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Messages - ADulay

Baccarat Forum / A nice shoe to "Trend" with
January 31, 2013, 07:46:20 PM

   Well, there's not much action around the baccarat section but seeing as how it's my primary game, I figure I'd post up this shoe from yesterday with the results.  This is a classic example of playing what you see.  Nothing fancy, just see the "trend" and attack it.   I elected to attack on Player and wound up with a nice profit for a short amount of work.

    Why was I in an actual casino instead of my usual venue of an online table?   The wife had to use up a lot of slots free play so I tagged along for the free dinner and saw this table in play.   It was a no brainer.  Playing the "strong" side with this type of betting is part of an overall strategy involving several types of play, depending on what the shoe it showing you.

    There was a lone Asian guy trying like mad to  "make" the Banker side work for him, but he was playing way out on the edge and paid a price for it.  He has some pretty large wagers out while my largest was a single, three unit bet late in the shoe.

    Now granted, this type of shoe is VERY unusual as it is Player dominated AND the Banker never had a run of more than two!   Good for me, bad for the typical Banker chase player.

    Anyway, here's the play card from yesterday.  I didn't actually start betting until Hand 29 on my card as I had to quickly copy the results from the other player at the table to see what I wanted to do.


Dozen/Column / Re: *******7 on 1*******
January 13, 2013, 06:45:37 PM
Quote from: albalaha on January 13, 2013, 09:20:04 AM
          You claim to win 925 sessions, without a loss, with this. It is indigestible in itself and an exaggeration.
This coming from the guy who publicly states in his signature "I have beaten the game of roulette".


Quote from: topcat888 on January 08, 2013, 06:45:44 AM

Having said all that, here's Table 2 throwing out four 4's in a row...

Mercy!  If that had been an "air ball" machine, the resulting screaming about "rigged" wheels and electronic countermeasures would be filling up the forum by now.

Stuff happens.  Deal with it, eh?

General Discussion / Re: hitting at a 200 odds bet
January 06, 2013, 03:43:53 PM
Quote from: VLS on January 06, 2013, 02:45:43 PM
Hmm, we'll need to run a poll to know if others are experiencing a similar behavior with the two images.

It is interesting indeed. If it's our (server) side it sure will help to debug this.
Can we assume that the images are being uploaded as attachments rather than being "linked" to an off site graphics account?

This is a linked image posted full size.  No attachment icon using this method.


Quote from: albalaha on January 03, 2013, 04:37:37 AM
                Challenges are meant for takers. If you do not have courage to take one, just watch it. Do not spoil any topic like this.
Fair enough. 

I will remove myself from "The Challenge" as most realistic people have already done.

Carry on.

Quote from: albalaha on January 02, 2013, 05:23:29 AM
           With due respect, I ask you to stop speaking like this.
Speaking like what?   Asking straight forward questions to silly challenges?

Quote from: albalaha on January 02, 2013, 05:23:29 AMWhat kind of challenge do you face and win?
Another "challenge" type question, eh?   I face the same challenge as anyone else at the casino.  Play to bring a profit out at the end of the accounting period.  That could be a session, a day, a week, a month.   Wins and losses are much larger than spin to spin or hand to hand.

Quote from: albalaha on January 02, 2013, 05:23:29 AM
Ok do one thing, beat zumma 1600, in whatever manner you can and show all. Is it OK?
Again?   Why would I want to do that again?   Many people have "beaten" both houses of Zumma and once posting the results, are usually discounted for a variety of reasons by people who can't figure it out on their own.   Besides that, "beating" Zumma is merely a good way to see if your BASIC plan of attack is a valid one.

Hmm, perhaps I should make a run through the Zumma stuff again, if not only to see if my current methods and style still hold up against "The Book" as well as in REAL LIFE.   Thanks for the idea.

So, would there still be a point to posting it here?  (It's a rhetorical question, of course.)

