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Messages - ADulay

Quote from: Albalaha on September 29, 2013, 05:43:33 AM
..... 10 million spins of roulette, zumma books of baccarat and now Sports, I have beaten all.
Hmm, I've got a great "graphic" I would love to post up here but civility and in the interest of keeping the pseudo-arguments to a minimum, I'll hold off.

At least for now.

Uh, is it just me or is this "breaking news" bot about two weeks behind the rest of the planet?

Quote from: Albalaha on September 10, 2013, 04:20:58 AM
              You never did anything worth recognizing in the challenge.
Hmm, I solved your innane "challenge", showed you the profit and then told how it was done.  What more did you want to see?

Quote from: Albalaha on September 10, 2013, 04:20:58 AM
If I use "brute force", in beating more than 10 millions I would have down by billions.

Uh, say what?

Quote from: Albalaha on September 10, 2013, 02:56:20 AM

               Do you feel anybody over here has this standard? My #3 Zumma Challenge is still on for everyone. I have yet to see any digestible approach of trying to beat that.


  Hey, I told you (and showed you) how to beat that silly "challenge" and after I did, it quietly just died on your forum.

  You and I look at the problems differently.  Your attack is some sort of "brute force trauma" to the table while mine is a bit more cerebral and civilized.

  Anyway, if I can find some time I'll take a look at that mess at the top of the page and see if it's worth even dealing with, in spite of the lack of true data.

  I think I'll make up my own challenge.  Let's play dozens.

  Can anybody beat this?


  Yes, it's silly and about as original as your first post.

  If whatever method you're playing is giving your those kinds of results, YOU'RE USING A BAD SYSTEM!!!

Quote from: Albalaha on September 10, 2013, 02:56:20 AM
          What looks productive to you? Can you name one single system that has made you a better player, posted on this forum or anywhere else?
Al good buddy,

  You bet I can.  However, when anyone even thinks about mentioning that they might just be winning, they are immediately labeled as a system seller, scammer, liar, cheat and all kinds of other things.

   And horror of horrors, should they happen to mention that they may have actually paid for the information, they then become the all time favorite, a SHILL for the man!

   So, to answer your original question, yes, I can name several "systems" that have made me a better player.  The hard part becomes "convincing" people that you are telling the truth.

  As I really don't care anymore if anyone ever believes that I win real money at the casinos, it is pointless to enter any of these "challenges", especially ones where the only outcome is a series of W's and L's with no data to play against.

  I really don't know what to add.

Quote from: Albalaha on August 07, 2013, 01:57:51 PM
          The most bitter truth about forums is non-cooperation among its members. Everybody is waiting to get a ready to use holy grail and only lurking at others. There is not even a single joint effort to solve any real issue PERTAINING TO GAMBLING together.
                         Nobody talks of "Hows" and "Whys".

  Well, at least not on the roulette forums that we frequent.  The question then becomes "what are we all trying to solve anyway?"   Do you really expect to "solve" roulette on an internet social forum? 

  The way probems are solved is to identify the problem in the first place and no one has done that yet.  About all one gets in any of the forums is idea after idea thrown up on the boards in some sort of effort to get something to stick, the problem being none of it is truely original.   One can only solve the riddle of column play so many FINITE ways, correct?

  There are forums where people do interact, play, solve problems and answer questions.   They are generally labeled, incorrectly, as paid forums.   It's just that you're evidently not a part of any of them.

   As you've seen at your own forum, people are lazy and if nothing shows up after a few days they will leave the forum in search of the next Grail.   We are lucky here that there are dedicated people who appear to take a genuine interest in roulette and all manners of the game.   Nobody is boasting about how much they are taking from the casinos, but I'm sure there are several who do so in a quiet and reasonably dignified manner.

   So, what roulette problems should we all jump in on and "solve" for your edification?

   By the way, congratulations on pulling another bonus win from the casinos.  You're probably the only person I can recall who does this on any type of regular basis.

Quote from: esoito on August 20, 2013, 11:07:32 PM
No. Penultimate does NOT mean 'the last' -- it means THE ONE BEFORE LAST.
Thank you for bringing that up.  It bothered me too.


  An interesting version of dozens and it appears to be worth taking a closer look at, if not for any other reason than to put it through its paces and detect any odd sequences that can be avoided.

  Hopefully I can carve out some free time to get some detail work on it done.

  Thanks for the idea.

Baccarat Forum / Re: Naturals
July 21, 2013, 10:31:08 PM
Quote from: Big EZ on July 21, 2013, 03:21:32 PM

Out of those 20k hands, how many bets were actually made?
Had to go pull up that spreadsheet but the totals looked like this....

