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Messages - Albalaha

Most of the so-called systems simply lack any logic. Testings are always done upon small pieces of data. It leads to wrong conclusions regarding playability of any system, in long run.
Dozens of forums. Thousands of members and posts. 100s of topics but are we getting somewhere near perfection or rather learning only fanciful ways to try our luck without any substance or logic?
                    Most of the old forums gather so many active (those who write every fanciful way to play which comes to their minds) and inactive (those who can only appreciate or criticize methods) members but the debate never goes in a structured manner. Nobody talks of hows and whys. Play this way, play that way. Result: win in 5 sessions with +50 units and 6 session goes in -80 something.
            Result: Those who are looking for any magical trick to earn from these places, disappear or get silent after some time.

           If we want to get something positive and constructive, joint and constructive efforts are required from various topic starters, testers and programmers. Otherwise every other forum will be same. Lots of writings, Nothing worth learning.
Mixed / Re: The Risque Parlay
October 18, 2012, 04:09:38 AM
  Can you please illustrate this?
General Discussion / Re: What's this site about?
October 07, 2012, 04:45:06 AM
I wish you all the best Victor.