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Messages - ADulay

Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 23, 2013, 01:08:46 AM
Well, in some attempt to get this back on track, my wife has SEEN at least two robberies at one of the more seedy bingo halls.

Think about it.  They play until deep into the night.  The jackpots are pretty good ($1000+ several times a night).  Most of the players are basically old ladies.

The winners are obvious and all payoffs are in CASH.

This has the basics for an easy score if you're a bad guy.

Luckily this is not the norm, but it does happen.

Can't say I've seen any robberies in the parking lots of the casinos, but I have taken the "long way around" to eventually get to my bike when something seems out of the ordinary.

I'll head to the casino tomorrow and see if I can find any bad guys to take a picture of!!

If I don't find anybody, I'll think it will be time to smother this thread and put it to sleep.

Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 22, 2013, 08:09:25 PM
Quote from: Carlitos on October 22, 2013, 02:57:40 PM
Well that's an very good point you made there A.Dulay.

Criminals do to spend time around casinos awaiting their victims which they have been watching winning money if they would be that lucky.

Carlitos  8)


  In a reasonably crowded casino, take a good look around for "odd" characters when you go to cash out a big win.  Watch for people movement from the bar area if it is located near where you play when you go to cash in.

  Some interesting people show up from time to time.  It's not so bad in a casino that is sparsley populated when you play, but the crowds hide a lot of things.

  Keep your wits about you when making a good sized cash in.

Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 22, 2013, 01:25:39 PM
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on October 21, 2013, 07:45:07 PM
... nice grouping :applause:

Distance & firing time, please?


  Hmm, the first reply got nuked somewhere and is gone so let me try this again.

  That distance was 12 yards but no time on it as it was the first 10 rounds out of a new gun to get a baseline to work with.  Evidently it was just fine right out of the box!

   With that said, here's a short video that does have an "interesting" final time.

   Try not to laugh at the fumbled seconds magazine exchange.

   And to attempt to keep this on a roulette topic, I am armed while in the casinos.  It is a long walk to my motorcycle when I walk out the door in a dark parking garage.



Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 21, 2013, 03:04:00 PM
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on October 21, 2013, 05:57:16 AM
Aren't you the guy who runs around with his mates getting excited by shooting bullets at cardboard cutouts?

  Yep, that would be me!


Off-topic / I got it right in roulette!
October 21, 2013, 01:53:37 AM

  Yes, I finally got something "right" in roulette for a change.  Literally "predicting the future" as it were.

  Had a chance to drop into the local Indian casino in the middle of the state and the automated roulette machine is GONE.

  The first time I saw it, I commented to the manager on duty that they needed to change the minimums on that table or it would be gone in 6 months.  They asked why and I told them that old, retired folks who show up on the bus to play bingo will NOT play roulette with a $5 minimum on EC's and a $1 minimum inside.

  We discussed it for awhile but they were pretty sure they understood their customers.

   The machine is now gone and replaced with two banks of slot machines.

   I called it but missed by a few months on the timing.

   Oh well, I don't normally go to that one and they don't have baccarat so it's back to the southern casino from my house again.

Online Casinos / Re: Do you think online casinos cheat?
October 14, 2013, 06:50:18 PM
Quote from: therouletter on October 14, 2013, 05:03:42 PM
For example in street betting.  I noticed when I first dabbled in online roulette (at one particular casino) that more line numbers appeared than I had noticed at B&M casinos.

RNG or live table roulette?

Quote from: therouletter on October 14, 2013, 05:03:42 PM
They are just cheating individual players? or are generating the numbers to all players?

Easy way to find out.  Just log on with another computer and see if they both get the same results, assuming it's a live wheel.
Big Al is now selling his sports picks over on his forum.

I'm sure he would love to see you all show up.

This is just an informational message and I do not endorse any sports punting services.

Baccarat Forum / Re: A simple idea for Baccarat
October 10, 2013, 02:12:07 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on October 10, 2013, 10:44:44 AM

What I am suggesting is that you would quit a shoe as soon as your selection went one bet behind.

Here is an example.

First hand.  Player. (so player is the leader) I will now continue to bet player until it goes behind banker in the win/loss ratio.

Second hand. Banker. 1 vs 1 now. I am still betting player.

Third hand. Player. 2 vs 1.

Fourth hand. Banker. 2 vs 2.

Fifth hand. Banker. 2 vs 3.  Now I would quit this shoe because the original leader (player) has went behind 3-2.

OK, I think I've got it now.

So, I grabbed the trusty baccarat history book of shoes and randomly opened it to shoe #570.  Playing the next 5 shoes based on your plan it looked like this . . .

Shoe 570   -2 units at hand 9 starting with Player.
Shoe 571   -2 units at hand 8 starting with Banker.
Shoe 572 +13 units run all the way though starting with Banker.
Shoe 573  -1  units at hand 5 starting with Player.
Shoe 574  +9 units run all the way through starting with Banker.

Not a bad idea, based on this very small sample.  Of course you've just "played" for over 5 hours to produce a +17 units out of the 5 shoes.  Poor way to make money on a $5 table.  Great way if your base wager is $500!!

