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Messages - brokerny

Baccarat Forum / Re: Diminishing Probablity
April 27, 2017, 03:23:44 AM
Patience, if he's only betting $500 than waiting around to bet $700, do you really consider him a high roller? i see these middle aged asian women and men consistently put $500-$2000 almost on every bet opportunity until they lose their stack of maybe $10-20k. I would consider that more of a high roller than that guy.
Baccarat Forum / Re: my theory
April 08, 2017, 05:06:46 PM
strange that Marinetech posted practically every day for a few days about his winnings. all of a sudden, he's no where to be found. does anyone think the tide has changed for him in a big way and he doesn't want to let us know? Marine, if you're around, let us know what happened? any kind of experiences give members more information to go on.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Odd man out strategy
April 06, 2017, 02:32:43 AM
yeah, that story of someone bringing 250k sounds outrageous. besides the very wealthy, who in their right minds cashes in for 250k in chips. they usually would get this money from casino credit anyway. i can imagine how they would carry 250k on them and even if that person used credit as well, why ask for that much in the first place? winning 1k/day can happen on most days if you have a decent bankroll. its just those days when nothing goes right, is when you possibly need 250k. maybe its just me, but nothing seems right with that story. if someone needs to make 1k/day to survive and live, how the heck did they save up 250k in the first place. lots of normal people don't have that kind of bankroll.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Odd man out strategy
April 05, 2017, 07:54:10 PM
Patience, you might be right with your approach, but what good is $5/day and I hope you are at least walking distance to the casino. Driving will eat up your $5 profit real quick. Maybe a $20,000 bankroll and winning $50/day might get you somewhere if your monthly living expenses are low.
Baccarat Forum / Re: my theory
April 02, 2017, 05:44:09 PM
Hey marinetech, haven't heard from you in a couple of days. Any new updates? Which casinos do you normally play at?
Baccarat Forum / Re: my theory
March 30, 2017, 07:30:18 PM
I'm going to chime in on this even though I haven't seen or experienced it myself. Alrelax is 100% correct on his comments and even on his sarcasm. Haha. If it really was that easy to win, people with big 401k or lifetime savings could just cash out and play bac for a living. So many people try that in poker and only a handful hit it big. This is GAMBLING. It's been perfected in the beginning to give the casino the edge it needs, plus they pretty much have an unlimited bankroll to back them up. They restrict us gamblers with limits otherwise a billionaire might not ever lose in bac. Forget the other casino games. Bac might be the easiest to master but everything needs to be in check. Attitude, greed factor, mental toughness, money management and many other smaller factors. Once one of these factors get compromised you are more vulnerable to making a mistake and that might jeopardize the other factors. This will eventually snowball into total disaster. Marine, again I'm happy you are winning and I wish you luck. I wish I had the size of bankroll you do because I would destroy with confidence. I'm destroying at this point but at a much smaller level. Anyway, there is really no need to post EVERY trip to the casino. To me it seems like you're starting to get a bit overconfidence which would be a bad trait for gambling professionally. Take a step back and remain on your goal. As soon as you lose control it all goes down the tube. The story I told the last time was of a fella who did the winning a little every day for a few years than finally lost control and lost his whole fortune and family!!!! Gambling is all random and that random will finally catch up to you with a big losing streak where you need to minimize the damage. As long as the bankroll is sufficient and you maintain your stop loss goal, anything can be done. But once someone experiences 2 than 3 and than maybe 4 losing days in a row after winning 2 months straight can easily start playing tricks on you. Just be safe and be careful everyone.
Baccarat Forum / Re: my theory
March 29, 2017, 01:43:48 AM
hey marine, im glad you're winning a nice chunk. im wondering if you will tell us the truth if you ever get on a bad losing streak. hope it won't happen but people tend to hold off mentioning how much they lost and always post how much they won. where is the local casinos you are referring about?
Baccarat Forum / Re: my theory
March 22, 2017, 09:20:26 PM
hey marine, i wish you lots of luck as well, but all good things will come to an end. especially in gambling. you have to be level headed and not get too overconfidence, EVER! a friend of mine told me a story of someone she knew at the casino. he would bring 6K to the casino as a bankroll and his daily goal was just to win $100/day. he did it for several years, building up a nice nest egg. that one day came along, and he couldnt win at all. not only that, he loses control and keeps taking money out and im sure you know the story from here. in the end, he lost EVERYTHING!, including his wife and kids. maybe if he didn't lose control, he would still be doing it today. its all the mind game at first! and where it leads is up to the individual.
Baccarat Forum / Re: my theory
March 22, 2017, 12:41:12 AM
marine, alrelax is right about your strategy. unless you really commit to that stop loss and you change the amounts you bet by lowering it a bit. a small losing streak will get you to 5K in minutes and its up to your mental game to walk away and not buyin for more to try to win it all back or some of it at least.

is your baccarat bankroll for your stock trading as well? or do you have 50K-100K each? do you ever withdraw money from your stock account to use at the casinos?

i don't do consistent stock trades, but once in a while ill dabble in buying some options for speculations. i started currency trading but its taking a back seat right now as im focusing much more on my baccarat play.

Baccarat Forum / Re: Tax question
March 20, 2017, 12:39:21 AM
Thanks Alrelax, I was a bit confused. So table games have no effect on W2G and in fact works on an honor system. If someone doesn't play slots or electronic games, than they arent under the radar of the IRS. Good to know.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Tax question
March 19, 2017, 04:00:27 AM
damn, so what i read is complete garbage. if you know you're gonna win, guess its better to not give your players card.
Baccarat Forum / Tax question
March 19, 2017, 01:56:35 AM
I did some reading online that says casinos don't report to the IRS and that each individual goes by the honor system. If that's the case, how important are the W2G statements by the casino? What if someone hits a nice size jackpot and the W2G statements reads something like $21,000 but that person doesn't disclose it on his income taxes? What are the chances the IRS will find out? Anyone ever file gambling profits on their taxes or even their big jackpots?
Baccarat Forum / Re: Baelog's Bac Shoe #5, IMO
March 16, 2017, 08:35:14 PM
AD, only if it held up that way with every shoe, I wouldn't need to work ever again.
wow, that article is from 2009. it was just a bit too long to read. i was just at foxwoods this past monday around noon. the asian area wasn't too impressive. i know its the weekday, but there were only 2 bac tables(comm) full and 1 1/2 bac tables(no comm) going on. i waited for about 10 minutes and no one budged so i went to the tanger outlets instead. drove over to Mohegan and they were packed as usual. way over 10 full tables going on. made a nice little profit and decided to drive home earlier than expected to beat the storm.
Aces, you don't believe what Asym said actually happened or can happen? it does make alot of sense. winning at max or near max limit for a streak of a year, i would have kicked them out much earlier than a whole year. if these guys were smart, they should have took their games to macau or the US.