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Messages - Rolex-Watch

General Discussion / Re: Global Library of systems?
October 24, 2014, 12:59:08 PM
Rinzler was complaining it cost him $35 to withdraw cash from an ATM machine in Vegas, why did he even bother, one wonders?
Quote from: andrebac on October 15, 2014, 05:09:52 PM
I am a member too and what's stated is true.
I don't expect you trust me or anyone other because there are too many scammers outside to give credit. I must say that the method is not for everyone and needs a great learning effort, but it's rewarding. You need his mentoring service to fully understand its potential.
If someone is interested I'll be happy to give more infos in private.
Glad you mentioned there are too many scammers outside to give credit, so you know what things are like. the stunts that have been tried and pulled from very good con-men in the last decade that I've been around.  At the same time you have been around on over boards a bit, so I will give you a little credit for that. 

The thing is, WHY?  Why go through all this bother and hassle, mentoring for few chips that he should be able to rake from any table?  If he wants to give something back, then why not simply post what he does, does he really need our money, doesn't sound like it.

You either choose to post / share or you don't, nobody is forcing anybody.  As soon as anybody starts requesting money, I smell a rat and am surprised it was tolerated to begin with.  Successful players don't need nor go fishing for others players money FACT.   
Quote from: Albalaha on October 15, 2014, 07:49:17 AM
Every new member talking too loud, assertive, suggestive, promoting or negating strange ideas makes me feel that it is an old cat in new hat.
I would say you are SPOT ON, 100% correct.
Quote from: Natural 9 on October 09, 2014, 11:11:24 PM

Hi Rolex-Watch.

As a member of Alvin's program, I am telling you the guy is legit.  :thumbsup:

Natural 9

Baccarat is random, it doesn't matter what anybody writes, after you see this or that you bet X.  Because with every hand you have a 50% chance of being right or wrong.  Also; anybody doing well playing Baccarat or any other game for that matter does not take to the internet to share, sell his secrets.  Any person winning on a consistent basis becomes very self-centred, you enjoy the fruits of your labour and you don't tolerate fools inside or out of any casino.  You don't take to message boards looking to hawk your system and all the issues that will bring.  Please pull the other one.

Quote from: esoito on October 09, 2014, 12:55:35 AM
@RW:  And some of us have learned that having suspicions isn't always enough to condemn outright.

[Thankfully most Western courts err on the side of caution and don't condemn someone just on suspicion.]
You should tell that to the innocent Brits that ended up in Guantanamo bay, or even Barry George.  I thought things were clearly obvious when three new members signed up to comment on the same thread (two only hours apart).  Maybe I've been around longer than you, anybody on internet forums for longer than five minutes have all witnessed these games played out many times in the past. 

Math is great like that. Once it's been proven that no method exists to do what you claim it's not necessary to go through the details of your system to prove that it doesn't work. You claim that it does something which can be proven impossible, therefore, your claim is false. The details don't matter.

Quote from: Mr J on October 12, 2014, 02:30:19 PM
We have dealers and floor that straight up LAUGH at you for losing. They'll laugh in your face, no lie
I've had the same on the Baccarat tales, strange how the "wet behind the ears", don't think this sort of thing happens in the "real world".
Some are able to spot the scams faster than others
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Follow the frog
October 03, 2014, 08:26:31 PM
Quote from: Ehtelgaeb on October 03, 2014, 11:57:31 AMHorse racing is tough.
Not so much down-under, as a lot of horse and dog races are fixed, you have to belong to a very close circle to get the inside knowledge.  I'm not but a friend of mine gets the nod occasionally.   
Off-topic / Re: Re: Greg Fletcher
September 24, 2014, 02:54:32 PM
your on the ball  :applause:
Off-topic / Re: Re: Greg Fletcher
September 23, 2014, 03:20:36 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on September 23, 2014, 01:07:06 PM
What has happened to the commercial and scam free forum ?  .


