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Messages - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Re: Sunday again ... This-N-That
December 08, 2013, 09:12:05 PM
When "weddings" has a forum, I'll join.  His screen shot knocked me cold!
The above statement assumes that you will be ahead more times than you are behind. 

That is to say:

"I am going to quit when I am up $10".  OK, how do you get up $10.00?  How do you keep from going straight down?

There is an old saying, something like this:  At some point in his game, every player is ahead.

Is that true?  Do we believe that?

This is a great topic for discussion.  Thanks, ww.


I am always available for testing things.  I am twocatsam [at] cox [dot] net

As always, I am discreet.


[I edited your email address, mate. Left as it was spam email-harvesters would have found it, and your inbox would suffer greatly! esoito]
Quote from: NathanDetroit on November 29, 2013, 01:00:56 AM
Mr.J`s method requires  TIME , MONEY, and TEFLON  B...s.

Would anyone please step forward and truthfully state that he  has  played Mr. J`s method  at a   B & M Casino , Live dealer at live wheel. .

It does not need be  a winning session. Just a TR .



I fully realize what I'm about to say does not answer your question.  Frankly, I wish I had the guts to truly play this system.  It's called "Two's Company".

I learned this system by asking Mr. J questions and reading his posts.  He was most gracious, but now he's tired and hates to re-hash it.  (I'm not!)

I took the Zuma tester and went until I had a $5,000 profit and just quit.  It does not win every session, but in the long run it does win.  My opinion only.

I have hoped that when America gets on-line gambling I can find a 00 casino and try it for real.  I could do it on the RNG at Riverwind and may, in fact.

I will not go to Vegas or Kansas City just to test this.

November 29, 2013, 03:05:59 PM

The system struck me as this:  When things are about to go your way, start betting.  Well, duh!!


If I did test it, Nick would write me a sheet.  I'm at the point where the old hand testing just doesn't cut it.  The ExcelBot is the only way for Sam.

As to any system working short term, I'll disagree with that one. 

I am testing two things at once now:  Whether the penultimate decisions is any better than the last and whether "hit and run" really works.  I may have to hit and run for a month or more for the answer.


I could just set the auto-bet for red and see what happens.  Now which is more fun??

Remember---If'n it ain't fun, I ain't doin' it.


Who would set the auto-spin feature at BV for red and play for a year in hopes of breaking even or only losing 2.7%?  Where's the excitement in that?

A better thought is to just give this gambling thing the boot and loose nothing. 

I did make a mistake on my calculations:  I have lost 400 Euro and 100 dollars.  (Forgot SmartLive.)

When I say "I'm getting closer", I am considering where I once was.  Bayes and Superman are in a class by themselves.  They don't lose.  I hold no envy for their success; I only want to join them.

Consistantly Profitable Bet---------That is the phrase we've been searching for.

In 2013 I have run thousands upon thousands of dollars through the windows and only lost around 400 Euro.  Before you laugh, let's see you run 10,000 through the mill and come back with 9,600.  I am getting closer!

November 28, 2013, 05:15:06 AM

Someone sent me that years ago.  I do find it interesting.  Why I've never tested it, I don't know.

No, Marshall, when you post it, I'll be there. 

Oh, the things I've tried!!!

And, no, Buffster,  I don't have mine.


We all know the wolf story.

Imagine a collective of seekers we shall call Johnny.  Johnny is thousands.  Every now and then a Johnny cries "Holy Grail" and the crowd runs to see what he's got.  Nothing.  So, after a while, the crowd doesn't even run.  The collective Johnny has fooled them once to many times.

Now that Johnny has destroyed his credability (Obama) no one believes him.  What if a Johnny truly had the "Holy Grail" and no one listened?

Think about it

The "Holy Grail" is merely a bottable idea/system/method that wins more than it loses over time.

Where's Ignatus??

I do not know this Teorulte fellow, but I respect him.  Why?

He said something!!  You can actually print it and take it to the can to study!!

I will study this to death!

Thanks, Teorulte!!


In the book I have, he absolutely does use a progression, so there must be a new edition.

With roulette, every spin has the same chance of hitting 10.  With Back-A-Rat, when the first 10 is shown, there is an infinitesimally smaller chance of getting another 10.  And smaller.  And smaller.

Deep into the shoe, there may be only 3 10s left.

Or I could be all wet...


Today, in Oklahoma, it's colder than a witch's patootie!!  The book is not in the house.  I will find it tomorrow and get you page and paragraph.

Could it be he updated the book?

Sorry 'bout that, Ol Bean..

Over here we call it basketball.
