Glen's => Wagering & Intricacies => Topic started by: alrelax on January 14, 2020, 09:41:43 PM

Title: Key Points of Good Money Management Method in Baccarat
Post by: alrelax on January 14, 2020, 09:41:43 PM
Key Points of Good Money Management Method in Baccarat

First and Foremost.  You have to govern yourself by Levels & Plateaus, that you are in.  Meaning.  Wagering and staying within your own Level and Plateau.  This is a MUST!  Figure it out, find it out, use it to your advantage.  It works.  I have written about it in detail, it is on this board. 

Develop a Bank Roll.  Understand that your Bankroll is different than your Buy-in.  Your Buy-in is a small section of your Bankroll.  Again, part of your Level & Plateau.  But, IMO your Buy-in should be no greater than 10% at the most extreme of your Bankroll. 

Replenish your Bankroll at the earliest possible time, like clockwork, without excuses or exceptions.  None, zero. 

Do not fall into the extremely hurtful, detrimental, not an advantage in the world, etc., belief that you build your Bankroll continually with win money and play larger and larger and greater and greater.  Every single case of that led the Bankroll holder to bust. 

Replenish your Bankroll with win money.  Do not apply all your win money to it.  Use win money for other things outside of Bankroll and gambling, etc. 

Always employ the 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd with your win money as I have also written and detailed about. 

Understand that Buy-in is strictly risk capital and you are looking for capitalizing on presentments.  Nothing else.  All personal feelings and scheduled wagers need to be shelved and used extremely sporadic, the exact same as employing beliefs of wagering with or against someone because of what they are doing or not doing with their wagers, etc. 

Employ 1-3-2-6 or 1-3-2-4 or 1-3-4-8 positive progressions, if you are looking to do what the extremely disciplined players proved greater success with over the years, playing a bit more aggressive within shorter term sections, etc.