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Messages - Rolex-Watch

There was an uproar over the WoV site regarding somebody who welshed on a bet and got banned from the site, as it was considered the worst gambling sin.  What would they think of somebody who has been so closely associated to one of the worst scammers of a generation ECD and his off shoot Mark Teryua.   
Quote from: Natural 9 on March 17, 2015, 10:22:09 AM
Hi Mike.

Thanks for sharing this post.

Life as a Pro Gambler is possible if you have: 1) the gambling funds, 2) the mental & physical toughness, and 3) a solid system of play.
Yes I have all three.

Quote from: Natural 9 on March 17, 2015, 10:22:09 AMA bankroll of at least 1,000 units could give you a very good advantage over your chosen casino table game.
I have a bankroll of 1000 units but would never risk a 1000 units

Quote from: Natural 9 on March 17, 2015, 10:22:09 AM
Unknown to many, gambling is a very stressful activity both mentally & physically. Have you tried playing 6-8 hours of your favorite casino table game, 5 to 6-times a week, for 1 whole month under a smoking environment?

A solid system of play prolongs your bankroll under the worst possible table conditions. So, when the favorable conditions come, you can easily recover & profit at the same time.

If you satisfy these three requirements, then, you can commend yourself for being the very few who gambles for a living.
Natural 9  ;)
Yes I know all about it.  I gamble for a living, yes it can be extremely stressful, yes you have to be very determined, hard nosed and not lose your cool.  Yes I play on average 6 days per week and play for as long as it takes to get the job done, I don't have to put up with the smoking though...
Stupidity on many accounts.  "Yeah let's Martingale the Bank on a Banker 6 half price game and don't stop until we either go broke or hit the table limit".

Firstly, ditch the Martingale, impending disaster, at the very least least switch to a Fibonacci, you should be in for the long haul not a short ride (I used neither)....

Secondly, stop betting after X amount of losses, could be 3 could be 4, don't let that one single monster streak take you to the cleaners, there will be other buses along that you can ride.

Thirdly, Betting "AS" anti-streak, absolutely nothing wrong with that strategy at all and it ain't the pittboss or system 40 method either.  If anybodies, then this is how I started playing back in 2004 and as mentioned on the famous GamblerGlen site and how I am basically currently playing on-line!!!!   

The game is all about money management, so you should expect to see the odd streak that goes beyond 10, when it happens, it shouldn't send you broke, rather only result in some mild curses (assuming we are allowed to curse when risking our had earned cash)?       
I experience the same, the software lock up issue has never been addressed despite the coding skills that is prevalent here!!!!
Quote from: ADulay on March 17, 2015, 02:02:04 PM
Oh yeah, when you see me selling anything here be sure and tell me about it.

I sell nothing.  I have sold nothing.  I NEVER mention "that other forum" here unless YOU guys bring it up.
That is not the point.  Nobody saying you ever sold anything here, nor did you mention Ellis's or Mark Teryau site (Maverick or Ultimate Baccarat) anywhere.  You are too clever for that approach.

Rather you would mention CONSTANTLY on BaccaratLabs you won playing this or that Ellis system full stop, any please explain follow up questions were always answered with the usual curt ADulay response.    A kinda cute way to generate interest to a site where the gullible have to pay $400 to access and at which you were a moderator.

Ditto Maverick Baccarat, you were also the moderator, not just the gate-keeper, what was the analogy you told me at the time?  "It was like driving somebody to a bank, and if they robbed it, but you didn't know they were going to do that, therefore you are innocent".  Yeah alright, I can see that flying in a court of law...  You were rather active in promoting $1000 scams and rapidly dealing with any dissension, so that potential customers weren't put off from parting with their $1000, therefore allowing Mark to continue to feed his gambling habit, minus whatever cut you received.   And now you are "our moderator".  I am assuming Victor didn't know, if he did, it would be really bad news.

Your prior association with scammers casts a dark shadow and taints your position here.  You should do the right thing and under your own cognizance resign as a moderator as you put Victor who is a honest stand-up guy in a difficult position, he is probably too polite to tell you you to go.  Nobody in the gambling community likes con-artists and snake oil sales-men, despite your prostrations to the contrary. .......

We have other moderators on this site who never have been associated with any seller, given albalaha recently got pulled up regarding that his signature could be construed as touting for business, that was rather mild given the history of the Seahog.
Quote from: Whiskeypete on March 17, 2015, 02:43:36 AM
Why didn't ADulay get jail time for the whole maverick scam? And how can anyone let someone who was involved in cheating people out of their money be a mod? What a crook!
Yep, Seahog was involved up to the neck in promoting and extinguishing all negativity regarding the Mark Teruya Mavericks major scam, I say major because it was sold at $1000, a hefty price at the time, I guess it had to be split both ways?   Surely I am not the only one around who visited the site??