Quote from: albalaha on January 01, 2013, 04:34:00 AM
         In that way, even it is "futile" to have debates here since nobody has a proven method that can keep on earning. If you are gambling with a belief that you will either get a good session or average ones, of whatever u bet, you are merely living off a fallacy and feeding casinos.

   My "fallacy" has performed nicely for the last 3 1/2 years.   I can't complain, but then I am not a static player.  I have changed methods when I see something that I believe is a better play for me, after extensive testing and paper play, of course.  On several occasions, I have moved back to a tried and true performer when  I felt the need to do so.

   Nothing in roulette looks better to me at this time than my normal play at baccarat.

   As to your "challenge", there is no equivalent wagering problem than can be made in baccarat.   That "3 out of 300" or whatever it is, just does not exist so there's no reason to work on it!

Quote from: albalaha on January 01, 2013, 03:13:38 AM
Everyone surrendered at my open challenge proving my point.
No, I'd say that everyone realized an exercise in futility when they see one with that "challenge" and have just allowed it to die a natural death.

I still think you need to present it in a more defined way to make it an acceptable "challenge".   As it stands, it's not worth the effort to pursue.  In fact, it appears to be rather pointless.

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 22, 2012, 03:07:14 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 10, 2012, 09:39:42 AM
I play 25...50...100... To win 25 units each time.
So up to now i have won 725 units.
No, you're up 29 units, not 725. 

The term "unit" is used to define your basic minimum wager.    As yours appears to be 25, that would be "one unit".   Each time you win, you'll win "one unit", not 25.

Of course +29 is still  a great performance!

Did that make sense?

Baccarat Forum / Re: *Pattern Breaker for Baccarat*
December 22, 2012, 02:33:34 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 30, 2012, 01:11:43 PM

don't understand all the rules for Bacarrat as in, big road, big eye boy, small road and cockroach, but know the basics !

Do you wait for a shuffle before you start or do you just dive in whenever ...
Sorry for coming into this thread a bit late but .. . . . .

The terms Big Eye, Small Road, cockroach, etc are merely terms to describe certain patterns that most Asian players seem to really dwell on.  Nothing mystic here nor even part of the game, it's merely symbolism to describe a pattern.

At the table, as well as online, you can jump into a current shoe at any time.  No need to wait for a new shoe unless you prefer to play that way.

Myself?  When I play online (live dealer only, of course) I can see what the tote board is doing as it presents the previously played hands.  If it looks like a shoe that I can work with, I'll jump in.   If the shoe is showing nothing that I like, I can go back to watching Star Trek and finish off paying bills and things like that.

Quote from: Bally6354 on December 20, 2012, 01:02:10 PM
Hello guys

I have added Stetson's book to my dropbox account just in case any of you are wondering what the fuss is about.


Ignore the Craps title. This can be applied to most things!  :thumbsup:
Thank you.

It was an interesting read once we got past all the "general gambling" stuff.

General Discussion / Re: Suggest sections
December 17, 2012, 02:35:19 AM
Quote from: wannawin on December 17, 2012, 12:45:38 AM
Another good idea may be stock market investment. It can also be Forex.

Please do not incur in HYIP.
Hmm, stock market "advice" on a gambling forum.  Probably not the best choice to follow.  Toss in some Forex "trading" and you're really headed off into left field somewhere.

Here's a quick note for future reference, and I'm talking decades down the line. . . . . .

If you want to "play the market", do it with somebody who really knows his business.  You don't want your local banker who attended some three day "school" to learn how to buy and sell mutual funds or basic options trading.   Interview true professionals just like you would interview for any other position that's going to affect your life down the road.  If you don't feel good about this person, interview some more until you DO find one that you will feel comfortable about having all your money at risk in a volitile market.  Having a TD/Ameritrade account with a bunch of FaceBook stock in it is NOT investing!

Fact. . . .   EVERYBODY is an expert in "the market" when the market is good.   When it all falls apart is where the guy you have working your money/investments earns his keep.  That's what they get paid for.   It's your money.  Make sure it stays your money and is not churned away via Forex and other money pits.