I thought that Nathan, then realised he did provide a link to the system as opposed to the sale of a a system.  He should receive a pass..
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Gambling at Sky City
September 20, 2014, 05:04:09 PM
Quote from: sqzbox on September 20, 2014, 03:05:40 AMBecause tipping is illegal in this part of the world 
this is a good thing.  The term "customer service", is kind of alien in the UK

Quote from: sqzbox on September 20, 2014, 03:05:40 AMI recall one trainee dealer who was an absolute delight - she was full of personality and joined in the fun to a degree that made everybody smile. Guess what? Never saw her again after that first night! 
Wow, how very apt.  I moved across the ditch and gave gambling a wide berth due to my experiences in the City of sails.  Bar the one exception when relatives came to visit and wanted to visit the casino.  Reluctantly I went along and won $400. 

Due to let's say a trigger, I went to the casino, already aware that covering 24 numbers wasn't going to cut it, aware of what dealers can do, I devised a method of play that covered 28 numbers with all losing numbers being surrounded by two winning numbers.  Betting $350 per spin playing $25 chips, the place was packed, there was a young girl who was obviously a trainee.  Smiles all round, never looked at the marquee once, just random spins.  Each time I lost a bet, it took me 3.5 spins to recoup.  I was pocketing chips left right and centre.  Totally unaware of how well I was doing, after many hours I quit, moved away from the table and counted up.   I had just won $5k and felt very elated. 

So I returned Sat' found the same young girl, said hi, again the tables were heaving and played the same way as I did the previous night.  Not a word of a lie, I won another $5k after many hours of play.  At home I was totally buzzing, I had just picked up $10k from two nights action, this covering 28 numbers is a sure-fire winner, all my troubles are now gone, who cares, I have it made (LOL).

Sunday return for more of the same, to be honest I don't recall what happened because it was so long ago, all I recall is that I couldn't see the nice young trainee, instead noticed lots of strange faces behind the wheels.  Well the system works so who cares.  All I know is that I didn't win that night, but something convinced me to build a progression around what it was I was doing, rather than try and ride out losses and hoping not to get hit twice inside 3.5 spins, I would "double up", my biggest mistake ever.

Monday night, I place by $350 on an empty table, Robert was the dealer, one of my fixed losing numbers is #24.  24 comes in, oh that's a bad start, double up now have $700 on the table.  Green as anything, paying no attention to ball release, no putting down chips after ball release.  #24 comes in again, WTF, there is no-way back now flat betting, I'm in too deep.  So I now lay out $1400 and stupid me, I even walked away from the table to stump out a cigarette.  Winning number #24, I was floored.  Now obviously the math-heads will say, it was a triple spin, no big deal it happens all the time.  The thing that got me, as Robert was scooping my chips away, he looked straight at me at said, "what were the odds in that".  He made it obvious what he was doing, had done.

I varied a few things after that, such as covering 30 numbers in a hit and run fashion, but never recovered from what I considered Roberts deliberate action.  In this place you see dealers wearing very expensive gold bracelets, very expensive.  Pictures on the wall "employee of the month", these pieces of jewellery are casino gifts?  I've heard from a good source to win these awards, it is not about being nice to the customers, rather you have to be good for the house, go figure.

I still didn't stop playing roulette, it would be a constant battle against dealers.  I was at one table, won a few spins, out of the blue a dealer change.  Another of my losing numbers was #6.  I swear to God the pit boss said to this new dealer, "put it on 6".  Again being wet behind the ears, I didn't move or take off my bets.  Instead I thought, if he gets anywhere near #6, I'm going to another table.  Too late, first spin #6, unbelievable. 

Coincidentally a few years later I popped into the casino during my lunch hour (my work was very close to the casino) and dropped about $4k on the Baccarat table, on the way out the same pit-boss said to me "a few more of them", the *$^".  Yes I had a great afternoon in work afterwards.

I returned at 5pm and played $500 units simply waiting for a streak of four and using a Fibonacci betting against its continuance.  I won a lot of first placed bets and afterwards won within two bets.  After winning 30 purples, I stepped down to black to protect what I had won thus far unfortunately and proceeded to win a further 10 black chips.  Basically I had just turned the initial $500 chip into $16k.  I had to leave because I was scheduled to attend some Windows administrating training session.  On my way out, I made a beeline for the same pit-cretin, ensured he saw my fist full of pinks and gleefully said to him "a few more of these", laughed at his red face and left.  No I couldn't give a damn about the Windows 2000 admin course as I sat through it with over $30k in my wallet, buzzing to the max. 

