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Messages - John_Stemart

Quote from: Garfield on August 14, 2017, 04:19:33 AM
@greeneclipse : sorry to reply you in here. The topic was locked. I don't know the condition of Alvin nowadays. Don't have the interest anymore.
Alvin? Who was that? I think he worked for the mob didn't he?
Baccarat Forum / Re: Gambler's Dream
August 14, 2017, 05:19:01 AM
Quote from: Atlantis on August 14, 2017, 03:37:30 AM
"Hate" you? I don't hate you - whatever gave you that impression?? You misunderstand.

In the end if you carry on like this I guess your questionable behaviour and ultimate fate will be decided by the System Admins + Mods. This is a gambling forum for gambling. I am not the system seller. YOU ARE. You must be prepared to take some of the flak that can result from you being here and advertising your gambling products in the manner you have been doing.

Face up to the fact that you won't be allowed to continue like this forever, especially if you break the rules and don't conform to forum etiquette and so on... A friendly warning - it's for your own good, health and sanity, mate.

Seriously though. Take my advice. Why not start your own forum where YOU can be the BIG MAN in full editorial control with the power to keep or even sack members according to your own whims or desires if they don't agree with you or start mild criticism. You might like that and I think it will suit your domineering personality... Don't try and do it here though. Give us a bit more respect and intelligence than that. You're no better than we are and you know it sonny!

And less of the o.t.t. PM insults already. Grow up.
In business you sometimes live in a dog eat dog world -  and I just happen to be one of your "nastier" types of canines!

Take care,
Nasty Canine? Emm sounds like you're out to get Stephen, author of the greatest baccarat strategy in the world. Can you try to keep the forum chat baccarat please Atlantis, your post more than smell of hate and conspiracy. Try to refrain from it all.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Gambler's Dream
August 14, 2017, 05:17:54 AM
Quote from: Atlantis on August 14, 2017, 02:15:25 AM

I was just wondering.  I got his SFBBS - The Secret Flat Bet Baccarat System (which bets P only). I guess you know it. I found it very hard work winning with it. IMHO a simple system- but not for me to bother with.

I agree with you about the interesting member's free ideas and tweaks. You do learn more. And it's more friendlier too! That's what this forum is supposed to be all about, isn't it? Not johnny-come-lately's to come on and hijack spamming the forum with pretend proxy's to the nth degree and all just  to insert backlinks and false appraisals for some desperado's ebook campaign... (Oops. Better keep quiet, hadn't I?)
You're only Jealous of Stephen's books, because he is a #1 baccarat strategy best selling author. I wrote to him and he wrote back and said he has many more book coming out and he is selling his books while you have nothing to do but come on here and cause trouble.

You're Jealous because he can come up with great world winning systems, writes about them and sells them but you can't come up with any system, have to steal systems, have to commit fraud and pretend that you are such a great and fantastic baccarat player when in reality you do not have a clue about baccarat.

If you were a genuine kind of guy you wouldn't be behaving like a donut. You probably never ever gamble on baccarat but are only here for a bit of company because you don't have anyone else to talk to in the reality of your mundane meaningless existence.

I read  https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Golden-Baccarat-Winning-Strategy/dp/1973905019/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1502671711&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Ultimate+Golden+Secret+Baccarat+Winning+Strategy+3.0

I am now up winning 1,800. The book is the holy grail of all baccarat systems. Tabone is a number 1 best selling casino gaming author and his book is a #1 baccarat bestseller, this is the reason you write to try and dismiss his work; it's because your Jealous, because you could come up with a better system yourself. If you could you would have written a book and wouldn't be hiding away and fishing for ideas.

The reason you do what you do is because you're Jealous and no doubt a loser, have never ever won anything playing baccarat.

What are you even doing on this forum? You don't believe in systems, you don't gamble on baccarat. Are you very lonely?
Baccarat Forum / Re: Baccarat Kudos System
August 10, 2017, 03:16:22 PM
Quote from: backudos on August 10, 2017, 02:25:50 PM
Yes, it works.

What do you mean by linking to online gambling?
I prefer to play in a casino not online. Can't be trusted.
Quote from: greeneclipse on August 10, 2017, 02:25:15 PM
It didn't cost too much and I got an offer from amazon. But I have noticed that the price has gone up since I ordered my copy. Amazon are still doing a deal on it though, that's the paperback version.
How many units did you win using 2.1? if the golden secret shutters the house edge then I guess it does not matter we can take full advantage of the knowledge.
Quote from: Atlantis on August 10, 2017, 02:51:29 PM
John_Stemart wrote:
*could* being the operative word...

Hope you're a good guesser!

Take care and Good luck.

I'm going to buy the golden secret 3.0 baccarat book. Got to order a copy. Book title on amazon reads: Casino's House Edge Shattered. THE BOOK THAT TURNS THE TABLES ON CASINO DEALERS FROM VEGAS TO MACAU.

"shattered" wow I got to read this. House edge shattered. If this is true I can make a fortune so yes I guess it just has to be worth it. yes it could work and if it does I will be in the money in the long run.

I just read a little preview on kindle and all seems good. Greeneclipse said he is winning using 2.1 so I expect this golden secret book to be better. You wrote you didn't read 2.1 so are you going to read this one?
Quote from: greeneclipse on August 10, 2017, 01:33:25 PM
Yes, I found it on Amazon, title is,

'The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0: Casino's House Edge Shattered. THE BOOK THAT TURNS THE TABLES ON CASINO DEALERS FROM VEGAS TO MACAU'

It's 42 pages. I just ordered a copy.
How much did your order cost you? Amazon are doing an offer on it. well I might as well order it since I could make a lot of money using it. I guess its an investment.
Quote from: alrelax on August 10, 2017, 01:19:24 PM
Buy it and get filthy wealthy rich!  Probably the best thing since sliced bread, no one wants to say anything except the couple of members that bought his book already on here and reviewed it.  I can only imagine the casinos will pull all baccarat tables and discontinue the game, absolutely that is why! 

Most newbies fall for the con-men offerings so no different here.  Just speak up and warn the rest--is best.
I read it is the best baccarat system in the world. Is that not worth buying ? I mean if I can make a lot of money out of the game what is wrong with that? have you read the book?
Quote from: greeneclipse on August 10, 2017, 01:33:25 PM
Yes, I found it on Amazon, title is,

'The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0: Casino's House Edge Shattered. THE BOOK THAT TURNS THE TABLES ON CASINO DEALERS FROM VEGAS TO MACAU'

It's 42 pages. I just ordered a copy.
I'm going to order a book too. did you read the 2.1 edition?