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Messages - Rolex-Watch

Quote from: ADulay on March 20, 2015, 11:42:56 PM
1865?  Wasn't that the year the first US coffee percolator was patented?
Fail.  It was the year in which the confederate flag flying bigots were dragged into the 19th century (as it were at the time).  Amerika has come along way in 150 years....
Thanks for posting that Crow and I'm sorry to hear it.  I was just curious if you were sized up inside a casino, which wasn't the case...
Baccarat Forum / Re: Psychology of Gambling question
March 21, 2015, 03:16:15 AM
No show of emotion when winning significant bets (inside I'm happy), overt show of emotion when losing significant bets.

Regarding the comments in the thread, I also used to think that the decision is either won or lost and the score is irrelevant.  Factually as that may be, emotionally it is another matter.  Losing 9-8, 7-6, consecutive hands by one point, or due to the 5th or 6th card drawn, or my "tip me over the edge" pet hate (bugs me more than anything else) is having a significant Banker bet out and straight off the bat the Player pulls a N9, I've had that too many times and it riles me more than anything else and I've been known to quit the table expressing many expletives.  Yep it ain't no love-fest gambling.

Anyway, I came across this youtube program last week regarding problem gamblers (watch the whole thing if you wish) and how their brains are wired differently to stimuli.    Now while I'm aware it is possible to get truly pi$$ed on Serotonin when gambling for long periods, something I can now recognize  & don't succumb to it.   

Sometimes I might place feeler bets if I fancy something such as a silly trend bet, the problem with doing this, is that if it doesn't come in, you are now committed and need a winning bet for a higher stake from somewhere and should you lose two bets in a row, you start asking yourself, "why did I do that", "it's not even part of my current strategy".  A perfect example would be the bet selection "AS", AS4 is much stronger than AS3, less tasking on the bankroll.  Sometimes if there has been no action for a while, you might jump in after a three streak, and now that streak will run to 7 (Murphy's Law), you lose 4 bets in a row and stop.  Had you waited for the 4 streak, you would have won the final 4th bet.  Slack discpline and impatience.

The point of the thread, is this UK Doctor and expert in problem gambling, has discovered that with problem gamblers they get a bigger buzz out of a near miss than the actual winning of a bet!!!    When I first watched this, I'm wondering, if it contributes to me, taking these unnecessary bets, taking unnecessary risks, example betting the full amount on a banker streak going from 4 to 5 once my bet trigger comes around, but I was never on the streak and now I'm hoping B4 will go to B5, rather than say half the required bet.     Or not stopping when betting "AS", getting angry with the mouse button and going click, click, click, while swearing at the monitor.  Trying to be too professional by not getting emotionally involved in wins and over-reacting too much regarding losing bets. 

To solve something (discipline issues), first you need awareness, once knowledgeable about an issue, then do something about it.  So tonight I made more of a conscious effort to celebrate individual wins <wink>.

Youtube starts at 43:15

I remembered another reason not to overly celebrate wins. Complacency, once you start taking things for granted, you will not only let your guard slip (unnecessary risk taking), it will quiet likely bite you in the a$$ also. 



Quote from: RouletteKEY on March 21, 2015, 12:34:05 AMif I go down in flames it will be because 10 separate attacks failed
The smart way of approaching it.  During my participation in this thread, I was mainly playing "AS3", I got hit by a 10 streak, due to loss of discpline I only stopped on the 10th decision, thereby losing 7IAR, a bit of a ball-ache, but it didn't clean me out (I was running 3 separate progressions) , just gave me a bit of mental stress, I recouped and made a decent profit at the end of it all.
Quote from: The Crow on March 20, 2015, 06:42:20 PM
I have been rolled twice in my life time, at gun point.
Hi The Crow, I'm interested in this, did you get rolled after a gambling session?  Were you clocked in the casino before hand? If so how far away were you from the casino??  Don't say the lobby only j/k...
Quote from: Lung Yeh on March 20, 2015, 01:11:28 PM
When I sense a trend (the trend is your friend)

It's less stressful to follow the trend then to do Martingale and risk losing multiples for a single bet win.
There is no such thing as sensing a trend, it is simply a guess and only exists in your mind.  All you are doing is anthropomorphizing the game, it has no logical or rational reasoning.

Too many times I've placed a feeler bet for FLD or OLD because that was the shoe was doing, only for chops to end, have another bite, ops it's gone to three, now what, continue betting against the streak, are you committed due to losing two bets?  Ditto FLD

P  < bet P, nope it now chops, chops follow streaks (yes), oops the chops were short
BB ?
PP  < Christ

B  < oo-er repeating two's, quick jump on them
P < oops, okay, nothing over three, bet opposite  P, bet opposite again, P and you wonder why you lose??  Go get yourself a superior way to approach the game and stop playing like the casino want you to play!!!!!!

Quote from: Lung Yeh on March 20, 2015, 01:11:28 PM
It's less stressful to follow the trend then to do Martingale and risk losing multiples for a single bet win.
I guess so.
When President Obama was elected into the White House, I congratulated my neighbour who is Black and served in Vietnam with the USAF, it was a good feeling, as I'm sure it was in 1865. 
Baccarat Forum / Re: Lets talk about Ellis's 2HI
March 20, 2015, 03:14:23 AM
Quote from: Whiskeypete on March 20, 2015, 01:47:35 AM
Rolex and all, so a 1-2 progression capped at 2 does take 3 winning bets to break even. But the goal of the 1-2 is to keep your bets low. So if you are doing a 3 step progression you are then at 1-2-2 or 1-2-3 which is even harder.....is there a better progression than the 1-2?
For every LL you drop 3 units, for every W, LW, WW you don't make 3u which is why it is a losing proposition, as double losses aren't exactly rare.   You would be better off flat betting than capping your bets at 2u, alternatively use a much deeper progression beyond 3u. 

