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Messages - gr8player

Baccarat Forum / Re: Anticipation
September 08, 2014, 03:27:08 PM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on September 07, 2014, 04:40:55 PM
We look forward to your E-Book.....

You should be.  It'll redefine this game, especially for those patient and disciplined trenders.

Here's but a small taste:

The majority of trenders are "looking under the wrong rocks" to find their bet selections.

Seek out the 1's.  Concentrate on the 1's.

Then when you see them, bet, obviously, the opposite decision.

Obviously, the real "gravy" comes in when that opposite side is "dominating".  But, even if it isn't, the bet still becomes to bet against that "weak" side that's stopping at 1 (or 2, at most).

And I shouldn't have to mention the inherent advantages of having the 1's (and/or 2's at most) as your trending "target"....they can be "plentiful" rather often....and that's where you'll be raking in the chips.  That, and the "dominations" that often accompany this type of play, will leave the patient and disciplined trender absolutely GOLDEN.

You're not a trender, Rolex-Watch...so I suspect that you find this information fruitless for your type of play.  That shouldn't serve, however, as any valid reason to trash it.

Baccarat Forum / Re: Anticipation
September 06, 2014, 06:12:34 PM
Yes, it is an interesting subject, AsymBacGuy.

Trend recognition is not anything new.  The majority of Bac players play to the current trend.

There are a couple of things that separates the winners, however:

1.)  Timing

It goes without saying that the sooner one can get their bets down into an impending trend, the better.  Recognizing a trend after it's near exhaustion just won't cut it....one needs a viable trigger that puts them onto a trend at the earliest of positions.

2.)  Patience and Discipline

Yeah...I keep right on harping about it.  Have to.  It's my job.  I've got nothing without it.  Know this:  All that separates the winners from the losers at this game is THE ABILITY TO AWAIT THE CORRECT TABLE CONDITIONS.

3.)  The "No-Bet"

When I print my E-book, the method...MY method...will have that as its title:  The "No-Bet"  Why?:  Because, my friends, most of the time there's nothing of value to place your money on.  So I've adapted the attitude that I'm there, at the Bac table, NOT to bet, BUT to observe.  I am an observer.  Then, when I see a potential "dom" (read: strong trend play with winning "clusters" potential), only then, I pounce.  I pounce with a slight up-as-I-win progression in order to maximize my profit on it, even if it's not as lasting a trend as I'd prefer.  In other words, I "lock up" a profit on it as quickly as possible. 

That's basically the way that I approach this game, and, trust me on this one, AsymBacGuy, I play it very, very well.  I am one tough out for any casino.

But it took a lot of hard work to get here.  I didn't get here by reading some guy's post on the internet.  I played the game, I lived the game, and I decided that if I were to continue that I'd better beat the game. 

As always, I wish it for all of you.

Stay well.
Off-topic / Re: Re: Interesting Article On Grails
September 03, 2014, 11:30:51 PM
Sorry, Esoito, my bad....I meant no disrespect to the forum.

But I will not accept nor engage Mr. Rolex-Watch "via PM", in any way, shape, or form.  Absolutely out of the question...for nothing good could ever come of it, and there's certainly no such thing as "private" when it comes to Mr. Rolex-Watch.

If you feel the need to revoke my forum privileges, please know that I would both understand and accept your decision.

Stay well.

[Good man!  Thanks for that mature apology. Your privileges remain intact. Esoito.]

Off-topic / Re: Re: Interesting Article On Grails
September 03, 2014, 09:24:01 PM
And, right on cue, here comes the Johno/Carlo/Egalite/Rolex-Watch.....internet troll extraordinaire.

You must be very proud of yourself, for nobody can sit behind their keyboard and disrupt every decent conversation that I try to have without regard for anyone else that I may be engaging.

That, you're darn good at....in fact, I think you were born to lie, cheat, and disrupt.

Very proud, indeed, eh, Johno/Carlo/Egalite/Rolex-Watch?

