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General Discussion / Re: Gambling Quotes
June 20, 2023, 11:07:32 PM
A couple of quotes from old time Vegas comedian Joe E. Lewis:

"I just want to get even"

"I'm on such a bad losing streak that if I was around then, I would have taken Colonel Custer and given points"

Free bonus Joe E. Lewis story:

Sitting at a table with a lady friend at a casino, Joe's lady friend went to light a cigarette and realized that she didn't have any more cigarettes....and neither did Joe, so like a gentleman, he said that he would go to the gift shop and buy a pack of smokes.

Well 5 minutes went by, then 10 minutes then 15 minutes and no sign of Joe.

Finally Joe appears with the pack of cigarettes and the lady friend asks how much did they cost and Joe says about $ 2,000.

Well on the way to the gift shop, Joe had stopped at a craps table.........and you can guess the rest of the story.

General Discussion / Re: Gambling Quotes
June 15, 2023, 08:55:36 PM
Mae West:  "I hear that poker is a game of luck"

W.C. Fields  "Not the way I play it"

From the film "My Little Chickadee"

"The only way to make money in a casino is to own one"    Steve Wynn

"I wasted my entire life savings on gambling, alcohol, women and liquor........the rest I spent foolishly"  Anonymous
Mr Giz

What would you do if a number came up more than once in the 18 numbers.......would you count it as just one number and only put one chip on it ?    ........or for example if the number 5 came up 3 times in your 18 number count, would you put three chips on number 5 for a total bet of 20 chips on the table?

General Discussion / casino safety deposit boxes
June 02, 2023, 10:15:22 PM
Maybe casino safety deposit boxes are really not that "safe"

Good article on how vegas casinos are screwing their customers....and most visitors don't realize it......they just go to vegas to have a good time.

I wonder how long it will go on before customers start to get tired about getting ripped off and will stop going to vegas.

If the Journal paywall shoe up, just click on the X button in the right hand corner and the article will appear.

KungFuBac / Re: 7 Biggest Baccarat Legends
May 16, 2023, 03:19:40 PM
It is really a miracle that Doyle Brunson live to be 89 years old.

1. He was seriously overweight for most of his life.
2. He smoked cigarettes
3. He ate mostly buffet and casino food loaded with sodium, grease and cholesterol for most of his life
4. He never exercised and spent most of his life sitting down at a poker table
5. He inhaled tons of second hand smoke when he played poker..... almost everyone smoked during most of his early playing days.
6. He lived the most high stress life possible by playing no limit poker while at the same time trying to financially support his family........where one bad run of cards would wipe out your entire bankroll and your family had no money to pay the rent or buy food.
7. He avoided getting robbed or killed during the 1950's and 1960's when he played mostly in underground gambling rooms in people's basements.

Truly an amazing life....would make a great movie.

Also was a real gentleman ...which was rare in the poker world.

Requiem En Pace

The video above is very helpful.........but I suggest you google search the terms             "stop hunting"  and " high frequency trading" if you plan on investing or speculating in the stock, future, or forex markets.

Basically the markets are just like a casino with ultra fast high speed computers and algorithms (algos) making hundreds or even thousands of trades a minute trying to scalp a few ticks a second which comes out to multi millions of dollars a year in profits, all at the expense of the retail trader.....known publicly by the industry as the "retail trade" but privately as  "unintelligent money"

In the very long run, prices of securities will eventually reflect their intrinsic value...but in the short run, you are trading against a super computer which has no correlation to the actual value of the security you are trading.
Actually how incredible this definition applies to a former US president.......and the danger it implies.

What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?

Sense of self-importance.
Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success.
Can only be around people who are important or special.
Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain.
Lack empathy.
Must be admired.
I disagree with the above posts........most gamblers have a very sophisticated money management methodology which is......

"I am going to keep on playing until I lose all my money"
General Discussion / Re: crypto
March 08, 2023, 11:20:50 PM

Major crypto bank calling it quits.......hopefully everyone will get their funds back.

General Discussion / interesting web site
March 02, 2023, 11:50:46 PM
Not sure if I am  allowed to post a web site, so delete this post if its not allowed.

1. This is not my web site
2. I do not receive any commissions for referrals to the site.
3. I do not know and have never met the individual who owns
    this web site,
4. I found to link to the site from a Las Vegas newsletter I receive.

Maybe some of you already know about the site.....may be  of interest to some of you.

Quote"But IMO and decades of B&M play, there are a heck of a lot more player clumping/streaks in the beginning as well as chop or 1s and 2s."        From post # 4 above

For me, the most important statistic in baccarat is that "approximately, in the long run"  88% of baccarat hands will be comprised of runs or 3 or less in each shoe
  I repeat again, that's in the long run....lots of chops, 1-2'2    2-2's    3-3's
1-3's  2-3's    etc etc etc
General Discussion / Re: crypto
January 22, 2023, 08:22:39 PM