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Messages - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 07, 2012, 02:42:55 AM
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 06, 2012, 08:24:08 AM
My sheets did not come out right.  Tomorrow I'll video it.
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 06, 2012, 02:09:58 AM
You're welcome guys.  Three more to come when time permits.

Iggiv is very tight-lipped about anything he does.

General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 05, 2012, 02:31:59 PM
Bally and all

I don't know if this thing of Dane's will work or not.  To me, he is a no-nonsense guy who shoots straight.  He's nice; he explains with humor.  Says his systems win.  We'll see.

But he is NOT static; he moves around and quits when certain conditions apply.

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 05, 2012, 05:32:38 AM
WARNING...........RANT TO FOLLOW...............

I can drive 30 miles and lose everything I've worked and earned in the last fifty years and that's OK.  I can't play for pennies legally on BV.

You should see the Indian casinos here.  Can't even move after 5 pm it's so crowded.  American gambling is coming from Vegas and Atlantic City via the internet, but the wheel will probably be 00.

I am studying back-a-rat as it will not have two zeros to fight.  Still, I'd love to beat that devil.

Straight-up / Re: Cyclic wakers
December 05, 2012, 05:26:53 AM
I love a straight answer!  No obfuscation!
Straight-up / Re: Cyclic wakers
December 05, 2012, 03:07:37 AM
Let's say 34 woke up and then hit.  Do I drop it from the array or bet it again?

A roll of adding machine paper works wonders on these when you have no tracker!!  Don't try toilet tissue!   :))


General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
December 04, 2012, 04:27:51 PM
OK, since I'm basically a mechanical person................

Have you ever seen the horse shoe puzzle?  Two horse shoes with chains welding them together and a ring around the chains.  Logic would say you cannot take that ring off.  Sure you can.

Can two parallel lines cross.  No!  Think railroad tracks.  They never even get close to each other.  BUT parallel lines can cross. (Yes, it twists the word "cross" a bit!)

My point--and I flubbed it--is that just because something looks impossible and 9999 out of 1,000 would tell you it's impossible--watch out for that thousandth person.


General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
December 04, 2012, 09:47:22 AM
OK, maybe I spoke out of turn.

As I understood it you have two losing games but when you alternate them, you get a winning game.  If one has a positive expectation, why not just play it?

"There exist pairs of games, each with a higher probability of losing than winning, for which it is possible to construct a winning strategy by playing the games alternately."

I read the above and believed it.  Sorry about me.What about De'mere's (sp) dice game?  Who would think that possible without mathematical proof?


Computer H.A.R...................

"Hi, Computer!  Now play this system and when you get a win, quit.  Wait somewhere between 2 and 8 hours--oh, just pick a random time--and play it again.  Repeat.  Repeat."

Don't tell me a programmer couldn't make a computer do that.  OK, you need a dedicated computer that just idles when not playing.  I have one and I'll bet others do, too.

Where's the beef?

General Discussion / Re: Not another board?
December 04, 2012, 03:52:55 AM
"especially given the usual crowd"

We are trying to get away from the "usual crowd"--namely the likes of you!

"i have considered "throwing a good bit of business" on some other projects his way, but it's tough to be able to thusly take the rest of him so-seriously."

So if he'd just come around to your camp, you'd give him all your programming business.  But you won't.  Poor Vic!  The money he's lost!  That's like a spoiled kid saying to another, "Well I was going to give you some ice cream, but I won't now!"


Mods?  I call for a vote.


General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 03, 2012, 06:59:14 PM
This system is simple.  Look at the Excel matrix.  (Lord!!  I'm using a matrix!!)

All you do is cross off numbers as they come until you have 5 crossed off either vertically or horizontally.  Then bet the sixth, unhit number.  If it appears both horizontally and vertically--which can happen often--bet it twice.

Flat bet.  Quit on a win--ahead or behind and track new.

General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 03, 2012, 06:24:56 PM
Dane has posted another system on the old fourm, VLSroulette.com

I have deciphered it!!  LOL

I will test it with the numbers from Spielbank for the 5th of December, table 2,3,4.7.  Four tests.

This man says it wins.  I would not doubt him.

His XOXOX has won every time I played it.

He may SHOOT me for posting this.

:forbidden: <------------No More Sam!!

P.S.  Today is Monday the 3rd at around noon Redneck Standard Time.

You're verification is good.  I was not speaking of you. 
