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Started by Bally6354, March 09, 2017, 03:28:47 PM

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Hello guys.

To be honest, I don't play much roulette anymore. Baccarat is now my preferred game. On saying that, I still like to mess around with roulette from time to time. Once it's in your  blood, it's hard to escape from the wheel.  >:D

My last intensive study of roulette concentrated pretty much around distribution and the LOTT (law of the third) It's one of those concepts where you can just endlessly chase your tail without getting anywhere (maybe because it doesn't work very well, lol) Anyway, I did come up with something a little bit different which maybe deserves further exploration.

A lot of people researching the LOTT tend to think in terms of cycles and waiting for numbers to specifically hit 2 or 3 times + before betting them. There are times however that you won't see a number appear 3 times in a cycle (37 spins) It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. One thing can all guarantee on however is that a number will hit twice in a cycle. The odds must be hundreds of million to one to see all 37 different numbers appear one after the other.

So my focus revolved around what can be done with the second hit. One thing that I already knew was that the first repeat comes on average between spins 7-8. So I wanted to find out when the average was for the second hit to repeat and it turns out to be 13 spins.

So you might get something like this.....

1. 7
2. 23
3. 9
4. 18
5. 29
6. 11
7. 30
8. 28
9. 7 (first repeat)
10. 36
11. 2
12. 3
13. 36 (second repeat)

Of course they averages. Things tend to ebb and flow a lot in roulette which brings me to the following picture.


I have put a green line under a number whenever a second repeat occurs within 13 spins. The first underlined number is 25 and it was the second repeat after the 9 hit twice first. Both these two numbers hit twice within the space of 9 spins.

Looking at the purple rings, you can see that we sometimes get a nice concentration of hits where 2 numbers are repeating within very close range of each other frequently. And naturally there are other times where you don't get this happening for periods of 10-20 spins.

I will delve more into this on my next post and show what I think is a pretty neat solution for attacking this. One of the problems with many LOTT strategies is that either 1) You end up betting too many numbers. 2) Hot numbers go cold and cold numbers wake up. The ideal would be to just bet a few numbers every so often for a few spins. (There is a clue in there somewhere)


Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


One more picture.


Let's see what happens if I write down the numbers in order as they appear with the green line under them and how many times they hit.

Starting from the first picture.

1. 25 =1
2. 24 =1
3. 24 =2
4. 24 =3
5. 19 =1
6. 19 =2
7. 24 =4
8. 1 =1
9. 19 =3
10. 19 =4
11. 34 =1
12. 34 =2
13. 34 =3
14. 4 =1
15. 25 =2
16. 26 =1
17. 34 =4
18. 25 =3
19. 32 =1
20. 35 =1
21. 5 =1
22. 5 =2
23. 1 =2
24. 10 =1
25. 10 =2
26. 27 =1
27. 10 =3
28. 5 =3
29. 16 =1
30. 26 =2
31. 16 =2

Only 13 different numbers within those 31 recorded.

On to the second picture.

1. 27 =1
2. 27 =2
3. 16 =1
4. 23 =1
5. 27 =3
6. 7 =1
7. 0 =1
8. 3 =1
9. 19 =1
10. 16 =2
11. 8 =1
12. 26 =1
13. 17 =1
14. 26 =2
15. 30 =1
16. 22 =1
17. 13 =1
18. 17 =2
19. 26 =3
20. 17 =3
21. 6 =1
22. 8 =2
23. 16 =3
24. 16 =4
25. 1 =1
26. 21 =1
27. 1 =2
28. 24 =1
29. 16 =5
30. 23 =2
31. 23 =3
32. 7 =2
33. 30 =2

Only 17 different numbers within those 33 recorded.

In game 1, there was a triple on numbers 2,3,4.
A double on numbers 5,6.
A double on numbers 9,10.
A triple on numbers 11,12,13.
A double on numbers 21,22.
A double on numbers 24,25.

How might someone handle that??

More to follow.......
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Here is the way I would tackle it. There may be better ways, but I have not spent loads of time on it.

The green lines under a number come in clusters. I noticed that when these clusters do come, they usually keep hitting within 5 spins of each other.  So what I would do is try and match the numbers that could hit for a repeat in the current 13 spins with all the numbers that have had previously had a green line drawn under them.

So looking at the very last column in picture 2. The first green line is under number 23. There is a double 10 and a double 23 in the last 11 spins. So now I look at the last 12 spins and see what potential repeats can hit with numbers that have already a green line underneath them.

The last 12 numbers out are as follows......


There are a few repeat numbers in there, so I can narrow it down to......


10 numbers in total. Now if I look back and try and match these numbers with numbers that already have green lines underneath them, I come up with the following numbers to bet.


Only 5 numbers there to bet and the next number was 7. It's a win. If I went 5 spins without having a win, I would stop betting because I would think that I might be in store for a dry run. If they keep hitting within 5, I would keep recalculating the possible bets.

I like it because it restricts the bets to just a few numbers and it takes advantage of the hot numbers.  There was another win three spins later with the 30. These clusters of hits are where the profit is going to reside and losing 5 spins on the bounce isn't going to kill the bankroll. It may sometimes require a gentle progression if it's treading water, not sure, I will need to look more into it.


Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Really interesting, I believe the clusters phenomenon is the way to go, well done Bally!
I've busted my bankroll in the past 3 times by playing LOT systems, one was by chasing repeats from 1st spin till one day came out 18 uniques in 18 spins!
Another time, while I was charting on the roulette table, I've noticed 18 uniques , despite that I was preparing for another method, I've bet those 18 numbers and won at once.
Also I've seen 22 uniques in 22 spins on my testings from single 0 wheels.

The 2nd buster occurred when I was going for just one 3-peater within 37 spins, the funny thing was that I had tested the specific method for about 50,000 spins before I begun betting for real at brick & mortar casino.
First day I won and on my second visit I've the incredible luck to encounter 18 doubles without a single 3-peater, of course the 3-peater has arrived during the 45th spin, this supposed has 1.5% chance.

The 3rd buster happened when I was expecting just one repeat from 30th up to and including 37th spin, the whole cycle had 30 uniques and all of the 7 repeats happened before the 30th spin.

I do understand that stuff could happen, but like these...?
One last thing before I go, the common element for all 3 BR busts I had was that they occurred while playing airball roulettes...
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal