really gets into reading and researching anything, this is worth its weight in gold with ton of references and other publications, articles and works relating to gambling and casinos.

All the technical math/stats and gaming terms, lots of authors, tons of charts and explanations of those and the equations in 'almost' simplistic ways.  While geared towards more of the factual end of most everything, IMO--it is unbiased and years of research and writ combined. 

I cannot see how any serious player would not get this book for $30.00 or under.

Pictures of the Book:






There is a section and relation to 'Guessing' as well with the author using 'Zener Cards', if you dot know what Zener cards are, we used them in college if I recall.  Goggle them. 

"Zener cards are cards used to conduct experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP) or clairvoyance. Perceptual psychologist Karl Zener (1903–1964) designed the cards in the early 1930s for experiments conducted with his colleague, parapsychologist J. B. Rhine (1895–1980). The original series of experiments have been discredited and replication has proved elusive."


Link to preview on Amazon: