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Messages - PatternAnalys

General Discussion / Re: LABBY AND RTM...
September 06, 2019, 05:57:33 AM
since worst ever for EC=69HIT/200SPINS.
then theoritically 1000/200=5x69 =345hit/1000.

We could safely deduce that the worst ever that we could never see in our lifetime.

maybe ALBALAHA...or any respected members here could check their computer to see THE WORST EVER EC OR SINGLE DOZEN... IN 1000HITS/HAND.
then we could safely build a labby@johnny around the worst to even win 1u...by manipulating the progression.

if 1000 too long unplayable in bm
...then 300 also good since worst 69+33=102/300spins...theoritically...then we could build labby@johnny around it.
General Discussion / LABBY AND RTM...
September 06, 2019, 05:47:21 AM
RTM simply mean regression after imbalance toward more balanced result....albeit after very long spins or hand.

Since LABBY needs only 33.34%hit to produce profit.
then we need long ...1000spins hands to always win at least 1u.

We never heard 1000spins hit less than 33.4%...
THUS what and where the problem to win even 1u?

General Discussion / Re: WORST DOZEN/100SPINS? Anyone?
September 05, 2019, 12:42:45 PM
 :fight: :o
oh..!all the calculation WRONG! :stress:
what a shame.

just forget gambling...go do honest work!
General Discussion / Re: WORST DOZEN/100SPINS? Anyone?
September 05, 2019, 04:58:37 AM
an OVERSIMPLIFIED explaination.
disregard thr br and limit.

dozen 5wins =10/23spins=43.47%.
thus over the 33.34% needed.

start with the classic  labby..single digit 1.

you are an erudite gambling person.
Iearnt greatly from your blogs...and forums.

you already understand whatever
i said..hope you not post
great funny jokes here...
else casino crying all the way from bank
Quote from: Albalaha on September 05, 2019, 02:41:38 AM
Don't try to win the worst itself but get flat there and win something thereafter when storm has passed.
what a great joke..
can't believe an erudite member post this.
don't know to laugh or cry.
if  easy done..then all casino days numbered :o
General Discussion / WORST DOZEN/100SPINS? Anyone?
September 05, 2019, 02:36:38 AM
With due respect.

Anyone here knows,
what the worst ever single dozen/100spins?

Albalaha says that he found 19dz/100...in his 15000spins.

by calculating 19x2=38/100=38%.

that's way above 33.34%needed for simple labby start with single digit 1...to close before the 100th spin.

imho....single dz labby is better than EC...simply because streaks of losses and streak of hit...more visible....

as we don't and can't predict..
and act accordingly.
if ever worst=19/100..then simple logic tell us.
after 10streak of no hit.
there may 19dz/90spins...which not scary.
that great joke and bad joke...by itself..
make a great winner.

people who knows...just zipped up...
people who doesn't..just scratching head
it is true that the snowballing and marthy that make this a great joke...or else every casino closing shop.

imagine this
in a box..there 100marles..
.17 are red mable represent single-dozen.

I take one out and cast aside...

how you bet to win more than 1u?

that's..your own rules...

variance avoidance.
trigger after certain permutation.
pxxxxx manipulating


even if there 15dz/100..waiting for 10unhit make them 30u/90bet...which is 33.33
if we are very sure that will not see ..
only 30hit/100bet.
then we could use labbyjohnny with 30x2=60digit.
59zeros and a single 1.
with assurance that 30hit the least in next 100bet
thanks for you 69/200.
hp johnson has many flexible
way to bet and distribute losses.

since the worst is only69/200..
we could bet with 69x2=138digit.

that  137zero+..a single1.
where we crossout the
very first and the very last digit when a win hit...

[137..zero. <0000..to...0001>]
when lose at the very first bet..replace the second last digit with 1.
second lose in a row...

thus if you lose 137 time in a row
1111....111111 up to 138 digit
then the 139th bet you bet the first and the last=2u..
if lose...then
138 digit has
then you bet 3u...if lose...
spread the losses..
you spread all the losses to your left...
thus when a win hit...you cross out
the very first and very last..
thus when 69win hit...all being crossout.

and as usual ..
if the very last 69win come lately!
i can only access with handphone now..my laptop blown..thus funny writting.

i remember i sent you the link, few years ago, please look at your old email with me..search..(spin 37..to 237....worst 69red 1999 table 1 hamburg).

hp johnson is another type of marthy@labby.

it predetermined how many hit to close.
if 100 worst=30win..thus johnny30 must CLOSE @ or before 100th spin.

if 200spins must have at least 69..
thus johnny 69..must CLOSE..at or before 200th spin.
the obvious problem are br and limit..

thus if we have faith in virtual limit of SHORTER SPINS..
then br and table limit not problem.

100spins with only 30hit is quite interesting.
is it true worst ec record...only 10win/48losses?
i am computer unintelligent...thus need your help.
about Albalaha's challenge,
zumma 15000,
  worst single number...
only hit 329/15k.

needs >428.6hit flatbet

Johnson could win with

that's 142zeros plus a 1

but since known =329.
it could win with 328zeros plus a1,
to win at least 1unit.

But..of course will balk and scoff
about the br and table limit to win 1u...
but then again...
how you expect to win 15k spins
with a few tens of chips?
as everyone already know..
labby (start with single 1),will and must close,
with 33.34%hit,no matter how long.

HPJOHNSON reverse the labby.,
where you determined the hit needed to close.
Thus you could start from single digit,
which is that suicidal marthy...or up to thousand digit,
which you could bet single number...

why Belgian start with 65digit?

that's 64zero plus a 1.
imagine this...

there 200 marbles in a box,

69are red,
and others are black, bet the red only.
I take one out and cast aside.

How are you going to bet fearlessly?

How about 100marbles where 30are red?

How about 100 with 15red-that-pay-two unit,
black lose one unit..(dozen play)?

what kind of labby or johnny that you could take advantage of?
Thus..labby must win or close in ec 200spins...just because it never less than 69 per200spins or hands..33.34%theoritically...but the br and table limit unbearable..

but 100spins can't...because known.. only30%hits..

and 50spins..even less.

But if you could fearlessly faithfully bet labby in 100spins...or 50spins...by knowing the virtual limit of such 100 or 50spins...
then br and table limit no problem...

May you please tell..what the ec 50spins..player hands..virtual limit?
then we could built special labby@johnson...around it