P.S:  I'm going to the grocery market in about an hour...care to follow me there, as well?
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Interesting Article On Grails
September 03, 2014, 04:52:37 PM
Quote from: Slacker on September 03, 2014, 09:03:29 AM
I think she's trying to say that the Grail is the player. i.e., it's the personal attributes of the individual which bring success, not any system which they use.

That is exactly her point.

I've been espousing the very same thing in these forums for years.

The so-called "grail" can come to you only from within.

Those that are waiting for someone to post a complete step-by-step bet selection method that'll beat Baccarat are in for, well, a rather frustrating wait, for it will never happen; mainly because, my friends, IT DOES NOT EXIST.

No static bet selection method will ever beat this game.  And, even if there were one, this game would not, could not, exist.

No, fellas, I'm afraid it takes so much more than just a static bet selection method and/or a static MM plan.  Neither one will provide the long term success that we all seek.

Rather, one needs to adopt a certain approach to game, a mentality; that sees them utilizing their God-given BRAIN at the tables at all times, where they're able to adjust their bet selections and their bet sizes based upon certain CURRENT CRITERIA.  Criteria that THIS SHOE, or PORTION THEREOF, is lending itself to.

Knowing when to back off (read: "no-bet") and knowing when to press forward; knowing when to exit a shoe and/or session; knowing how to accept a win (any win) or even pare a loss....these are things that only the correct mind-set, the correct mentality, the correct approach, combined with all of the very necessary patience and discipline....therein, my friends, deep within ourselves....lies your very own "grail".

As always, I wish it for all of you.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Anticipation
September 02, 2014, 12:28:44 PM
Hello, Wannawin, I trust all is well with you, and thank you for your keen insight.  Spot on.

Look, trends happen.  There's no denying that fact.  And they happen, particularly, in this closed end shoe game of Baccarat, where each and every shoe will, somehow, some way, carry its very own "signature".  It may not last the entire shoe (oh, how wonderful when it does), but there will, undoubtedly, be rather "trendable" portions.

So, they exist.  Now, my friends, the key question then becomes:

Can I make money on them?

Short answer:  ABSOLUTELY

Oh, you'll need some patience and you'll need some discipline and you'll need to manage your session bankroll.....but, rest assured, there's money in defining certain shoe trends.

I've been living it and doing it for some many years now.

You've got to approach the game a little bit as a salesman does a prospective buyer....with the attitude of "I won't take NO for an answer."  Trending requires a commitment on the players part that leads the player into winning situations MOST of the time.  The better players even know what to do when that MOST is NOT happening right now...that's where bankroll conservation comes in.  And then they pounce.....when their trends show, the good trender reaps his for all its worth.

Baccarat is a trender's paradise, because it's a closed end shoe game and you can sit out (read: "no-bet") as often as necessary.  And you can bet it up as you wish when your preferred play is poppin'.

Just acquire some patience to await your preferred plays and the discipline to stay the course, along with sharp bankroll management.......
.......and, yes, my friends, the "trend can truly be your friend".

I wish it for all of you.
Baccarat Forum / Anticipation
September 01, 2014, 06:19:29 PM
I trend.  That's the crux of my Baccarat play and approach, I trend.

Now, why would I choose to play like that?  After all, aren't these cards simply pieces of plastic with pips on them?  So how in the heck are they supposed to, somehow, conform to my way of thinking and to my approach to this game and form any kind of TRENDS?  Impossible, right?  And, lastly, isn't it true that it is all in our heads, this "trend" thing, where we're simply "making something of absolutely nothing"?

One word answer:  W.R.O.N.G!

Trends happen.  They ARE REAL.  Like it or not, they ARE REAL.

That's EXACTLY WHY I play this closed-end shoe game...no other reason.  There are, unquestionably, certain traits, certain characteristics, in each and every dealt shoe.  Those traits, those characteristics...they are trends, constantly forming and, well, un-forming.

Now...the key...the KEY...is in the WHEN you see them:

Do you spot trends after they're about exhausted?

OR, hopefully, can you spot them at their ONSET; in other words, can you ANTICIPATE them?

Ahhh, my friends, those true trenders that truly believe in their trending game....those are the players that can anticipate shoe changes and trends in their earliest stages.

Those are the real trending believers....those THAT CAN.