I've played and had dealers literally studying the marquee wondering where I was going to bet next, as I slowly adapted the strategy of placing chips after ball-release.  Those that don't subscribe to them being able to hit specific numbers under the correct conditions is a load of toss.  Their loyalty is to their employer not some stranger who thinks they can make more than they can earn, plus there are incentives in taking you down.

Returning to the same venue many years later, I noticed these skilled croupiers are now mostly pit-bosses, yes when I feel like it and have had a big bet out on the Baccarat table which comes in, I say in a very loud voice, "section spin that".  They are a load of cheating B*s***ds anyway, so why not rub their noses in it (more on that when I post about Canberra), other times I keep stum because either way, I know consistent winning players irritates them, so it's subtle payback either way.

Losing my shirt many years ago on the Bacc table, I plonked down two sizeable bets on the two outside columns of a roulette table in a do or die manner, dealer says good luck, aims for the top of the wheel, missed the zero by one pocket, says "oh" while taking way my chips.  He is also now pit-boss, it's crazy to let them see where you place your bets before they let go of that little white ball.   On the older Huxley wheels you are simply asking for trouble. There was a case of a friend via friend an arrangement was made for somebody who was getting married and needed some money.  Groom is playing Roulette in the VIP room, dealer is spinning for him, soon he is $10k up, dealer signals that is enough, no doubt a back-hander was given far away from the place.  Casino's are full of all types, anything you need or want doing can be arranged once you make the right contacts.  Things are not all fair in love and war, there are a lot of shady things going on both sides of the table, a player needs to keep their eyes open and wits about them. 

I've spoken to dealers whom I met socially, one is family friend.  They tell me the same thing, course they can take down any player if they want to, one was horrified that I risked so much money playing the game.   I don't care what the maths states and loses were due to the HE, it is the comments, signals that bugs me, hence the move to playing Baccarat years later.

Next time, I'll post about what I witnessed in Canberra and the professional roulette player, who was for me an absolute joy to watch given my own negative experiences, plus battling the dealers in the UK. 

It took me a while to re-find this, how easy is it done!!!

Quote from: Slacker on September 20, 2014, 12:54:01 PM

Do you ever think that maybe you're putting yourself under too much stress in attempting to make 100% of your buy-in per session? it's inevitable that there will be emotional roller coasters with such an ambitious target. I aim for between 5-10% and try to keep the sessions short, not because I think there's any validity to "hit & run", but simply because I don't enjoy protracted sessions.
The 100% profit margins usually just happen, I normally aim for 60~80% of my base-unit buyin.  If I am that close early, I press on.  Regarding the 5-10%.  Sure if you had an edge.  But in Baccarat there is never any edge, it is a money game.  Therefore you have to deploy your money management prowess to the best of your ability.  So let say you want to make a few hundred per night, so you go the casino with how much exactly?  You only need to make what 3 chips or maybe 12 ponies.  What happens if you run into a run of losses as soon as you sit down.  I lost my first six placed bets on Thursday.  How stressful would that be if I came in betting pinks? How much in total bankroll would one need just to make a minimum three hundred?  Remembering a lot of provincial casinos in the UK have low table limits of £2k.

I've been around the block too many times and have learnt a lot from watching others players behaviour.  As an example, a low roller usually bets $10 ~ $15, rarely betting $25.  Obviously on this day was desperate to make $500.  So he slapped down a $500 chip as his first bet, which lost.  Then proceeded to spend the next few hour trying to get that back via $10 + $15 bets.  He didn't succeed and whatever problems he had prior, had now just increased.  You learn from watching stuff like this.  If I want / need $500, I'll sit there all day and grind things out, slowly but surely, I won't buyin for a 1k either.   