So, HYIP?   There's about ten thousand "expert" HYIP web sites out there.  One of the members in this forum runs a small, but informative one, and I do believe you'll find that it requires and inordinate amount of work (and trust) to make this work for the short run.   Better one should stick to roulette!

So, that's my own, personal, take on it.  There is money to be made in the stock market, but most people go about it all wrong and think of it as some kind of short term casino sanctioned by the government.    Not right.  It's bigger than most people will ever understand and for a variety of reasons, not made for any normal human to understand, especially if they do other things besides monitor numbers and markets all day long.

For this forum, I'd stick to basic gambling for now.  The traditional and non-traditional games, most sports wagering, games of skill to play for money (backgammon, dominoes, etc) and things like that.  I'm sure the ideas that get posted will eventually work their way into the daily routine and that can only be a good deal for the forum membership as a whole.

General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
December 15, 2012, 02:34:33 AM
Quote from: spike on December 14, 2012, 11:46:54 PM
Its not cheating anymore than a slot machine cheats.
Uh, apples and oranges.  Slot machines are strictly electronic displays that "do something" to amuse the player.  AirBall is a real wheel, real rotation, hard physical components and electronics to replace the croupier and dispense with the tedius (and unsanitary) methods of payments.

Quote from: spike on December 14, 2012, 11:46:54 PM
Having it run on an algorhythm is not cheating, its
perfectly legal. Its just not the same a a random wheel.
It's not running on an algorithm.  It's most probably running at randomly selected wheel speeds and ball speeds.  You wouldn't want it to run the same wheel and ball speed with each spin, would you?

Quote from: spike on December 14, 2012, 11:46:54 PM
Call the manufacturer (like I have) and they won't talk
to you because you aren't their customer, the casino
is. They'll refer you to the casino, which knows nothing.
Yep, call the manufacturer and ask them for the details of their copyrighted (and secure) product.  How about calling Raytheon and asking them about how their counter-mortar radar works in a secured environment.   Duh.

Quote from: spike on December 14, 2012, 11:46:54 PM
But it doesn't matter. If you don't have a winning system,
play the thing, you won't be able to tell the difference.
It will gladly take your money just as fast as a real wheel
If it takes my money "just as fast" as a real wheel, then I'd say it's a real wheel!

Look, I'm not going to argue with you on this.  You're set in your ways so I'll let you rant on about how rigged everything is in the casino.   Me?   I'll just take the money and continue to be cheated every day.  The losers on the baccrarat forums have basically the same mantra of "being cheated" by somebody, especially when they lose.   

This is not rocket science.  Play the game, take your money and deal with the losses when they show up.

If you don't like AirBall, don't play it.
If you don't like RNG, don't play it. (I don't)
If you don't like orange felt tables, don't play on them.

See?  It's very simple.

General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
December 14, 2012, 11:35:07 PM
We've recently gotten the Interblock Organic "AirBall" roulette machines installed in the local Indian casinos.

They appear to be exactly like the ones I've played in Deadwood, SD although newer, of course.

So far I've just dabbled on it as I don't play roulette as the serious casino play so I was only running a basic opposites play on the EC of the moment.  Picked up a few dollars while testing but the machines seem to run just fine.

I would tend to think the casino management has no real reason to "program" the wheel to cheat as legitimate roulette wheels have been beating the players for a few hundred years now.

People who claim the "airball" machines cheat have usually lost on them, so those comments are generally tainted.

While I was there for a short time, I did see a guy parlay a nice $25 wager into $400 and walk away with it.  I don't believe you'll convince him that the machine is cheating.  :applause:

Roulette Xtreme / Re: Roulette Xtreme official site
December 12, 2012, 02:34:45 AM
Hmm, just noticed that my current copy is pretty far out of date.  Went in and updated my RX tonight!