Does it mean they're always right?  Of course not.

Last Thursday night/Friday afternoon sessions, I must've lost 5 bets in-a-row at least twice, maybe three times.  So what?

I've faith in my trends, and I know they'll come around, if only I stay patient, stay the course.

And, sure enough, they did...my winning for those two sessions was 10 1/2 units, after comm.

Now, does MM come into play?  Sure it does.  My preferred trends will, usually, when I'm right, bring wins in "clusters", and so I do a lot of parlaying.  (Sidenote:  By "a lot", I mean that I do it often, but not consecutively...I won't go further than simply a two-stage parlay...1 - 2.)

So, in effect, I can suffer 6 straight losses and lose, well, 6 units; but whenever I win 6 bets in-a-row, I'll pick up 9 units.  That's 50% more than I lost.  Now, can't we all agree that we do need to win more on our winners than we lose on our losers?  Well, OK, yes...to a point.  we never our bets outside of our comfort zone...rather, the example I showed was utilizing the exact same unit size...no bump-up at all.

So while we want to win more, especially for recoup and/or profit purposes, we don't want to do it in any "suicidal" manner...for, eventually, you will "kill off" your entire bankroll.

So we try to control our bets, and, when necessary, raise them only incrementally.

But, as to where I choose to bet, I choose to trend.  I'll get on as early as I can, attempting to ANTICIPATE the twists and turns of each shoe (or portion thereof)....when I'm wrong my loss is kept as minimal as possible, but when I'm right I'll effectively pick up some nice parlays.

The key to trending is consistency (stick with your preferred plays) and early betting triggers (or anticipation, if you will) in order to glean as much as you can from that current trend.

I wish you all the very best of it.

Baccarat Forum / Re: Mild progression
September 01, 2014, 05:38:21 PM
Quote from: Tomla on August 25, 2014, 12:51:35 PM
I sometimes use 11111, 1.5, 1.5,1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2222222, 3333333333333 until i get some wins and bail out then I reset, at some point  the table will comeback to you

Hello, Tomla, I trust all is well with you.

Yes, my Gr8Player's Progression can be made suited to personal taste, but I do recommend no more than 7 bets at each level, as that is the number that worked best in all of my rigorous testing.

To this day, this progression is my own personal "security blanket", and I lean on it often.

Very steady, safe, and reliable....what more can one ask of their money-management?
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Our Player's Edges
September 01, 2014, 04:24:08 PM
Quote from: muggins on September 01, 2014, 03:09:32 PM
That is the only thing that matters.  Proving yourself to people who post the same old arguements in an attempt to make you post the way you bet is not important.

This happens a lot and Albalaha is a master of this without contributing anything of substance to any forum he is part of.

Before you object to what I have written Albalaha, please show me one post of your 1000+ posts on this forum where you have given any indication by demonstration of how you bet.   You have a HG don't you?  Therefore you don't need these forums anymore.

Hello, Muggins.

I've nothing personally against Albalaha or anyone else that chooses to accept the house edge as unbeatable.  It is, after all is said and done, the easiest of affirmations...one only need to do the math.

But I also believe that if you choose to visit these gaming forums then one should do so with an open mind, and maybe be just a bit less cynical in their gaming beliefs.

Lastly, Muggins, as to my "posting the way I bet"....I've been doing that for years in these forums.  But, I hope you can understand, it doesn't matter.  For the "way I bet"...the way I approach this game...is MY WAY and works FOR ME.

I will expound upon that as time permits, but, for now, suffice to say that it is more a matter of each player's own responsibility to learn exactly what it takes to get the better of this game for themselves, as opposed to simply reading up on someone else's method.

Stay well.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Our Player's Edges
September 01, 2014, 02:33:41 PM
Ahh, my friend, and there it is....the same old, same old argument of:

"Show me where it holds up statistically, even with your edges"

I heard that same refrain every other day at the Wiz's site, and finally decided it best to simply cease the argument by withdrawing my membership there.  In two words:  their loss.

I have no numbers nor statistics that'll satisfy you, Albalaha.  Sorry. 

I have only numbers and statistics that satisfy ME.  So be it.

