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Messages - Rolex-Watch

Quote from: iplayforaliving on April 30, 2014, 11:12:20 AM

But if you don't have any evidence of me being a scam-artist then, it's time to shut up.

My name is Alvin Tuarez and you can google search me so you can check if I have anomalous transactions in the past.
I just did, all I got was links to your site and here, proves nothing. 

Quote from: iplayforaliving on April 30, 2014, 11:12:20 AMAt least I have the guts to say my name publicly and not hide under my pseudonym?
Again proves nothing.

Quote from: iplayforaliving on April 30, 2014, 11:12:20 AMThey are educated people BUT please don't call them suckers as what you did on my other post.
they are the latter, casinos are full of suckers, literally.  So why go to the trouble of creating a web-site to reel them in, when they are ripe for the picking all around you?  Maybe they might want to see a demonstration for themselves first, perhaps they know you, best avoiding face to face contact when your not genuine and can't deliver. 

You remind me of  somebody on the old Baccaratforums site, he also created a slick looking web-site expecting to reel them in.  Anyway you're a top notch winner, have random outcomes all figured out, right?  You don't need people's money when you can make as much as you like from the Baccarat tables, so why charge anything for mentoring, why take on something that you can't possibly control.  Nobody can play like anybody else because simply they are not them, we all react differently at the tables to wins, losses and placing of chips.   Why would any successful player want the hassle of somebody coming back and saying "it doesn't work", I would have thought your precious time would be better spent taking chips from the casinos than mentoring, no hassles, no headaches  and for what, the cost of less than half of your unit value. 

Consistent winners get sick of people asking "how's it going today", "are you winning today", get sick of being noticed day in and day out, the last thing any consistant winner wants, is to start taking on students via the internet, they would rather keep their head down and take their daily wedge from the casino coffers and move on.   Of course your tale doesn't add up in any shape or form and I suggest you get busy creating some new bogus ID's who can then thank you for your tuition.

There is absolutely nothing that you can do which hasn't been seen before across the internet by people who have lost so much through gambling, that they lose their moral compass and will resort to any means to recreate a bankroll so they can have another go. 

"Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"
Yet shall gladly accept you paying me $45 for a staking plan which you can run at your own risk against a series of coin flips.
Bubble bust.  Posted at the time by Sam Redman, he plucked some math related coin toss he stumbled across on the web and applied it to Baccarat, which the findings had nothing to do with.      Here is the article where it came from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CoinTossing.html
General Discussion / Re: What's your call on this?
April 29, 2014, 08:04:44 PM
Casinos are the same the world over.  Recall many years ago a dealer called Robert at SkyCity Adelaide laughingly telling anybody who wanted to listen, dealing to a whale who lost some huge six figure amount playing in a private room and was so pissed had to be held up in his chair while playing some card game.
I'm sure there is many fables in the Bible about "doing the right thing" by your fellow man.  Do not steal, cheat, live an honest and honourable life, those sort of things. 
Baccarat Forum / Re: Words from Tony Renzoni....
April 29, 2014, 05:43:51 PM
Quote from: Xander on January 30, 2014, 09:00:24 PM

Is that what you call the number one AP threat to casinos in 2014?  Perhaps you'd like to point to a beter system that gives the player the edge?     Dr. Elliot Jacobson and Bill Zender , gaming experts and consultants, certainly don't consider it to be "Malarkey".  ;)

As long as the player can see the next card to be dealt, then he can get an edge via sort play, regardless of the continuous shuffle.  Besides, there are still several casinos that do not use the CSM.

  By the way, the incident with Phil I'vey just recently happened.  LV Strip casinos have lost millions to sort players.  MGM recently replaced their cards with a new back pattern.  Unfortunately for them, the new pattern enables a beter play for the sharper APs.
You talk a lot of sense and there is no disputing it offers a measurable edge when it presents itself. 

Ivey and his lady friend went a whole lot further than trying to sneek-peek cards about to be drawn next.  Besides needing at a minimum 20/20 vision, it is not something that everybody can take advantage of.  Some places use cards (where I play) which have a thin white border surrounding the card pattern, also trying to spot design anomalies seeing only a small portion of any card from four feet at best, could be tad difficult close to near impossible.   
 Oh come on please.  Have been lurking this board for a while, but finally decided to post after reading so much waffle. 

Anybody professing to making a living playing Baccarat does not need nor would bother with any mentoring program or take to the internet offering their serVices. Why would anybody feel the need to do this, out of the charity of their heart?    You people can't be this stupid, surely not after decades of scams littering the internet. 

Firstly to win consistently does not suddenly turn you into some charitable person, rather it tends to make you hard-nosed, shrift with a polarized self-centred vision (the arrogance of winning and having lots of cash), that is the nature of the beast when you are successful.  Secondly a consistent winning player gets noticed by other players, there are many losing Baccarat players (some friendly and approachable) inside every casinos, there is no need to advertise or go to such lengths as using Google images to knock together some web-site looking for fresh meat.  This person can make more than he could ever charge for tuition, it doesn't make sense.  They are all round you, if you really wanted to help any fellow player out. 

Rather, this is just another of a long line of scam-artists that come and go as the years roll by, has a good yarn, hoping to offset their own losses from the gullible.
Well done, seen it all before a hundred time already, no doubt Alvin won't be the last, whatever you decide to do, just remember why does he  need your money, when he can make more than he is trying to charge you in less than a shoe?  So you don't need to send him a cent, if he really wanted to help you rather than himself, his posts wouldn't consist of un-substantiated fabricated tales and pointers to his smoke and mirrors shop front (yeah I'm sure casino management will explain their actions should somebody make a phone call).  Laughable and a poor reflection of this web-site that scammers are giving free regain to exploit.