Forums => Baccarat Forum => Topic started by: alrelax on November 06, 2018, 11:27:27 PM

Title: Baccarat Sections & Turning Points
Post by: alrelax on November 06, 2018, 11:27:27 PM's-blog/sections-and-turning-points/sly

I previously wrote about this and called it, "Sections & Turning Points".

I have exchanged numerous thoughts and many discussions with other players on this subject, all of whom, are not on this board here.

Any thoughts from some of you?  I am writing additional pieces in relation to this subject as I do now believe it is one of the player's best and most advantageous things he could be conscious of for numerous reasons at the table.

When to leave, when to walk with winnings, when to wager heavy, when to cut the risk or accept the loss, etc., etc.

I do sincerely believe this is a tangible, viable item that if realized and recognized is extremely powerful. 