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Messages - gr8player

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Our Player's Edges
September 01, 2014, 01:40:18 PM
Quote from: Albalaha on August 30, 2014, 06:56:18 PM
@gr8player, The player's edges that you defined are available to all players, all the players use them too but they still lose.

Hello, Albalaha, I trust all is well with you, my friend.

Hmmm...."all the players use them"....:

I'm not so sure about that. 

I witness players betting every hand with no apparent regard to any bet selection consistency.

I also witness players betting with no apparent regard to any sort of money management.

And I witness players that have no apparent idea as to when they might terminate their sessions, which, unfortunately, leads many to leave that ultimate decision to the casino; or, said differently, when their chips are all lost.

So, yes, my Player's Edges are not indigenous just to me, they are there to be utilized by all.

But, let's make no mistake of it, not everyone utilizes them to their maximum advantage, and therein, my friend, lies the rub.

These edges are best utilized by the most patient, disciplined and consistent of players; lacking such traits these edges are nothing more than mere words.

Stay well.
Even chance / Re: Cluster EC
August 30, 2014, 06:26:20 PM
Quote from: ignatus on August 30, 2014, 12:38:17 PM
a very simple and effective method.

trigger: wait for a switch between two ec's then after two of the same appear bet for a third to come. each trigger is played only once.

for an example


next bet would be B



next bet would be B



next bet would be R

progression: Martingale

Hello, Ignatus.

I trend the 1-, 2- and 3-holes on my horizontal scorecard all of the time, so I'm rather well-versed and familiar with their "movements", and I would do well to recommend the following:

Trend them.  Each side separately, trend them.

Otherwise, you're nothing more than a "sitting duck" just waiting for a whole lotta 2's to bury you along with your money.

Here's what I would do if I were you:

Trend them, each side separately. 

So if the Player's side is stopping at 2, bet Banker at the next sighting of two consecutive P's.

Conversely, if the Player's side is hitting the 3-hole, bet for the player side at the next sighting of two consecutive P's.

(Obviously, the exact same play would hold true for the Baker's side, as well.  Just remember to treat each side as a totally distinct play in your trending.)

I am telling you, unequivocally, that you'll experience tremendously improved results over the long term.

Now, lest you think I just gave you the keys to the kingdom...alas, I did not.

Why?  Because it now becomes your responsibility to know when to sit it out (read: "no-bet") during those times where one side (or both) is NOT holding any lasting 2- or 3-hole trends.

Don't chase.  That's the key to successful trending:  Don't Chase.  Wait for proof...then go.

(Actually, there are two keys to long term success at trending, the other being "anticipation"...but I haven't the time today to go into that rather elaborate discussion.)

Stay well.
Gambling Philosophy / Our Player's Edges
August 30, 2014, 04:53:25 PM
Quote from: VLS on August 27, 2014, 10:46:46 PM
"So we choose when we want to play, we choose the side we wish to play on, and we get to select the amount of our bet, and even can terminate any session at our optimal time.  Sweeeet, ain't it?"


Thank you, Victor, for opening this most pertinent topic:

You see, fellas, we have, each of us, certain Player's Edges, and I list them as follows:

1.)  We can bet where we want.  (Our own personal bet selection process is strictly our choosing.)

2.)  We can bet what we want.  (Our own personal bet sizes, and adjustments thereof...read:  money-management...is strictly our choosing.)

3.)  We can "no-bet" when we want.  (Never, ever discount that most powerful tool in our arsenal...the "No-Bet".  We can, when the shoe is not cooperating as much as we'd prefer it to, decide simply to "sit it out"... a priceless characteristic of Baccarat.)

4.)  We can terminate a session when we want.  (Optimal "exit strategies" are a vital part of our chances for long-term success at this game; especially if you're seeking to train yourself how to accept a WIN, any win.  Trust me, you do that, and they'll all begin to add up rather handsomely over time.)

Those are our Player's Edges.  Use them wisely, my friends, for they are truly invaluable.