Philosophy & Framework => Gambling Philosophy => Topic started by: VLS on December 03, 2016, 01:05:55 PM

Title: Game paralysis (+advice)
Post by: VLS on December 03, 2016, 01:05:55 PM
Here’s a phenomenon that is recurrently brought to my attention: game paralysis.

It happens when a player simply doesn’t know what to play. There are countless methods and ways to tackle a game as versatile as Roulette.

Some players approach me asking about what should they bet next. I have found my way by using multiple triggers + filters applied on a sequential timeline so this is precisely what I talk about with them. It doesn’t necessarily means it is the ultimate way, nor does it mean I am claiming to have the game beat to infinity. It simply means it is MY way of tackling the game and I’m happy with it.

So, I tend to offer folks advise on how to create a timeline, calculate L’s and w’s per cycle and similar topics. But having a plurality of options is good, therefore I also advise the fellows to have a look around, accordingly. You must learn to value other people's approaches too. Nobody has the absolute truth.

If you personally suffer from not knowing what to bet right now, take your time. It is healthy to go back to the game simulator while taking a look around in order to determine your actual personal numerical coverage (and risk) level.

Reduce locations to single numbers for calculating.

Carve this in your brain & remember: you must measure by the cycle, not by the spin.

For instance; in your personal betting ledger a loss on a dozen should be checked after LLL, not after a single L. Same goes throughout the game.

Even chance: 2 spins.
Dozen: 3 spins.
Double-street: 6 spins.
Corner/quad: 9 spins
Street: 12 spins.
Split: 18 spins.

Formula being 36 / <numerical coverage>.

The payout in units is used since we are tracking effectivity within our parameters; as players are being paid 36 units on a hit that's what we use to track and base our cycles on.

36 / 18 numbers on the even chance = 2 spins per cycle.
36 / 3 numbers on the single street = 12 spins per cycle.

This formula remains the same no matter the current bet, including any numerical coverage resulting from overlapping locations. Everything by the cycle.

...Once you go past the “must win every spin” mentality, you really see the game with an improved set of eyes.

It makes a world of difference when choosing what to bet and defining your comfort level.

It makes you comfortable with betting, say, a single street and not hitting 24 spins when you know it is the same as betting the even chances and skipping 4 spins. It happens regularly so there’s nothing to fear.

The total unit exposure per spin matters too. While you are exposing less you are saving. Not betting is as important as betting hence having a filter refining the amount of numbers is as important as the trigger adding them.

You comfort level should be determined exactly by what you are willing to risk in full per attack bankroll. If you start a game with a 100-unit bank, then you have to be willing to risk the 100 units at all times, knowing you have done your homework and set your bankroll units to an amount that gives you a fair chance of succeeding in the session, without getting stubborn trying to overcome all the “random walk” extremes, since it is precisely this mentality the one that -more often than not- burns the other players.

Also, you must have a mechanism for maximizing the impact of your positive streaks to its fullest extent. This means reinvesting a % of your rolling earnings (while locking the rest safely).

You need to use a sound inter-session money management. At least something that divides your lifetime bankroll into smaller chunks and gives you a clear answer on how much to keep for yourself, how much to re-invest and how much to save towards increasing the “cushion” between you and the casino.

Don’t forget having your stop-loss calculated from the current bankroll peak, based on the net amount of units (i.e. next bet would wipe your 100-unit bank, measured from highest bankroll level = time to stop).

A unit won is a unit locked. Your Money Management should account for this.

It is better to be cautious by risking multiple “mini-banks” with minimal unit value with the aim of letting them grow in the positive trams rather than starting with a larger unit. If your methodology is sound, this should be the right approach as it gets the unit growing/rising naturally on the positive trams while keeping it at the minimum value when “it’s raining cats and dogs”, so to speak, when in the concatenated negative trams.

This way you bet at the very minimum level while passing the storm.

When things are shiny being "your time" in the positive -and very positive!- trams, then the more you win and re-invest the more you actual betting unit grows, and the more your net value in actual collected money per successful attack increases.

Having a fluid unit value is one of your player’s advantages so you must use it.

Always looking at the session bankroll and keeping track of everything as you worked it out already. Laying a bet is the final result of your personal journey to get there. Studying and testing is certainly part of this quest.

After all things have been said and done, gambling is -for most players- a single-person sport. Even when using automated bots, it is you who remain at the helm overseeing the operation.

In a sense, having a dose of game paralysis is good, because it gives you time to ponder about the ways to bet you may find around, evaluate them, and then -after doing this process- picking the one that suits you.

Even if you are currently experiencing this stage, as long as you are checking-out new bets, keeping yourself in the loop and studying, you are never truly paralysed :)
