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Topics - Razor

General Discussion / What IF????
October 08, 2013, 12:55:17 PM
I have a very serious question to make.

What can someone think if he has found a consistent winning flat bet that matches 100% with Charles win 3 mill scammer clues?
Meaning that has tested 30 sessions of 100 spins and almost all passed the test.(letting 1-2 sessions to end up with just a loss of less than 10 chips).

Would that mean that Charles actually has a winning bet?
And if so , why to scam all those ppl and take their money of the PPPC club?(I was not one of them)

I would be glad hear some opinions.

We all know that the Boffins bet flat betting or with the recomended progression and with only one EC betting doesn t work in the long run as the author claims.
But has anyone tested it in a lot of spins with a program using it s exact rules?
The exact rules are saying that it should be played on all 3 Ecs and with the special progression that the author provides.

All I have seen and tested is a RX code that some members coded  the bet with only one of the three Ecs.(flat or with progression)
I know that if it is losing with the one EC , it is supposed that by betting all three Ecs we will have loss X3.
But it is supposed that the author say that the 3 Ecs are working together as a team...(unreal but this is what he claims)

So my question is ... Has anyone tested this system with it s exact rules?

General Discussion / This is an ELITE forum
March 14, 2013, 11:21:29 AM
From the day I sign up in this forum(even before that) I saw that the majority of the members in here are old roulette researchers with solid knowledge of the game.
This is a good thing but it also has the bad side of it.

The bad side that I can see(in my opinion) is that we know that is more luckily that the game can not be beaten(this is what our research all those years has shown so we are wiser now and less exited).
So this thing has the result of not posting ideas or methods because we are afraid what the other memebrs will say and turn down our ideas with negative posts.
This is really bad ...
This is a roulette forum that means that without new ideas/brainstorming,nothing will go ahead. :)

I suggest 3 things
1)Noone should be posting negative posts.. "negative" posts should be starting with "my opinion is that....but maybe i am mistaken so will have to see" etc.
2)The moderation should be really strict.
3)Even if someone is posting negative posts, the better thing we can do is ignore him and continue posting our observations and opinions.

This was my observation and I posted this in order to have a better forum.
Thanks for reading.
Let's say after 7 years of full roulette research I have found the H/G of the Ecs FLAT BETTING.(It can be adapted on the 2:1 bets too and add those bets but I haven t tested it there...BUT same winning principles so same thing)
Let's say it is based 100% on probability...(something like Marigny only a hell lot faster and better)
Let's say it can not be played with pen and paper(lot s of calculations) and it needs a program/bot.
Now what?
How can I trust a programer not to expose or sell the method?
How can I take the bot in the real Casino?

Please only serious replies cause I an not kidding.
General Discussion / Question for the experts
March 03, 2013, 12:26:23 PM
Lets say we have 3 wheels in front of us that each of them has spun 5 REDS in a row.

Lets say we have one other wheel that has  also spun 5 REDS in a row.

From your expirience what is more likely to happen?

In the first example the majority of the wheels( 2 of 3 or all 3 wheels) to spun a BLACK?

Or in the second example the one wheel with the 5 REDS to spin a BLACK?

If you think that there is a difference,then this would be the start of a great system.