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Messages - esoito

Well, it's 5 months later and no review yet from Pink Floyd.

And it's interesting to note iplayforaliving suddenly disappeared from the forum without any explanation.

Perhaps they were both wings of the same bird.

Or perhaps nobody wanted to spend $540 on so-called tuition!

For one who claimed to be so expert at baccarat Google threw up less than 10 hits on his name.

It always gets back to caveat emptor, caveat lector.
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Follow the frog
October 02, 2014, 10:58:16 PM
Crikey...are you really a novice?

That looked like a very professional and experienced wrap-up of the chances!  :nod:
Victor will set up 'tipping' buttons with other pay processors if that's what he thinks is best.

And no, Max is not in the UK.  Nor does he want to handle other members' money. He told me that himself !   
General Discussion / Re: Triply important support!
September 28, 2014, 10:52:40 PM
Wannawin the 'moderation code' simply refers to the outcome of recent discussion about post deletions.

And YOU were part of those discussions! Remember now?

Here's the link again:


Victor needs to now code some of the decisions made into the forum code.

It's nothing to do with putting money into moderators' pockets.

You are very mistaken thinking that !!!

I've already said in another thread: Moderators are NOT. PAID. ANYTHING. Never have been. Never will be.

September 28, 2014, 10:48:41 PM
Wannawin is not right.

Rest assured moderators receive NOTHING from donations.

Never have. Never will.

Victor uses the money to pay for domain renewal and hosting.

So we face a simple, stark formula:     no domain renewal + no hosting fees = no forum.

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Longshots
September 26, 2014, 11:27:43 PM
Strewth -- nice profits there, LF.  :thumbsup:

Obviously a bit more than 'beginner's luck' is at work!!  Well done.
Baccarat Forum / Re: EXTREME
September 26, 2014, 11:21:49 PM
A very thoughtful analysis.  :thumbsup:

Have you forgotten about releasing the PDF you mentioned earlier, or have you changed your mind and decided not to release it?

No pressure -- just tying up a loose end.  ;)
General Discussion / Re: Triply important support!
September 26, 2014, 11:03:50 PM
Good points, Wannawin.

You know what? If each member donated $5 once a year  All worries about running costs would disappear for ever.
Roulette Key Gold / MARKETING HELP
September 25, 2014, 11:30:07 PM
The horns of a dilemma...

I see you asked for marketing help at Black Hat SEO and got nowhere, thanks to some over-suspicious poster.

(Given its name and given your honesty it's a good place to avoid, methinks)

You've invested a lot of time and energy in the product.

And from what you write and from your videos it seems to be pretty profitable in disciplined hands.

So why not simply use it and make $$ for yourself, and dispense with all the stress, costs and aggro associated with marketing?

But if marketing is still in your sights then for

* heaps of free advice

* heaps of pay-for advice

look no further than http://www.warriorforum.com/

[Delete this post if you don't want it staying here]
September 25, 2014, 10:55:22 PM
Folks -- here's why it's worth supporting this forum.

I recently wrote: 

I'm a moderator here for one reason only --  to help Victor realize his software goals.

He has visionary dreams, hopes and aspirations that will give great benefits to future computer users worldwide. (No, I'm not talking only about his gambling software. His plans are much bigger than just that!)

My help in running the forum frees up much of the considerable time and energy he needs to code his software, as well as trying to earn a self-employed living in a financial environment that would challenge most of us.

So I do it for him for no financial gain, but because I share his extraordinary and visionary goals.

A man worth helping...

And here's part of Victor's reply where he explains exactly what he's trying to achieve:

My long-term software goals (beyond gambling) are:

- An easy-to-use web engine. In order to allow anyone to become a forum/community administrator without worrying about updates or the technical aspect.

- Creating easy programming languages to serve both as an introductory point as well as suitable for medium-sized development. At least two: one basic, one more advanced. The gist is them being future-proof, to compile to the "fashionable" platform of the moment; this way users do not have to re-learn every time a new technology arises and code re-use is elevated to the maximum.

- Making a family-oriented operating system. I see this aspect of computing very neglected. Having the ability to re-use computing power to allow more members of a family to have a computing venue, re-using as much of the family's current hardware as possible. The gist would be multi-seat/multi-user abilities in an easy fashion. Today's devices are able to handle great amounts of work. This can be a boon for low-to-medium-income families.

All of them accompanied by an optional membership service (i.e. official hosting for the web engine, source version control for the languages, cloud space for backups from the family OS).

Rest assured I am committed to BetSelection; likewise it is also worthy to note that -rather sooner than later- a spin-off site devoted to these software goals can appear alongside to complement us. So we can devote at least a little towards eventually achieving these worthy goals.

I'm 100% focused in developing the software for us here, plus the above are long-term projects to be realized as we have a thriving community here... but as you can see, we are meant to be part of something bigger and much helpful to others as well. In time.

So your $$ support will help to translate his intentions into reality, sooner rather than later.

Given that for many $5 is one bet only then supporting the forum with $5 seems like a good bet to me!  ;)
Only 3 losing sessions out of 22 seems pretty good.  :thumbsup:

Be interested to see if that trend holds up.

A wise move to reduce the progression sizes, bmare.

I've noticed before that bet sizes in all the Silverthorne publications that I've read mainly seem to be intended for those with more money than sense!
ChrisBis / Re: Playing Daily for +1% of Bank Roll
September 22, 2014, 10:53:37 PM
@ Sputnik

CB has long since left the forum for family reasons.

So he's very unlikely to reply to your post(s).  Just so you know.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Intervals
September 22, 2014, 10:50:42 PM
What a great thread! This is exactly what this forum is really all about -- exploring, discussing, testing in a supportive, courteous manner.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Congratulations, split-monster, for all your hard work that you've so kindly shared.
Very impressive.  And flat betting, too.  :thumbsup:

Certainly shows one can make $$ without progressions.  (XXVV has also shown that, too.)
Math & Statistics / Re: The Punter's Revenge
September 21, 2014, 11:12:15 PM
You might -- just might -- see a sudden change of name occur.

Don't be too surprised if it happens!