Resources => Math & Statistics => Topic started by: alrelax on July 23, 2018, 03:38:05 PM

Title: How many possibilities in a baccarat shoe exist?
Post by: alrelax on July 23, 2018, 03:38:05 PM
Can anyone figure this out as to how many possible outcomes exist?

You know, just the possibilities of what can happen in a bac shoe are in the multi billions, IMO. 

That is staggering if you really clear your head, sit down and think about it.

I could not even think of how to set up that math equation, maybe one of the math gurus here can??

8 decks of cards, remove the first 2 to 11 as the burn cards, cut off the last 15 or so.  416 cards minus, say 25 or so.  How many possibilities on a declining scale does a player actually face?  Huge amounts!  Especially when you are not looking to have optional draws like BJ, etc.
Title: Re: How many possibilities in a baccarat shoe exist?
Post by: TheMagician on July 23, 2018, 04:05:25 PM
Baccarat is not my game, but I assume you are looking for these numbers. As you see we are talking about outcomes in the Pentillions (American name: Quadrillions)


Title: Re: How many possibilities in a baccarat shoe exist?
Post by: alrelax on July 23, 2018, 05:53:34 PM
Thank you!

My point being, the possible number of outcomes is far north/above billions.  That is huge, too huge to work with in reality. 

Without knowing the order that the shoe is set in, which you can never ever know, unless you counted down the entire shoe and you are within a couple hands of the very end, and you suddenly came up with 9 nines left or 12 face cards left, then your next two hands will be ties, ultra slim chance of that happening, but whatever.

What is left does not matter.  The order matters.  My point.  And with that number of possibilities, how can you tell or plan on what is coming up and in what order? 

That is why one shoe will produce only 1's and 2's and an occasional 3.  While other subsequent shoes will produce 9 to 14 streak bankers followed by strong player streaks as well. 

The theorists have a field day with what is supposed to happen but they fall short virtually every time because of what happens overrules the should happen theory. 
Title: Re: How many possibilities in a baccarat shoe exist?
Post by: Nickmsi on July 23, 2018, 06:07:13 PM
Glen, it does not matter how many possibilities you have.

1+1 always = 2.

The Laws of Math still apply regardless of the number of possibilities.

Give me a little time to explain in my next post.

Title: Re: How many possibilities in a baccarat shoe exist?
Post by: KungFuBac on September 21, 2021, 03:34:53 PM
 :thumbsup:  Now that is one perfectly stated sentence.

"...The theorists have a field day with what is supposed to happen but they fall short virtually every time because of what happens overrules the should happen theory. ..."

Title: Re: How many possibilities in a baccarat shoe exist?
Post by: alrelax on September 21, 2021, 04:26:22 PM
I will post a shoe later where the entire dealers rack was emptied.

When its being presented, it generally does not line up with the mathematical 'should be'. IMO anyways.