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Messages - audionut

General Discussion / Re: The way to beat the ECs
July 30, 2018, 01:47:30 AM
OK...thanks for the clarification, Magician... appreciate it! ;)

BTW...favorite speakers? So many, I have favored Electrostatics and Planar for many years (owned Apogee Acoustics and Quad 2905's) but now I own Legacy Focus SE's.... simply amazing  :)
General Discussion / Re: The way to beat the ECs
July 29, 2018, 06:54:31 PM
OK I understand a little better now re-reading posts...BUT...the Magician says you bet the DOMINATING choice (so if you have BBBBR, you would bet B), while the original system says you bet the R (because it's due to catch up/form equilibrium)... so which is it???

BTW..if your betting the LEAST occurring, it seems to me the weakness with this is LONG stretches of one decision in a row (which happens quite often), like 12 R in a row...??? :nod:
General Discussion / Re: The way to beat the ECs
July 29, 2018, 05:21:59 AM
Because I guess I'm SO STUPID... :scared: can someone be kind enough to post, say, 10 or 20 decisions charted and how you bet it??? Not sure if one event is the last 5 decisions or if it's each X or what the hey... and we're looking at 4 imaginary wheels on 1 wheel? WTF??? And I guess if you have, say, 3 reds in a row then we are betting for black to "catch up"??

Thanks for your patience with this slow learner  :(
Varmenti: can you explain in more detail rule 3??? A little confusing, not sure what your doing there...thanks much!!!! ???

What are  your loss limits per side? i.e, if you get a run, say of 6 bankers, how much are you betting on player?

Thanks again.... 8)
Baccarat Forum / Re: baccarat strategy (matrix)
April 10, 2018, 02:29:18 AM
I REALLY like this system...you know why? The math is on your side...the odds of you winning 1 out of 3 "even chance" bets is a staggering 87.5%..!!!

that's why it works.... you really don't need 3 columns, one will work i.e, using the first 3 numbers vertically...it also helps "randomness" if you bet, say, the SAME pattern for 3 bets, once a win, try betting the OPPOSITE pattern for the next 3 bets, etc...both will work...  :nod: 8)
Baccarat Forum / Re: baccarat strategy (matrix)
April 09, 2018, 03:44:20 AM
Nice strategy, but you know you will get the same (just more of them) results mathematically simply using 1 column instead of 3...i.e, take the first 3 numbers vertically...no need to go ACROSS...  :nod:
For what it's worth, I've looked at 4 live casino shoes (Black Orchid) and Stephens system 3.0 won every one...I KNOW that's not an exhaustive amount of research..but I can't say the same for a lot of the systems I've tried...

For those on the bench about deciding whether or not to get the book, I DON'T think it's a rip-off...he claims to have tested over 10k live shoes to get his bet selection, and it seems to be valid, at least to my simple mind and limited observation...

Been around doing this a long time, (I use a system that lets me win every shoe or at least 99% of them...please don't ask me what it is because it's my main moneymaker and until I make my million will NOT even consider sharing it) but Stephens 3.0 looks to be what he says it is...I know he's had a rough time on this board, but I believe he's sincere and using his system himself... :nod:
I can say that Stephen honored his offer for a copy of book 3.0...

Have not had a chance to test it yet, looks interesting!

Thank you Stephen for following through!
I'm one of the ten that's supposed to get v 3.0 when it's released....but now that Stephen seems to have vanished from the board, I'm wondering if his promise will be kept?   ??? ???
Would love the free gift if still available... for what it's worth, I DID buy your 2nd edition on Amazon ;)
Baccarat Forum / Re: 5 Shoes a Day!
April 01, 2017, 11:14:37 AM
Hey Adulay... try VDW/2 with the progression U1D1 (if you haven't already)... testing "72 days at the Bac table"...starting with shoe 196, using this made 12 units first shoe!! Highest bet was 5... :thumbsup:
Thank you for your efforts, Chef! Nice to see this kind of sharing on the site...

I have no idea how the system is supposed to work, but your spreadsheet looks like it's on the right track!!! 

Thanks again :applause:
OK...first you have 4 wheels and the hemispheric sonics that you incorporate into the last decision.. watch out for the circular infinities because you can't have more then negative 3... so it looks like this:

X x
D  d

OK...get it? Now you tell me what the next bet is... you don't know?? YOU unintelligent... I spelled it all out for you....now TELL ME d$*#@() it!!  YOU STUPIDS...I'm taking down the system and going home. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Even chance / Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 06, 2017, 10:51:21 PM
It boggles my mind that there are this many posts about this system and NOBODY has posted a number by number example of how to play it...nobody has shown ANY results...and all you hear from the people who "get" it is "figure it out yourself, stupid", tell you your examples are wrong when they try to figure it out...yet do NOTHING to illustrate actual game play.... sheesh..what a giant waste of bandwidth....  >:( >:(
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 05, 2017, 11:51:41 AM
Quote from: plolp on March 05, 2017, 11:41:10 AM
Yes, but you only showed one.

This is what he will answer you

what's confusing is that they say you need "the last 5 numbers to track 4 events"...he is showing the results of the last 5 numbers, yet they are saying it's only 1 event...see the confusion?