Best not to beat it to death, my friend; it'll lead only to your frustration.

And, IMHO, a person who chooses the casino's edge over their own wants no part of any frustration.

Stay well.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Our Player's Edges
September 01, 2014, 01:40:18 PM
Quote from: Albalaha on August 30, 2014, 06:56:18 PM
@gr8player, The player's edges that you defined are available to all players, all the players use them too but they still lose.

Hello, Albalaha, I trust all is well with you, my friend.

Hmmm...."all the players use them"....:

I'm not so sure about that. 

I witness players betting every hand with no apparent regard to any bet selection consistency.

I also witness players betting with no apparent regard to any sort of money management.

And I witness players that have no apparent idea as to when they might terminate their sessions, which, unfortunately, leads many to leave that ultimate decision to the casino; or, said differently, when their chips are all lost.

So, yes, my Player's Edges are not indigenous just to me, they are there to be utilized by all.

But, let's make no mistake of it, not everyone utilizes them to their maximum advantage, and therein, my friend, lies the rub.

These edges are best utilized by the most patient, disciplined and consistent of players; lacking such traits these edges are nothing more than mere words.

Stay well.
Even chance / Re: Cluster EC
August 30, 2014, 06:26:20 PM
Quote from: ignatus on August 30, 2014, 12:38:17 PM
a very simple and effective method.

trigger: wait for a switch between two ec's then after two of the same appear bet for a third to come. each trigger is played only once.

for an example


next bet would be B



next bet would be B



next bet would be R

progression: Martingale

Hello, Ignatus.

I trend the 1-, 2- and 3-holes on my horizontal scorecard all of the time, so I'm rather well-versed and familiar with their "movements", and I would do well to recommend the following:

Trend them.  Each side separately, trend them.

Otherwise, you're nothing more than a "sitting duck" just waiting for a whole lotta 2's to bury you along with your money.

Here's what I would do if I were you:

Trend them, each side separately. 

So if the Player's side is stopping at 2, bet Banker at the next sighting of two consecutive P's.

Conversely, if the Player's side is hitting the 3-hole, bet for the player side at the next sighting of two consecutive P's.

(Obviously, the exact same play would hold true for the Baker's side, as well.  Just remember to treat each side as a totally distinct play in your trending.)

I am telling you, unequivocally, that you'll experience tremendously improved results over the long term.

Now, lest you think I just gave you the keys to the kingdom...alas, I did not.

Why?  Because it now becomes your responsibility to know when to sit it out (read: "no-bet") during those times where one side (or both) is NOT holding any lasting 2- or 3-hole trends.

Don't chase.  That's the key to successful trending:  Don't Chase.  Wait for proof...then go.

(Actually, there are two keys to long term success at trending, the other being "anticipation"...but I haven't the time today to go into that rather elaborate discussion.)

Stay well.
Gambling Philosophy / Our Player's Edges
August 30, 2014, 04:53:25 PM
Quote from: VLS on August 27, 2014, 10:46:46 PM
"So we choose when we want to play, we choose the side we wish to play on, and we get to select the amount of our bet, and even can terminate any session at our optimal time.  Sweeeet, ain't it?"


Thank you, Victor, for opening this most pertinent topic:

You see, fellas, we have, each of us, certain Player's Edges, and I list them as follows:

1.)  We can bet where we want.  (Our own personal bet selection process is strictly our choosing.)

2.)  We can bet what we want.  (Our own personal bet sizes, and adjustments thereof...read:  money-management...is strictly our choosing.)

3.)  We can "no-bet" when we want.  (Never, ever discount that most powerful tool in our arsenal...the "No-Bet".  We can, when the shoe is not cooperating as much as we'd prefer it to, decide simply to "sit it out"... a priceless characteristic of Baccarat.)

4.)  We can terminate a session when we want.  (Optimal "exit strategies" are a vital part of our chances for long-term success at this game; especially if you're seeking to train yourself how to accept a WIN, any win.  Trust me, you do that, and they'll all begin to add up rather handsomely over time.)

Those are our Player's Edges.  Use them wisely, my friends, for they are truly invaluable.