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Messages - Rolex-Watch

Baccarat Forum / Re: The Rule of 2's
April 03, 2015, 07:47:44 AM
Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on April 03, 2015, 04:24:04 AM
Wow, unless I missed it, the clown finally closed up the worthless thread he started! THANK GOD!  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
He's gone one step further, he has deleted the entire thread.  He was full of excrement.  He mentions being in Vegas, then tells me he isn't far away from me, seeing I'm a long way from Vegas.  Even more contradictions, WTF??

Good riddance to the biggest game player in the last few years, "I sayed".
Baccarat Forum / Re: The Rule of 2's
April 01, 2015, 04:52:30 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on April 01, 2015, 03:56:03 PM
Sir Rolex Watch, yeah the soap opera is now flown away for the mind serenity of many, you first.

How have you thought we were on the same "symmetry wawe" if I stressed months long to the importance of asymmetricity?

And, lol, do you really think yours is a "very brilliant system"?
We (we) were kidding you. It's just the old soup made of progressions, progressions, progressions. 

After all, today is april's fool.


a$$BacFool who's been jerking off for over 18 months at the expense of others.  Symmetrical and betting against it continuance or OW, truly is an art, however it is anthropomorphizing a casino game no matter how you attempt to justify it, (Fools Gold), that sayed it all.

Having played Baccarat in many territories, as we know, 80 ~ 90% of players are those whom English is not their prime language, from the low rollers to the VIP rooms, the majority of players are from East Asia (cool with that).  Now the Chinese can be smart cookies when it comes to maths, so let's imagine for a second somebody discovered a flaw or an exploitable bet opportunity for the game of Baccarat.

Our non-English speaking players congregate amongst themselves, they chat amongst themselves in their first language.  Having spent the last 10 years sharing tables. I can assure you ,if they had 'something' they would not share outside their own circle [fact of life, applicable to all].

Do you really think it would be laid out or clues posted to it's existence on an internet forum?  Or instead the person with the key to the treasure chest might  form a syndicate and first rape all the US casinos, then the Canadian ones, then fly over to Singapore, Macau, then possibly Australia, staying in 5 star hotels, their every need being comp'd.  Of course you would put all of this at risk and irking your friends (maybe even risking your well-being!!!), by revealing or even hinting that there exists an exploitable flaw in the game.

Of course none of this is applicable, because it doesn't exist, no single exploitable flaw, no primo distribution / asymmetry, in fact the game shouldn't be anthropomorphized at all. 

Of course AsymBacJock could have cut to the chase a long long time ago, it is safe to assume internet jollies are rewarding for the small minded, courtesy of the few that continue to feed into the nonsense.

For those the have spent more than 5 minutes playing this game, think back to all those times you have lost 9-8, not been paid when yours was the side to first reach 9.  Frequently yes?   This is why there is no flaw, no single hand, sequence exploit, it is not only discourteous to those that actually play, it is mischievous to suggest otherwise.  a$$bacjock has been given enough rope to hang a small colony and still hasn't produced squat or even provide a sniff of common sense, it is a bad testament for the forum.   
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on April 28, 2014, 05:00:50 pm

    Sorry, but I had to remove the post after experiencing an unusual heat from the personnel of a  Vegas casino.
    Maybe tomorrow I'll post something correlated to it.

Baccarat Forum / Re: The Rule of 2's
April 01, 2015, 02:42:43 PM
Quote from: Jimske on March 31, 2015, 08:49:51 PM
By waiting for LLL we are simply betting less hands.  Not going to necessarily win more hands per 100 bets.  So we could do just as well betting OLD at every event.
Because wins will take care of themselves, we as players need to focus more on avoiding losses.  Losses consume bankroll, I rather go home "even"  and win less on other days.  Avoiding losses is more important than seeing how much you can win.  Bet OLD were I play on-line and you will get your behind handed to you on a plate sooner than you know it. 

