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Baccarat - "Law Of average" vs "Math"

Started by BacDealer, October 24, 2013, 04:59:11 AM

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What I see in the game of Baccarat:

1) I see an average consecutive run of 13-18 Bankers / Players at least "Twice" a day (5%) in the Casino. (5 out of 100 games)

2) I see approximately 40% of the tables are bad mixing Bankers / Players in random orders not showing any patterns.

3) I see consecutive runs of 8 Bankers / Players at least "Twenty times" a day in the Casino. (20 out of 100 games or 20% of the time).

4) I see many tables having consecutive runs of 3 and 4 in a row, many times throughout the day. (30 out of 100 games or 35%).

I play live baccarat at the casino approx 6-8hrs per day and notice the "Law of Average" to look forward to day after day.

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