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Topics - ADulay


  Well, maybe not right away, but it's coming, bet on it.

  Stadium type table games are basically a live dealer and a "stadium" of live betting terminals.

  Think of it as a lot like those 8 station roulette machines you may see, but with "extra" seats.

  How many?   Well, there are currently 4000 or so stadium seats available in Macau and they are forecasting upwards of 6000 available player stations in the next 5 years.

  Why "stadium" type of roulette, baccarat, sic-bo?   Look to the MONEY, of course!   At a normal 7 station baccarat table, you get 7 players against one shoe.  At a stadium type of live baccarat tabel, you can have 50 players all on the same live shoe!   It's a no brainer for the casino.

  All that and the dealer's no longer have to handle any of the money as it's all done right at your personal terminal.

  So, if you've been wondering what the direction of table games are, simply look to Macau and it should be obvious.

  AD (article summarized from the Macau Business Daily)
General Discussion / A Serious Bot Question
April 27, 2013, 03:51:16 PM

   I have a question that may have consequences down the road, assuming the stars align and all that.

  The question is:  What are the primary duties of a bot with regards to your roulette programming?

  Are you placing individual numbers?  Reading numbers?  Reading results?  Reading a screen position?  Multiple positions?

  Approximately how many "spots" or "areas" do you have to monitor to get the data you need to perform any calculations and place a wager?   That last question is probably the main one I have at this time.

  I currently have no need for a "bot" and don't forsee one in the future but knowledge is golden so I'm asking in preparation for an idea session that's coming up.

  If there is a link to a "bot" wiki or something, I'd like to take a look.

Baccarat Forum / An amazed first timer
April 26, 2013, 06:01:50 PM
As a preface to this message.

If anyone thinks this is a spam, shill or advertising type of message, PLEASE ASK ME OR ANOTHER MOD TO DELETE IT.

As this forum is based on "bet selection" and specifically roulette (although the majority of threads are roulette specific) I figure it might just give some people an idea of what others are doing to take some money out of the casino.

We may love to play roulette, but if it's not making you any money, can it really be all that much fun?

I am posting this up here to show what a recent convert to baccarat had to say after finally getting to a live casino to run with his recently discovered talent.  I have edited the post to sanitize any obvious references to where or whom this is attributed to.   I do have permission to repost this message here.

Please note the comment that I had bolded and underlined to show what an intelligent and trained player thinks when he sees the great unwashed masses playing a table game in their usual manner!!

Also remember that baccarat, unlike roulette, is not an independent event type of game.   Once the first card comes out, the shoe is set in stone and nothing can change it during the course of play.  If you are a trend type of player, you seriously need to take a look at baccarat as your game of choice.


I have only been playing Baccarat Live online but this week I am working 500m from the Sydney Casino ...so I thought that I'd check out the Baccarat tables.

My first impressions...

I've never witnessed so many utterly braindead people doing everything possible to throw their money away. (Edit: The emphasis was mine.  AD) At the $200 min tables...not one single person was using a scorecard FFS! Damn near everybody were betting Ties as a side bet...People walking past the table would just lay a few chips with scant regard for the history of the game...I'm thinking "This is crazy $h1t"

I'm not confident enough to take on the $200 min tables yet so I headed over to the $20/$30 min tables and checked out the Tote boards as I went. I noticed a very small number here using scorecards...but not many at all...maybe 1 person for every 4 tables

I grabbed a few scorecards...first prob was that the Player/Banker were in reverse order...but the cards are horizontal anyway so I turned them vertically and scored as we do here on BTC

Second prob was that the Player/Banker colours on the Tote Boards are the opposite to what I am used to...so, that meant taking a little more care.

OK...Down to the nitty gritty...

I noted a Tote Board on a $30 table which began with... B1222...Pretty obvious to any of us what to do here...so, I jumped onboard playing OTB4LM3...U1D1M2.

I changed modes a few times between M3 and M2 and had to keep an eye on the ZZs... I Had 1 losing 5iar but changing modes took care of the next 5iar.

The upshot is that despite losing the 4 bets on the first 5iar I finished up with a 55 unit win...I gotta be happy with that.

I had a whole bunch of very pi$$ed off people at my table who could tell that I wasn't near as experienced as them...but my chip count was growing as fast as their's was depleting...They weren't happy little vegemites...lol (some tried to follow me in the end...but couldn't understand my betting strategy)

Seriously...anyone on here would have beaten this shoe to varying degrees...The early signs that this was an OTB4L shoe couldn't have been more obvious ...Some would have been on from the start and ended up with a win of over 60 units

BTW: I played the same shoe at home using S40 and finished with a 36 unit advantage...so it beggars belief that everyone else on my table was really struggling...Go figure...I left after playing this 1 shoe before I got tarred and feathered...(that and I told the Missus a little porky pie about me working back) lol...Bad Oz

A point of note: A few things that were really rammed home to me after this shoe.

The 3 most important rules of playing Baccarat...

1) Table selection

2) Table selection

3) Table selection

OK...I know that I was lucky...these shoes can't come around very often...but the thing is that NOR told me to get onboard this shoe and told me how to play it.
Baccarat Forum / A nice shoe to "Trend" with
January 31, 2013, 07:46:20 PM

   Well, there's not much action around the baccarat section but seeing as how it's my primary game, I figure I'd post up this shoe from yesterday with the results.  This is a classic example of playing what you see.  Nothing fancy, just see the "trend" and attack it.   I elected to attack on Player and wound up with a nice profit for a short amount of work.

    Why was I in an actual casino instead of my usual venue of an online table?   The wife had to use up a lot of slots free play so I tagged along for the free dinner and saw this table in play.   It was a no brainer.  Playing the "strong" side with this type of betting is part of an overall strategy involving several types of play, depending on what the shoe it showing you.

    There was a lone Asian guy trying like mad to  "make" the Banker side work for him, but he was playing way out on the edge and paid a price for it.  He has some pretty large wagers out while my largest was a single, three unit bet late in the shoe.

    Now granted, this type of shoe is VERY unusual as it is Player dominated AND the Banker never had a run of more than two!   Good for me, bad for the typical Banker chase player.

    Anyway, here's the play card from yesterday.  I didn't actually start betting until Hand 29 on my card as I had to quickly copy the results from the other player at the table to see what I wanted to do.