Quote from: Jimske on March 31, 2015, 08:49:51 PM
So poor shuffles producing clumps and long streaks?  Now we are getting into what Ellis has been saying for years.  He adds that the casino does it on purpose to thwart the player.  We can go down that road forever but the point is IF you think or believe or if in fact shuffles producing more long runs than random would dictate why not change your bet strategy to accommodate the bias?  I digress.
Let's nor worry about what Ellis says, but yes the shuffle procedure has a major impact.  You could chance betting FLD, but even streaky shoes usually includes chops and again, you can't see around corners.  When I say sloppy shuffle procedures produce streaky shoes, this doesn't mean the entire shoe or shoe after shoe is streaky.  However nearly every shoe I play has at the very least a single 8 streak, many shoes have multiple long streaks, I simply don't know when things are going to run, so don't play for them. 

Most definitely without a doubt there is a difference.  I see runs that hardly occur in my land-based casino, on-line they are very frequent.  Ditto a particular over-seas casino as like "Streak-City", they installed those Angle Eye auto-card shufflers like another over-seas joint and it was a 100% game changer.

Quote from: Bayes on April 01, 2015, 11:41:58 AM
Here's an idea that I've put on my TODO list, maybe someone's already tried it although the book keeping would be arduous:

Have a separate progression for each single, double, triple streak (up to say 5 or 6) on both sides. i.e., banker singles, player singles, banker doubles, player doubles etc.

I don't think the progression would need to be aggressive, perhaps a modified d'Alembert. When you have a new high balance, reset all progressions. Also, it might be worth shifting the debts around from one progression to another if things get too out of balance and you're still in the red.
I went through this a few years ago, forget about separating the sides, GR8 was trending individual sides this some time back, I tried it a few times, it wasn't long before it stank the place out. 
Even if you combine, too bad when one streak length goes to sleep for a while, hence I took sub-sets of streak lengths and applied various flexible progressions to various portions of the shoe.  The problem is, a few long runs consume too much bankroll and you have to start all over again clearing your lines or in my case "strings". 

Quoteunless there is a bet selection that changes the LIAR.
I  may have something that achieves this, the expectation for 3Liar is 17%.

Time to give these people a break
Next week I'll be in MBS and Resorts World (any Singapore players here?). 


Baccarat Forum / Re: The Rule of 2's
March 30, 2015, 12:44:21 PM
Quote from: greenguy on March 29, 2015, 09:17:34 AM
I don't get it, really?
It is because the FoO which rings true on all data samples.

However I would suggest the frequency between "singles and doubles" are simply too close, you can get shoes were the second line hole gap is only happens twice in a shoe.  Which is great for second line players, those that bet FLD, however you can't see around corners, so don't sweat it..

A much better way for on-line players (can't do this in a bricks 'n' mortar joint without heavy bankroll), on-line you can bet a pittance.  So run a progression, I use my own form based on a Labby, you can construct your own. Run this progression after any three streak for three bets, if you lose a lot of bets (streaky shoe) who cares, but you will want this money back at some stage.

Next; run a higher progression for bets, say 5 times or more than the first progression, should you lose three bets you have run into a six streak.

Next; pull out the big guns and make bets that the current 6 streak doesn't run beyond 9, if it does then stop betting. 

Sure you will have the odd on-line streak greater than 9, doesn't matter unless they happen back to back and frequently, but it is very unlikely for that to happen.  This is a long term strategy, hit a bad (streaky) shoe, next one should be normal with lots of runs stopping at 3, 4, 5 etc. 

As for the singles and doubles, don't worry about them, too much headache, your still making money anyway.

BTW; hit the wrong shoe and your really low progression gets battered, round up he total and move the current draw-down to the higher progressions for means of recoup and restart the lower progression.

This is what I did about a month or so ago, but where I play have really sloppy shuffle procedures which results in a lot of clumping therefore long streaks, such as a 10 streak or more every fcuking shoe and you can become frustrated and sometimes don't feel like stopping and when you think you have won cos' your side is on 8, the other side stops at 9.  Then become even more angry and hammer away at the mouse button swearing and calling them a bunch of cheating %^$&$*'s.     

Basically you see mad runs on-line that you don't see in a real world casino, I put it down to the outfit simply wanting to keep the game going, so they call in some other trainee to shuffle the cards, who doesn't do the job properly because she earns less than peanuts for a wage, there are reasons why UK operations choose to be based in the Baltic states...

