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Messages - greeneclipse

Quote from: John_Stemart on August 10, 2017, 02:05:27 PM
How much did your order cost you? Amazon are doing an offer on it. well I might as well order it since I could make a lot of money using it. I guess its an investment.
It didn't cost too much and I got an offer from amazon. But I have noticed that the price has gone up since I ordered my copy. Amazon are still doing a deal on it though, that's the paperback version.
Quote from: Atlantis on August 10, 2017, 02:03:57 PM
Hi greeneclipse,

Yes - but I need to know if everything is included in v3.0 - does it contain the WHOLE system?

The single Amazon reviewer doesn't say...

Then again some interesting Twin Peaks books and new X-Files audiobook caught my eye on Amazon...

I read on another forum review that 3.0 the golden secret book is a stand alone system that you don't need 2.1 . for me 2.1 is an excellent book on how to win baccarat so I expect 3.0 to be better, the claim is the house edge is shattered! I mean if this is true then this will be the best system since I don't know when or what, maybe 2.1 who knows.
Quote from: Atlantis on August 10, 2017, 02:03:57 PM
Hi greeneclipse,

Yes - but I need to know if everything is included in v3.0 - does it contain the WHOLE system?

The single Amazon reviewer doesn't say...

Then again some interesting Twin Peaks books and new X-Files audiobook caught my eye on Amazon...

Yes of course I read 2.1 who hasn't, it's a great book but 3.0 the golden secret promises to be even better which is why I just ordered my paperback copy. Can't wait for it to arrive. As I understand from reading posts you don't need to buy 2.1 too as it's a stand alone system. But I got 2.1 anyway
Quote from: Atlantis on August 10, 2017, 10:54:52 AM
In Amazon UK kindle is £76.20 (inc VAT) ; there is as yet no paperback.
There are 36 pages.

Yes, I found it on Amazon, title is,

'The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0: Casino's House Edge Shattered. THE BOOK THAT TURNS THE TABLES ON CASINO DEALERS FROM VEGAS TO MACAU'

It's 42 pages. I just ordered a copy.
Quote from: Sputnik on August 09, 2017, 09:32:07 AM
If you look around at the description of the book you will find Stephen's email where you can drop him a line.
He will then reply and letting you know when his 3.0 book will come and when he will open his gambling forum board.


Oh yes I see his email in my copy, thanks. I will email to him. I'd expect the 3.0 to be amazing, he wrote on this forum I read a few weeks back that his system will be an edge over the casino. I just got to read this. I can't wait. I mean his sticking his neck out on that claim. If he pulls it off it will sell out.
Quote from: Sputnik on August 09, 2017, 07:57:17 AM
There is nothing wrong with Stephen book - but edition 2.1 did not include all the material for the selection process - very sloppy.
Did not buy Silver Bullet as i think is a repeating book of edition 2.1 with some additional tweaks and that is not worth 100 Euro - my personal opinion.

When 3.0 comes out i will buy a copy as that is new fresh material.

Now the selection process to aim for singles and series of two is pretty good and solid method, but i think there is better ways to avoid series of three and higher - my personal opinion.
But i have to give him credit for posting a full working system, most book sellers only ramble about the game with no solid strategy and that is really a waste of money ...


Yes I agree a lot of books do not even have a working system. I read a lot of baccarat books and was disappointed. When I read tabone's book, the 2.1 one, which is the latest, it opened my mind to a lot of things and does have a working system.

By the way the silver one is the 2.1 one. The title is, The Ultimate Silver bullet proof baccarat winning strategy 2.1

Long title, but as I read in my copy there are tweaks and bet selection clarification, well explained. I just can't wait for the 3.0 it promises to be great. Does anyone know when it is coming out or what the title will be named?

And what is the silver bullet? As for as I know a silver bullet is for zombies !! maybe the zombies are the casinos lol
Quote from: Mido on August 06, 2017, 02:56:35 AM
Dear friends,

Have you ever heard of insanity? You are totally insane if you believe that by buying books like "The Ultimate Silver Bullet Proof Baccarat Winning Strategy 2.1", you can beat the casino. You want to spend $93.55 for that kind of books. Beware of pickpockets.
I have heard of insanity but and I read tabone's book, "The Ultimate Silver Bullet Proof Baccarat Winning Strategy 2.1" and it works for me, I'm winning using it and can't wait to read his next book. Does anyone know when it is coming out?

I have bought a number of baccarat books, system, and mostly there was no system, then I read on this site about tabone's book. I was sceptical about buying but did and found it to hold his ground. It is true everything in the book. I think I agree that a lot of winning is about money management but at least his book has a system where a lot of other book don't.