I don't have these kind of issues, having been around the block many times.  I realised the issues with progression present the players with, 'not enough bankroll', 'not willing to place the big bets', 'table limits', 'simply not worth the risk', so constructed my own concept to address the issues that you find with the progressions you can find on the internet.

Of course you still need to snare wins in a decent quantity.   

QuoteIs there a mechanical bet selection that wins more hands than another? 
Not really, but if you were to ask, if there a mechanical bet selection that loses less 'LIAR's' than other options including competing mechanical options, then I would definitely say yes. 
Baccarat Forum / Psychology of Gambling question
March 20, 2015, 12:18:04 AM
There is a reason for asking this question, I will post a link after I received some responses.

Take the following scenario;

You have lost a few bets, you place a big bet on Bank, the cards are drawn as follows;

8 to the player
Picture to the bank
Picture to the player for a natural 8, you feel sick and curse, have already written the bet off, wondering how you will recoup, keep betting more or by other means.
Next card to the Bank, 9.  Bank wins 9 over 8, sh1t you say. 

The question is 'how do / would you feel'???

I've had this happen many times, I'm relieved but not happy, because I would have rather have not been put through the experience of seeing that N8 to the player side, too stressful to fully enjoy the win?     

Next scenario (again this actually happened to me over a year ago), I'm getting battered at the tables, it's been a long hard session and I'm losing heavily, basically there is little way back and I'm thinking I'll have to record the session as a losing one.  After playing for longer than 12 hours, common-sense has long gone.  I put my last four black chips on the Banker.  Player pulls a Natural 8, that's it, all over bar the shouting.  Banker is on a three and dealer pulls a six for 9 over 8, win to the Bank.

I say nothing, absolutely nothing, my friend who is next to me, goes ape sh1t and smacks me too hard on the shoulder.  It was like an $800 turn-around, I continue on and win the session. 

The point is, I didn't celebrate at the table, I said zilch, didn't even smile.  Maybe it due to a number of reasons, firstly I know this game can change on a whim and until you are out the door, take nothing for granted.  Is it that document I posted many years ago from Yarbrough which clearly states "do not get emotionally involved in the game", maybe I take that too literally and try too hard.  When I get home, I might fist pump the air, laugh all the way home, but at the tables, it is complain about the losses and stum about the wins mainly. 

Anybody equate to this?  I came across a scientific study relating to this behaviour this week, which may be of interest in understanding ourselves at the gaming tables, the more enlightened we become the better equipped we are psychologically.  Psychological = composure & discipline...

Who recognises such traits...

I'll post a link next time.......
LOL, try getting a refund from Ellis, Mark Teryua, complain about the latter and you were removed from the site, by the gate-keeper (our moderator).

No scammer offers refunds except Izak.     
Baccarat Forum / Re: Lets talk about Ellis's 2HI
March 19, 2015, 11:31:26 PM
Quote from: Jimske on March 19, 2015, 09:35:57 PM
From RW   If one can win more hands than lose then any prog you use will come out winner itlr by the ABS. 

Not really.  All depends how the wins and losses fall, if your capping a negative progression at 2u and get too many LL's and many WW's hen you could lose against such a shoe. 

Sorry didn't read all the blue stuff, read the first paragraph, kinda obvious where it's come from and really is just gobbledygook for OLD and 'AS'.  Whatever the author is getting at, I don't need it, I have my winning formula <wink>..
Quote from: horus on March 19, 2015, 09:31:15 AM

Now if Victor was sincere when he said the community as a whole can decide on important matters from now on....then we can all decide on a form of action against any unwanted scammers.
I did raise this, apparently the move was rejected for not being popular.  Not that I ever saw a vote for that, nor was solicited for my opinion. 
Quote from: soxfan on March 19, 2015, 05:17:59 AM
Wow, so the john-o/mr.tilt has mental toughness?????????? I'm laughin so hard I got Guinness comin all out of mouth all over my damned keyboard, hey hey! :applause:
Pathetic adolf Fergus, you must be one fat SOB with all that Guinness and those Cashews you consume, 

hey hey hey hey hey hey   :zzz:   
Baccarat Forum / Re: Lets talk about Ellis's 2HI
March 19, 2015, 01:17:56 PM
For anybody capping a progression at 2u, it is already a loser.  I've seen a regular where I play do this and got thinking about why he went from a big stack to no stack fairly quickly.  For every LL 2 losses in a row, the required win ratio just tripled.   A few LL's and your goosed, meanwhile Ellis is able to pay for a few more nurses for a little longer..   Ellis the scourge of the gambling community.   
Quote from: ADulay on March 17, 2015, 02:02:04 PM
I would love to engage in these conversations as a "regular" user, but the forum comes first
If the forum comes first, you would resign your status as moderator for the integrity sake of the forum, then you could respond as a regular user.  There are 3 other mods plus Victor here.  The boards continuation is not dependant your position of being a moderator, you are well aware of the insidious subliminal promoting you have acted out on forums going back  years.. 

Hey if you were a regular user, you might even post something useful for once, rather than I played 2HiDiHi NOR, ADot system.  No wait, you were a regular user at BaccaratForums and posted basically nothing