We all have our different approaches to betting, so if my target goal is a minimum £500, I will grind that out as safe as I possibly can via reds and blacks, should the need arise to bet pinks, I will do so.  But I prefer the safe, lazy time consuming manner of reaching my goal, hopefully before you know it, I'm at 60~80% profit margin of my buyin.  If my first bet is £5 and later in the shoe I'm betting ponies or later in the session betting pinks, it is not too hard to it go beyond 100% of the initial first base bet.  Because I have various things going on money management~wise (which you are privy to), I look at profit as a percentage of my total buyin, not the betting level that was used to achieved that.   
Quote from: greenguy on September 20, 2014, 08:27:19 AM
Well RW,  I must say it seems like you would be a very unpleasant fellow to be around when things don't go your way. With all that barking and cursing and foot stomping
I don't stomp my feet, the Chinese are constantly swearing like troopers, you start learning the choice words after a few years.  You can't bark and shout to much because you won't be allowed back in, so you are getting the wrong end of the stick, nothing wrong being on an 8 and the other side beats that hand by reaching 9 and you say the four letter word that begins with F___ .   I'm a very good player to be around, I helped a (at the time) a stranger out and let him mirror my bets.  We became good friends and when I left one city he was positive over the casino as we never lost a session in two weeks. 

We went through the usual draw-downs, every things was fine.  Obviously you have no idea what it is like to lose a few hands in a row due to naturals being pulled on the other side, every  man and his dog curses, I suppose you really are a greenguy.

Quote from: greenguy on September 20, 2014, 08:27:19 AM...Oh and yeah, when I play, I'm as quiet as a mouse and drift through like a shadow. They probably don't even know I'm there.
Sure.  Every casino knows exactly how much people make, everybody is known.     
Gambling Philosophy / Re: DEVIATION or BALANCE?
September 20, 2014, 05:31:18 AM
Quote from: wannawin on September 20, 2014, 02:19:24 AM

You said the reasons for using deviations. Can you tell us if there is any reason to risk playing some cards for a little balance? Or you would never touch a balance trigger? Thank you very much.
Because the maths supports it. When I am not in the situation of having to bet every hand, I look for reasons to make a bet, could be one of my templates, it could be something else.  In regards to betting the Imbalance, I do things in my own unique style, because I know in the short term betting Imbalance v's Equilibrium can be rather weak (if I ever take this bet option, it is an after thought).  Besides the Birthdays Paradox which can also be weak yet superior to Imbalance v's Equilibrium, then again, to take both those statements further.  Every conceivable bet Baccarat bet option resolves to a 50-50 state when tested against a set of truth tables, which signifies Baccarat is more a MM game.     

Now just to confuse the issue further, I did play Imbalance v's Equilibrium against all 3 EC's many years ago, 6~7 nights per week and didn't lose for a month, then it became too much of a battle against cheating dealers, one casino even went as far as to change to a heavier ball to enable their staff to better control it.  A graphic of how I did this, is on that roulette30 forum, so go look there if you are interested.       

When anybody wins consistently a decent amount, say playing 6 nights per week, let's say $1000 per night, watch the demeanour of dealers and manager change. I've seen it both down-under and in the UK.  Dealers get jealous, slam down pay-outs, get their noses out of joint.  It is a struggle for me to get managers to open the table for me, anybody else, not a problem, because they know from them they should take their money, when I ask, "it is we are short staffed, maybe in an hour".

Expectation?  I always without fail expect to win, success breeds confidence, I know I am an exceptional player, I have to be, because I play for a living not recreation.  I know I am good because many that have shared tables with have come over afterwards and told me.  If I ventured to a casino thinking who knows what might happen, I simply wouldn't go.

Anger, frustration, swearing, cursing and all that is not a problem for me,, part and parcel of any casino environment, because all those emotions do not impact on my bet amount or which side I bet next, you see I can get very rattled, but it has no impact on my bet amount, that is 99% of the time fully in control, I may quit a table, but that has cost me nothing.  Maybe you are playing a level that is of no concern to any casino, and don't win often enough, so have no idea what physiological games that take place.  I would have to think hard and long if I could be bothered crossing the street for $10 and by the time I decided it would be gone. 
Gambling Philosophy / Re: DEVIATION or BALANCE?
September 20, 2014, 01:53:56 AM
I don't even play Roulette, so the mention of wheel spins mean nothing to me