20,000 hands dealt.  Wagering was on 9049 hands.
4582 wins and 4467 losses.

I think the longest losing streak was something like 14, give or take a few.  At least I remember that particular number when I counted it during the run.

Baccarat Forum / Re: *Pattern Breaker for Baccarat*
July 20, 2013, 07:32:38 PM
Baccarat Forum / Re: *Pattern Breaker for Baccarat*
July 19, 2013, 11:29:06 PM

  I've noticed in this particular thread that there is a lot of confusion about the game as it is played.

  Some find the "rules" confusing, others don't really understand how the wins are computed and a few more are confused as to why people bet on different sides.

  First off, the Banker hand has nothing to do with the Bank (or casino).  The Player hand has nothing to do with the player (that would be you).   The ruling powers could have just as easily named them "Frick and Frack", "Tom and Jerry", "A and B", "Red and Blue" or just about anything else describing two events.  It just so happens that Player and Banker are the terms and this is derived from another version of the game where you actually CAN be the true Banker of the game against everyone.  But that is not important here.

  Most people state that to win you have to be "closest to nine" to win.  Well, that's true, but it's not the way baccarat players look at it.  The winner is the hand with the highest total and it just so happens that this makes it closer to nine than the other (losing) hand.  The reason the "nine" pops in there is because "nine" is a natural hand and wins automatically (unless tied with a nine in the other hand).   So, for the time being, just think of it as "highest hand wins" and you'll be all set.

  On the drawing rules.   This is what generally throws most people off of the game.   They say its too complicated.  I can remember who gets the draw card.  I can't remember the 667 rule.   I can't remember the 83 rule.  Yada, yada, yada.

  Hey, deal with it.   You play the game (or at least practice it at home) for two days and I guarantee you'll know the arcane drawing rules forwards and backwards.   Of course for those two days it helps to have a printed cheat sheet sitting next to you so you actually do know when to draw and when not to (during practice when you're actually dealing out cards).

  Once you learn those rules, they'll be in your head for a long time.  I seen several dealers draw cards when they weren't supposed to and usually only one or two players will catch it and call it.  ESPECIALLY if the incorrectly drawn card results in a losing hand for them!   If it gives you the win, keep quiet!!

   There's no need to type out the rules.  Just Google "Baccarat Rules" in the images area and about 2000 pictures will come up that you can print out and read along as you deal cards to yourself.

   Which side to bet on?   Take your pick.  The drawing rules favor the Banker hand and most people seem to gravitate to the Banker hand because they heard somewhere that Banker always wins  more hands.   Well, it's kind of true but a good way to get your bankroll handed over to the casino if you chase that way.

  If your roulette game is based on EC, baccarat is made for you and there's no Zero involved.  Ties are returned so there is always a winner and a loser, short of a tie.  You can never have both sides lose!

   If you don't believe that a lot of Players can show up in a shoe, how about this one that was recently played?   My online (live dealt hands) casino pushed this one out and I was lucky enough to be there when it happened.   The circles are the hand result.  See how your EC system would do on it.  I wandered on into the shoe around hand 9 and starting playing at hand 14.  This was a very unusual shoe in that there were only 3 small runs on Banker with two of them being twos!

  Hopefully we can get a few more people interested in the game.  I pretty much gave up serious roulette probably 5 or more years ago.  The vig on the American roulette wheel was just too much to overcome, at least for me.


Off-topic / Re: Wow!
July 17, 2013, 01:49:56 AM

  Been there.  Done that.  Although it was 35 years ago, but it still counts!
Quote from: TwoCatSam on July 03, 2013, 09:31:55 AM
If Paula Deen owned a restaurant near me, I'd eat there ten times.

What sanctamonious bastards!!


I agree 100%.   

Off-topic / Re: Post your wallpaper!
June 22, 2013, 09:54:38 PM
Well, may as well get the main desktop and laptop in here too.

Here's the desktop.... (yes, that's me doing the takeoff on a Christmas day headed to Alaska).

And of course the trusty laptop that's been all over the world with me, back when I did that stuff.  Now it just sits on the left side of the desk and runs basic data chores.  (No, that's not me skydiving but I've been known to jump out of perfectly good airplanes from time to time.)

Off-topic / What do we do when NOT at the casino?
June 20, 2013, 05:10:08 PM
Well, let me start this one off with one of my favorite things.

Shooting with my buddies for beers and burgers!

The guy taking the video is the one I needed to beat and he was not about to help me out at all.  Heckling is usually NOT part of this sport, but among friends, anything goes!!

I figure this can be in a gambling forum because of my tee-shirt.

