Forums => Roulette Forum => Street => Topic started by: Dane on June 02, 2013, 07:04:23 AM

Title: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: Dane on June 02, 2013, 07:04:23 AM
My X0X0X system  on single numbers is a silly system with no basis in logic, math or reason. At least according to TwoCatSam. Nevertheless it has worked for him so far. Now let us try working on streets!  X0X0X  here means that at least three streets have come And as you might have guessed: "0" means that a street has not come. I am simply chasing the X0X0X pattern.  When it comes, I win (flat bet) on a street. An easy examples:  1-3 and 7-9 came.
As long as 4-6 and 10-12 are missing, I bet that 10-12 comes.
With missing parts (streets) as part of the pattern I do not bet too many parts. And I do not have to stop after one hit or develop strange rules in fear of a few missing numbers. As a matter of fact I have extended the system:

12 columns (one for each street in area 1-36).  When a number comes, I write it in the right column. The pattern may come in the first line. And/or among repeaters.  The second line or the seventh line? It does not matter. The pattern repeats! Good luck!

                                                                                                                             ;D 0 ;D 0 ;D

Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: Dane on June 02, 2013, 09:36:30 AM
If you are alert, you may have detected an error in the example. I bet that street 13-15 comes. Not 10-12.
                                                     ;D 0 ;D 0 ;D
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: TwoCatSam on June 03, 2013, 09:55:24 AM
OK, may I retract something?  The word "silly"?  That was not meant as a put-down.  Maybe I should have used the word "whimsical" or "amusing".  What I meant was that the system is so very easy to play.  Not that the idea was silly; actually it's very good! 

I find it amazing how well it hits. 

Pass the crow....

Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: Dane on June 03, 2013, 10:18:27 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on June 03, 2013, 09:55:24 AM
OK, may I retract something?  The word "silly"?  That was not meant as a put-down.  Maybe I should have used the word "whimsical" or "amusing".  What I meant was that the system is so very easy to play.  Not that the idea was silly; actually it's very good! 

I find it amazing how well it hits. 

Pass the crow....


OK! I work with small children; they too use wrong words all day long.
Obviously the pattern is not restricted to single numbers. There is nothing like stating the obvious! Streets does not require too many chips! And I fiind it amusing to write this again: ;D 0 ;D 0 ;D
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: TwoCatSam on June 03, 2013, 12:03:01 PM
"A man who is good with a hammer sees everything as a nail."

Perhaps you see me as a small child.  I've been seen as worse!  I'll accept that explanation.

Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: AMK on June 03, 2013, 10:26:49 PM
Hello again TwoCat!

It's possible that Dane is a kindergarten teacher, which would make the reply very funny.

I don't think Dane meant to be unfriendly.

If he did mean to be unfriendly then I would not play the method or read more threads.

That's my criteria for the grail............
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: TwoCatSam on June 03, 2013, 10:31:44 PM

I don't think the person means to be unfriendly. 

I'll play his system from time to time and I'll read what he posts.  I'll just be careful of the questions I ask!!

Much gets lost in words.  And on these forums, words are about all we have.  It took two people to explain the L v F system to me. 

I'm just glad he can't rap my knuckles with a stick!!   :stress:

Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: soggett on June 04, 2013, 07:34:05 AM
Dane you are a genius

I reversed your system and the tests look great so far,  got +45 in 50 spins flatbetting - can you believe it
wonder if it is even better on the straighs?
thank you man

by reverse I mean I bet the O's, not the X's
so if I get street 1 and 3 I would bet 2 and 4, if 5 came I would switch to 5 and 6 (cause of the possible 3,5,7) works so far :thumbsup:  (but maybe I'm just being lucky?)

did another test, found a loss finally, still ended +21 after 80 spins, was at +34 at 50 spins
after a loss of 12 units I wait for a virtual win
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: TwoCatSam on June 04, 2013, 05:02:08 PM
Well, I guess I better look into this, too.  Right after IHG.

So many systems; so little time!
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: Agesta1 on June 07, 2013, 08:05:20 AM
Please Dane, Twocat and sogget can you add with numbers how you play this system it seems very good but i don´t get it fully,ex how many spins after an x can you wait until you have a trigger for that x.Or am out cycling as we say in sweden when you don´t understand.
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: Dane on June 07, 2013, 02:07:13 PM
Quote from: agesta1 on June 07, 2013, 08:05:20 AM
Please Dane, Twocat and sogget can you add with numbers how you play this system it seems very good but i don´t get it fully,ex how many spins after an x can you wait until you have a trigger for that x.Or am out cycling as we say in sweden when you don´t understand.
Hello agesta! I did not know the Swedish expression. But I once read something like this in a Swedish magazine: Welcome to a world, where "gröna fält och marker" are not in nature! If you are Swedish, I am sure that you are able to understand the joke.
11.....start betting 4-6 & 22-24
8.....leave 4-6
19...leave 22-24
24...start betting 28-30
32...leave 28-30
6...börja satsa 16-18
21... lämna rad 16-18
18...start betting 4-6
18... start betting  4-6 & 16-18
And so on             
                                         ;D 0 ;D 0 ;D
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: VLS on June 07, 2013, 04:30:17 PM
Quote from: Dane on June 07, 2013, 02:07:13 PMWelcome to a world, where "gröna fält och marker" are not in nature!




LoL  :D
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: soggett on June 07, 2013, 04:38:12 PM
Quote from: agesta1 on June 07, 2013, 08:05:20 AM
Please Dane, Twocat and sogget can you add with numbers how you play this system it seems very good but i don´t get it fully,ex how many spins after an x can you wait until you have a trigger for that x.Or am out cycling as we say in sweden when you don´t understand.

hey agesta
well I'm just testing for now but I play the O's
ie same numbers like dane
11 -   start betting streets 3,5,7
8 - win, +9 units, start over
15 - start betting streets 4,6,8
24 - win, +9 units , total +18 - here would stop cause of 2 fast wins
and so on
later it does lose a game, still thinking of maybe +1/-1 per games, not sure yet
sometimes I bet 2 streets, sometimes 3, sometimes 4
xoxoxoxoxoxo depending what streets hit

so far for me it looks good even this way. The original didn't work well on the spins I tried so I reversed it ;)

make a spreadsheet with numbers 1-12 and put X's above the hit street, when ever you have a possible XOXOX within the next spin I bet O's (so you need 2 X's)
hope it's clearer

hope you don't mind me doing it this way
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: Agesta1 on June 08, 2013, 04:20:45 AM
Thank you both for clearing this up!!!!
A typical Swedish joke, that proberly only we Swedish people can understand.
If a say ,detta system går inte av för hackor in English(this system do not break for a chop)
It means that this  system is really good! :thumbsup:
No i am a happy swede!
Title: Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
Post by: Dane on June 08, 2013, 07:06:54 AM
Quote from: VLS on June 07, 2013, 04:30:17 PM



LoL  :D
Yes, we understand the Swedish language, don´t we?  And like the small children I work with we use wrong words all the time.
The Swedish word "marker" do not only mean fields in nature (thanks for the pictures). It also means the small round chips with which we MARK our bettings!
The whole idea with the casino ("inomhus") might be to  to separate us from nature, the moon and the sun. Make us forget about natural time.  O:-)