(FoO = frequency of occurrence)
Baccarat Forum / Re: btc lawsuit
March 28, 2015, 09:07:21 PM
Quote from: BlueHood on March 28, 2015, 04:56:17 PM
So was the guy/gal who commenced the thread.
Yeah I know, it is highly unlikely anybody would consult a lawyer over a gambling scam, though they tried it in Singapore, press coverage the lot..
Baccarat Forum / Re: btc lawsuit
March 28, 2015, 01:21:31 AM
I was being flippant,  I did read his posts on the Maverick site, just like he promoted Ellis's stuff at every opportunity on the defunct BF site, you know the score..
Baccarat Forum / Re: btc lawsuit
March 27, 2015, 08:08:26 PM
Unfortunately you do realize most would never step forward, firstly they have written off the money, put it down to one of those things, or too embarrassed to admit to having been conned. 

If ever the day compensation was being paid, they would then come out the wood-work, nature of the beast and the scammers know it.   

As for our moderator, he was moderating those forums with one eye closed, so him doing the admin stuff on said sites doesn't really count, because he didn't really have a clear view of what was going on..
Baccarat Forum / Re: btc lawsuit
March 26, 2015, 09:28:54 AM
Numbers must run into the thousands over the last 10 years.  In this age of consumer protectionism it is about time these dinosaurs were made extinct, and "our moderator" would then have no excuse.

Good Luck, maybe somebody North of the border should instigate the same against that other long running con-artist.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Lets talk about Ellis's 2HI
March 25, 2015, 06:51:00 PM
Quote from: jsb02009 on March 25, 2015, 02:18:03 PM

I tried making  a thread but I guess they didn't allow it.
New to this site.  I am looking for fellow members of btc that want to join me in taking ellis and keith smith to court for fraud.  I can't believe these scam artists have been running this scheme for so long.  My goal is to get members back their money but also prevent future people from being scammed.  If you are a btc member that has been scammed please notify me.  If we get enough people we can do a class action lawsuit.  My wife is a lawyer and I am willing to pay all legal fees.
Best of luck mat8, really really hope you succeed, I'm not 100% sure Mark Teryua got done, but surely it would spell curtains for one of our moderators, who is/was an admin at both sites and who did his best to ensure both ships sailed smoothly. Of course HE HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON, OR THAT PEOPLE WERE BEING FLEECED BY SNAKE OIL SELLERS.     
Baccarat Forum / Re: Lets talk about Ellis's 2HI
March 24, 2015, 11:50:53 PM
What's with all this anticipate the trend nonsense, you see something, it looks like a trend, great it continued, oops it didn't.  Hit an miss, hit and miss..  When there are smarter options out there which achieve the same thing, but mucho better, if trending is you bag.

The SO method (punting) from years ago achieved this, but was complicated. Eirescotts Birthday Paradox using pairs captures every possible trend, first hand, win every bet until it ends.  Scotty did realize this, bit I did, just a matter of using BP and looking back, bingo you have the ultimate trend catcher, or very simply what about DBL doesn't that capturer every trend, is a sort of way, all you have to do it anticipate when the twos are coming or going to repeat and then you follow them. 

You make trending appear like some think as trending as a dark skilled art, when in reality there exists options that will do it for you, both automatically and mechanically. no second guessing involved, because the bet selection does it all for ya. 

Glad to have been of help and been able to clarify things, don't mention it, you're welcome [smiley]toto/d200712201620449378.gif[/smiley]
Baccarat Forum / Re: Lets talk about Ellis's 2HI
March 24, 2015, 06:02:44 PM
Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on March 24, 2015, 03:09:32 AM
I love it when people say this, find the right shoe. It's incredible, sure, after 50 hands you can look back and say I would of did this there and this over there, etc. Hindsight won't work when you're playing live.....
Now who does this remind of? 

Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on March 24, 2015, 03:09:32 AM
NOR= neutral, opposite, repeat. he uses a count to tell you what the shoe is doing. WTF do you need to do that for, look at your scorecard.
that is exactly what I thought, another Ellis master-class, and to think you have to pay for this amazing insight, who remembers the "Twister" scam and casinos pressing special buttons on the shufflers to produce a 3-1-1-3 pattern to take down all of Ellis disciples??

Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on March 24, 2015, 03:09:32 AM
Seriously, it makes me wonder if anyone really plays the game. I know Jim plays (never played with), tomla does, played with him, but besides that, I honestly don't know....
Cough, cough..
Baccarat Forum / Re: Offline Vs Online
March 24, 2015, 05:50:49 PM
Better still hate those peddling cr@p that mathematically can't exist, therefore worthless and no better than a coin flip. 
Quote from: Natural 9 on March 22, 2015, 03:43:37 AM
And No, I will not play alongside with you because I don't trust people like you. I've heard a lot about you and it's better to stay way from a stranger like you.  :nope:

Hahahaha you unintelligent, stop making things up you spanner head.  HUATING me gonna, LOL... I ain't doing no thrilla in Minill, only singsing, HUAT HAUT...  Psssst how abouts asking Victor to make sum mo' emoticons, they seem to go down well with u [smiley]afb/dog.gif[/smiley][smiley]afb/dog.gif[/smiley][smiley]afb/argue.gif[/smiley][smiley]afb/argue.gif[/smiley][smiley]afb/secret.gif[/smiley][smiley]afb/secret.gif[/smiley][smiley]afb/shop.gif[/smiley][smiley]afb/shop.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/bh000.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/bh000.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/w000.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/w000.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/n000.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/n000.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/n000.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/c02.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/c02.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/c03.gif[/smiley][smiley]cactus/c03.gif[/smiley][smiley]mgirl/mouse-girl-emoticon-20.gif[/smiley][smiley]mgirl/mouse-girl-emoticon-20.gif[/smiley][smiley]mgirl/mouse-girl-emoticon-15.gif[/smiley][smiley]mgirl/mouse-girl-emoticon-15.gif[/smiley][smiley]mgirl/mouse-girl-emoticon-14.gif[/smiley][smiley]mgirl/mouse-girl-emoticon-14.gif[/smiley][smiley]panda/s-panda-qqbiaoqing06.gif[/smiley][smiley]panda/s-panda-qqbiaoqing06.gif[/smiley][smiley]panda/s-panda-qqbiaoqing11.gif[/smiley][smiley]panda/s-panda-qqbiaoqing11.gif[/smiley][smiley]yahoo/yahoohairpull.gif[/smiley][smiley]yahoo/yahoohairpull.gif[/smiley][smiley]yahoo/yahoolaughing.gif[/smiley][smiley]yahoo/yahoolaughing.gif[/smiley][smiley]yahoo/bee.gif[/smiley][smiley]yahoo/bee.gif[/smiley][smiley]yahoo/yahoophone.gif[/smiley][smiley]yahoo/yahoophone.gif[/smiley]
Roulette Key Gold / Re: still here !
March 22, 2015, 08:45:31 AM
Hey Mathemagician we don't know each other.  But from one board member to another I hope for a speedy recovery for you, Graham Souness went through the same thing, and he appears okay.  So am I understanding this right, you went walking to keep fit and it resulted in you having a triple by-pass?  Also maybe leave the roulette alone for a while, gambling is too stressful..  Get well soon.
Quote from: Natural 9 on March 17, 2015, 09:11:19 AM
Yesterday, I played alongside 2 Koreans at Resorts World.

Well, I will be in Singapore in few weeks, Resort World or MBS, probably both!!  We could say hello and you could demo "Alvin's method", any other Singapore based members on this forum :-)

On another note, anybody remember that guy in Singapore that ran the seminars and walked around the tables telling people which side to bet.  A major  scammer, who ripped off a lot of locals, who exposed him all over the web and tried to prosecute him. I can't recall his name, but when I was in the Club in Jupiters, some Chinese guy approached me and tried to sell me his system, the cheeky b@$t@rd.  Gob-smacked, the guy has tentacles everywhere, I wonder if he is Alvin?  I felt like telling the guy who approached me, who I am and how many scammers I've upset over the last ten years, I said I've heard of him and the number of people he has ripped off and left it at that, staggering...