Maybe we can locate somebody who actually got ripped off to comment on whether Seahog was only just a gate-keeper, time to do some searches on good old GamblerGlen.  Personally ripping fellow gamblers off by selling snake oil is kinda the lowest of the low, especially if the con-artists doesn't actually need the money because he never has a losing year gambling, or maybe losses are subsidised via bogus system sales??
Baccarat Forum / Re: My take on "systems"
March 16, 2015, 12:41:18 PM
For those that recall the defunct "BaccaratForums" web-site, may remember the copious number of times "our moderator" mentioned he won playing this or that Ellis system, when pressed for further information nothing was ever forthcoming, he was pulled up on it numerous times. 

Anybody posting a shoe, would receive the standard response from our moderator, twister/Nor/AOW made xx units from that shoe.  An insidious way to promote and direct desperate people to handing over $400 to join BTC to pay for Ellis's care so they could be part of the team to help fix the systems that didn't work.  As guilty as the rest of the scammers our seahog.
General Discussion / Re: Really? Deleting messages?
March 15, 2015, 10:08:59 PM
My guess is that Victor was totally unaware of your association with Mark Teruya and the insidious promotion of Ellis scams over the years. 

Regarding this link, http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Mark-Teruya-Maverick-Ultimate-Baccarat/internet/Mark-Teruya-Maverick-Ultimate-Baccarat-A-proven-sociopath-Internet-697663
Quote"I wish it was a secret. I would still have my grand.

I signed up for Teruya's "Get Off Your A**" money back guarantee program. He promised to show me how to make my $1,000 sign up fee back in 30 days or give me refund.

He did not show me how to make my money back. He failed to make any money. My emails to him asking for help were unanswered.

He now refuses to give my money back and has banned me from the member's site.

Mark Teruya is a liar and a soulless con man."

Andy Dulay's name should be up along side Teruya, as our moderator answered dealt, with the enquiries and complaints (by blocking people it appears). 

I was a student in the Maverick Ultimate forum. I was Mark Teryua's first MU customer. I practiced for weeks, I can't remember now specifically how many weeks, maybe 4-5 weeks... My practice was all on Maverick and Maverick Ultimate.  I had very good practiced sessions. I have a baccarat sim that randomly shuffles 8 decks of shoes...I practiced on that. I practiced on old shoes from my local casinos, and I practiced on BetPhoenix.

It came time to try Maverick for real. With Mark's blessing I went to my local casino, (Pala Indian Casino and Bingo) and had a ugly session. Lost 20 x $25 units. Quit and came home. Mark was not pleased.

Mark then said that if I got an account on Bet Phoenix with real money then we could play there. I practiced some more and then we played. We played one shoe that made a few units and then he had to go.

I waited for a few days and admittedly grew impatient and went back and played by myself. I exited a losing shoe at -10 units. Thought what does Mark teach? So I doubled up my unit size for the next shoe and had to exit at a -10 units on that one as well.

When I called him and told him I lost -30 units on Bet Phenox, he went ballistic. He was not happy. And for the first time I saw the anger that is possible coming from Mark.

For the next few weeks, I stayed away for the most part. I posted some on the forum. I tried to get another teacher Andy Dulay to post a losing shoe so that I could see what causes him to lose....he never seems to lose at all.  He refused.  In fact I was ridiculed for my request.  It was always directed back at me...

So after I that I felt real unwelcome at the forum and it was made clear to me that Mark didn't want anybody posting problems or critical questions about members or the Maverick method.

I then decided that maybe the best thing for both Mark and myself and my family, was to quit trying to win at gambling and to go away never to heard from again.

I emailed him and told him of my intentions and while I know he never said his method was a "guaranteed" method that maybe he could show some pity and think about refunding all or part of my membership fee to the maverick forum.

That pissed him off. He was insulted. And since then he has banned me from the forum. Has blocked me from his Skype contact, and took me off his Skype group.

I still have his email and phone number but he won't respond to either of them.

Now that he has banned me from the forum but won't refund my money I feel scammed. It feels like he stole that money from me. Its ok to me if he won't refund my money but not ok that I can't access the forum or play with anyone on Skype.

I'm not the only one who has lost playing Maverick. Another member, Sporeauct tells me he's been losing as well.  Maverick Ultimate has completely confused him...he says he sometimes wins with Maverick but over all has lost thousands playing baccarat over the last 10 years or so.  He wasn't happy with Mark's method.  He also said that Mark was less than polite with him on the phone and on Skype when he had critical questions about Mark's system.

Now as Andy was the gate-keeper, we can assume it was Andy who was banning those that discovered they had been SCAMMED.
General Discussion / Re: Really? Deleting messages?
March 14, 2015, 09:58:52 PM
While discussing the deletion of messages, it is unfortunate the scam that Mark Teruya was involved in is no longer around.