As this is a slightly different way of looking at an old idea, I'll try to track down some free time and modify an Excel spreadsheet I've got that covers this type of wagering play.

As usual, I'm always open to new ideas and will check things like this as they come up.  Here's hoping the free time shows up over the weekend.

Baccarat Forum / Re: "vs player"
October 10, 2013, 02:07:12 AM
Quote from: Carlitos on October 09, 2013, 10:07:33 AM

It can be like this, BB P BBB P BB P BBBBBBB P BB P B, as long as the P comes only 1 time then one can bet right away for the Banker, or the otherway around.

Any other ideas??
Carlitos  8)

  OK, look at what you've got.  You're saying after any "single" P, wager on the "B".   What that plays out to is waiting for a "B P B" play and THEN wagering on "B" as you don't actually know if that "P" is a single until the "B" shows up after it.

  What the guy was playing was chasing a strong side "B" wager.  He was looking for a PBB string for the win.  Nothing wrong with that at all, especially if the "B" side was showing a lot of doubles and larger.  Reasonable strategy in that case.

  In my previously posted shoe, that would have resulted in a +2 unit win.

Baccarat Forum / Re: A simple idea for Baccarat
October 10, 2013, 01:58:42 AM
Quote from: Bally6354 on October 09, 2013, 11:24:59 PM

I decided to follow the advice from the Wiz and stick to Banker.

OK, first mistake.  Following the "Wiz" for advice.  Read his stuff with a grain of salt and consider the source.

Quote from: Bally6354 on October 09, 2013, 11:24:59 PMSo how about playing whatever the first decision is for the rest of the shoe as long as it stays ahead or at least equal with the alternative bet.

It's a simple idea and I wonder if anyone has tried it or tested it.

You can never go more than one decision behind in any shoe.

The problem becomes when you start off with a bet based on your events and it never stays at zero or ahead.  You'll wind up waiting there all shoe long for "your" side to catch up and run ahead.   Bad plan.

Yes, it has been tested.  You're attempting to play a "strong sided" system and "hoping" it stays strong.  There is no recourse when it goes back to neutral or negative, all based on the first hand?

Quote from: Sputnik on October 07, 2013, 01:25:54 PM
This is what i think.

You can not buy method for money that perform better then does you find for free.

My opinion.

  I used to think like that too.   

  I was incorrect in my thinking and my logic.

  There are many more intelligent and experienced people "out there" that can always show me a thing or two, even if I have to (gasp!) pay for it.

  Again, just my own opinion.

Baccarat Forum / Re: "vs player"
October 08, 2013, 09:10:53 PM
Quote from: Carlitos on October 05, 2013, 07:59:43 AM
... why not do it like this,

When PPPP shows, and then B and right away PP again, and then B again, play next P.

So you get this PPPP B PP B P..... sometimes it helds up for like 4 5 to 6 times in an row.
Saw some Chinese people playing like this.

I tested some shoes without using any progression like Martingale, still was able to have +1 at the end of the shoe, highest being sometimes 5,6 to +7.

One can play it also the otherway around, BBBB P BB P play B.

I think you guys are familiar with this?

Carlitos  8)

Hmm, just played a full shoe (for a change) at my local tribal enclave and the particular series you're waiting for never showed up.  In fact there was only one instance of "PPPP" and it went right into a nice "BBBBB".

All the remaining "P's" were 1 or 2 with a single PPP at the end.

In fact, here's the shoe results.





Edit here....  Just to clarify, I did NOT go in to play this particular series that is being discussed, I just wanted to tag this recent shoe on to the thread to demonstrate that waiting for a particular "event" may not come up, especially if it involves streaks of 4+.

Quote from: Albalaha on October 06, 2013, 07:23:19 AM
I am locking this topic as I am not getting positive feedback even after extreme level of success which even the best sports handicapper in the industry can not match.

  And just what type of  "feedback" were you expecting to see with your unprecedented level of sports picks?

Baccarat Forum / Re: "vs player"
October 06, 2013, 12:43:46 AM
Quote from: Carlitos on October 05, 2013, 07:59:43 AM
... why not do it like this,

When PPPP shows, and then B and right away PP again, and then B again, play next P.

So you get this PPPP B PP B P..... sometimes it helds up for like 4 5 to 6 times in an row.
Saw some Chinese people playing like this.

One can play it also the otherway around, BBBB P BB P play B.

Carlitos  8)

   Well, assuming you will be able to sit at the table (or stand around near a table) waiting for one of these particular 8 hand series to show up, you may not be welcome at your seat.

   However, if you should SEE it during your normal course of play, you could play it as a side wager "to yourself" and keep track of the statistics on it.

  Of course, any of about 9 different "systems" or methods will easily beat that particular string all day and night so actually WAITING for it to show up might be wasting time and money.



Quote from: Albalaha on September 29, 2013, 05:43:33 AM
..... 10 million spins of roulette, zumma books of baccarat and now Sports, I have beaten all.
Hmm, I've got a great "graphic" I would love to post up here but civility and in the interest of keeping the pseudo-arguments to a minimum, I'll hold off.

At least for now.