Also heavily involved, was our own moderator Andy Dulay aka seahog, who from memory was rather scathing on those that complained MAVERICK DID NOT WORK  He tried to claim he was only a gate-keeper because he knows about BB software, hogwash, he was directly involved in promoting people to join the forum at a cost, and then lambasted those that discovered it was all a scam.

Well done ADulay our moderator, who's is well known for promoting various Ellis scams over the years.     


Quote from: horus on March 14, 2015, 06:06:17 PM
There is one simple reason for picking roulette over other casino games at least.

A single hit pays 35/1!
No longer does Roulette offer the best return for casino games, well not in the UK at least.  The Super Egalite offers odds through 22/1 to 160/1.  Some casinos pay even higher than 160/1, the max I heard about was 220/1 for predicting a Tie on 1, 200/1 for an 8 on the Player side resulting in a 3-3 Tie.  Sure the odds are long, approx 10%, but what are the odds for guessing a single number on a Roulette table?

Then again, the Euro lottery offers the best return of all, shame the odds are so long.
Baccarat Forum / Re: My take on "systems"
March 14, 2015, 04:09:35 AM
Quote from: Jimske on March 13, 2015, 09:25:49 PM
Hard to argue with that reality.  Item 3 looks like a provable math problem one way or another.  I have always said (thought) If one can find a BS that reduces the LIAR from the expected then we've got the holy grail.
I have one that significantly reduces the LAIR's compared to 3 and 4 column template betting options.  4 times 4 LAIR on average per 8 shoes, you can play a few shoes and never see 4LAIR which is kind of neat when that happens, then you can get two in a single shoe, I had 3 in one shoe a few nights ago when playing on-line, which I thought was strange. I reckon the W v's L ratio is reduced (not really sure as I'm not into those sort of stats). 

However there is some work still to do, because I use two progressions to protect me from any shoe from hell, because you just never know...  So the first progression may have to handle 8LIAR because I continue to lose early placed bets. 
Baccarat Forum / Re: My take on "systems"
March 13, 2015, 08:34:46 PM
Quote from: confused gambler on March 11, 2015, 05:04:36 AM
Trust me, if there existed baccarat systems that actually did what Ellis say they do, I wouldn't leave the casino. Too ripe.

Keep the scammers hungry don't buy his stuff.
LOL, damn right.  The day one of these scammers produces the key to the kingdom of wealth, it ain't gonna be offered for sale at any price, because once you do that, you lose control of it. 

But rest assured, that day can never come, because as it's been proven over and over, mathematically it simply can't exist. 

The keys to winning are, in reverse order;

3 - A bet selection that shouldn't lose a series of bets too often.

2 - Self discipline and composure, experience of having your back-side in the chair at the table helps immensely.

1 - Solid foundation in money management and healthy bankroll, this game is all about money, plain and simple.  You're not so much interested in guessing which side will win next, rather you're there putting your money at risk in order to take some of theirs. Results of individual hands is not really that significant, but you can become seduced by it. 
Baccarat Forum / Re: Offline Vs Online
March 13, 2015, 06:05:32 PM
Quote from: horus on March 13, 2015, 10:38:15 AM
holy moly! Never thought I would see the day you playing online R-W.
I can't say because certain individuals will twist things and then throw it back at you on other forums. [/quote]

Quote from: horus on March 13, 2015, 10:38:15 AM
Do they deal like every 20 seconds or something like Dublinbet used to? (very annoying)
It's doesn't seems as fast as Dublinbet, but is around 20 seconds which is fine if your playing a trigger based mechanical method.  I did try a 3Column option against two tables and couldn't handle it, but with something like AS3 it was fine (AS4 is superior, but the wait can be boring).   Playing two tables simultaneously is great, even better when both tables present betting opportunities because then you can hedge.     
Baccarat Forum / Re: Offline Vs Online
March 13, 2015, 01:18:24 AM
Just finished a session on-line, only just realised I can play two tables at once so long you either keep clicking or reloading the second table, great when your waiting for an event before betting.  I played MY AS strategy (some call it pitboss's method, but it is not his :-) ), No need to write down down decisions, it's all on screen, just focus on MM and whatever else your doing, like loading up media player, web-surfing, making snacks.     
Biggest issue with playing online though, is mainting your composure, it's not like in a casino whe you physically have to handle placing chips on the felt, too easy to take your frustrations out on the left mouse button.
Roulette Forum / Re: Penny Ante + Roulette
February 28, 2015, 03:53:40 AM
Many years ago I spent a long time trying to get this "penny ante" to work with Baccarat and was unable, from memory because the house has to declare a path in terms of B or P, which obviously it doesn't, so it is a non-starter. 

Thanks for the link to the PDF....