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Messages - VLS

Quote from: Johno-Egalite on May 30, 2019, 03:57:49 PMWhy reinvent the wheel?

Thanks for the link John, the gist of it being:

Quote from: VLS on May 30, 2019, 03:35:34 PMwith an user system tied to it.

...our site's user system  :D

Well, it is going to take a while. Programs for game analysis go first in our list :)
Quote from: Bally6354 on May 28, 2019, 06:05:25 PM
Hello Vic,

Something to think about for the forum would be some type of Baccarat Simulator.

Wonderful idea! Thanks & we can surely act toward shaping this.

Our next software release is our new "BetMaker" for people to create bots compiled at our site's server.

As it gathers support from the fellows, we can begin to make both a baccarat (and roulette) simulator with an user system tied to it.

One release leads to the other  :nod: :applause:
Quote[...] to fully move forward from 1-on-1 work & into serving our online communities as my only income source

Last clients are done.

I must be very careful now regarding what to do with my coding efforts. I must ponder what would serve the most people as well as which type of programs have the best chance to gather immediate support from our online communities.

Well, this is it.

There's no daily job to get in the way toward our software releases :nod: :applause:
Thanks to everyone for your awesome support! (yes Walter, there have been kind fellows who have used our paypal links :applause:)

I've been in a tiny hiatus to attend smallish clients to fully move forward from 1-on-1 work & into serving our online communities as my only income source :love:

What's coming for next week?

- Re-activating our public domain page @ Patreon.

- Our new "BetMaker" which is a collection of software coming from our former releases. A most-useful one indeed; likely our new flagship software for the betting community fellows to make custom bots on demand at no cost :thumbsup:

Thanks again from a happy & fulfilled,
Quote from: alrelax on May 22, 2019, 04:29:09 PM
Vic, it is sitting in your email, please confirm the glass of water.

Quote Victor>>>"If you can, by all means extend your support. The best moment to get a glass of water is when you're right in the desert"

CONFIRMED!!!  :nod: :applause:


This provides the "stamina" needed for me to continue home doing our new "Bet Maker" community project for using our server to compile custom bots.

Initial release comes to life thanks to you :love:
Thank you guys, it's all a matter of expressing myself, in other words: BEING a positive force for the world.

The best way of making money is ultimately doing what you love so it doesn't feel like work. Earning as a direct result of being yourself.

...I do have something to offer the world hence I'm following my passion. I know this is the right track! (You know it is when you wake up & actually want to make it happen  :D )

I think it's only a matter of working for the folks; hey! This first week I'm tight on the dough but hopefully past this week the steemit money is beginning to assist and there are going to be something else coming from our new stream of releases.

We're branching-off old habits & securing our long-term online operation with these steps.

If there was ever a moment to support us to make the biggest impact, it's now :nod:

If you can, by all means extend your support. The best moment to get a glass of water is when you're right in the desert  :thumbsup:
Hello guys, I did it! I've quit my day job so I'm supported by online means from now on.

I've come to the realization I must simply "do".

No pay-walls for content & software; if the folks want to support, they're going to. I must simply put the quality releases out there as a motivation.

I'm also keeping you informed of my non-gambling ventures to fulfill these Public Domain dreams toward sustaining my loved ones.

You surely get to notice the new gambling content + software releases :)

This is ongoing so...

If you want to be part of our personal history, the best time to support is now:


This feels right & aligned with that we stand for.

Thank you.
A humbled,
Straight-up / One-number Target [#01]
May 20, 2019, 07:19:01 PM
Let's consider two (2) ways to target one number.

The first way is rather straightforward even as it can require a dose of patience:

Track all numbers until there is only one (1) sleeping number remaining to appear.
Wait as many spins as needed until such sleeping number shows.
Bet this number for no more than one numerical cycle (i.e. 36 spins)
After the number hits, "look back" in the numerical stream to spot the current "furthest back" sleeping number in order to repeat the procedure of waiting for this new target to appear.
For the second way you must keep track of every number that skipped 3 cycles (111+ spins on European or 114+ spins on the American wheel).

After any number from the eligible pool shows up, you use it as your new target bet.
When a number from the pool gets a hit while you are betting another one, you pause the betting until another number from this target sleeping group gets a hit or "wakes up".
You continue moving the target bet to the latest of the numbers skipping 3 cycles AFTER one of them is spun.
The tracking is done using a "rolling window" comprised by the latest 111 or 114 spins, as per the roulette wheel currently at hand.
Meta-selection / Consistent Location Tracking
May 20, 2019, 07:17:07 PM
This is a cycle-based way to track:

Even chance2 spins
Dozen/Column3 spins
Double street6 spins
Corner/Quad9 spins
Street12 spins
Split18 spins
Number36 spins

Let's see it by example on double-streets @ Wiesbaden 2019-10-14, table #2, in order to be able to comment properly.

You only mark one show of the location in your tracking chart, like this:


The idea is to visualize the contiguous cycles a certain betting location shows at a given time, in order to bet for its continuation as a currently-consistent spot.

You can use a progression covering up to the second cycle for compounding, but no more. You will encounter more positive "Mushrooms" of concatenated wins if you cover the skip.

The obvious entry-point is always the first spin of the cycle. You stop the attack on a hit, then wait for the first spin of the next cycle.

In case you are using a single bankroll, you must "look back" to spot the location with the longest "succession of success", namely the one that has won the most including the skips your progression allows.

When using dedicated banks per location, it can be advisable to wait for a winning signal before re-activating target location. i.e. entering after actual back-to-back cycles with a show.

You don't limit concatenated wins to enjoy the big-time mushrooms in full.
Multiple locations / 10-unit Mini-Parachute game
May 20, 2019, 07:10:20 PM
I like the concept of a 10-unit bankroll parachute to compound the unit:

SpinLocationBet amountLoss + costAmount wonTotal profit

There is no limit on wins. After a lost attack, you go back to the minimal unit bet.

The basic idea here is to have concatenated positive runs of micro-games rising the unit in order to win the most on the positive trams, while going back to the minimal base unit for losing the least on the inevitable negative trams.

After every hit you take 50% of the net win and re-invest it (add it) into the main/active attack bankroll. Dividing the new units / 10 to get the new bet amount.

It is advisable to play with an unit that is as divisible as possible in your roulette of choice. Ideally it should be divisible / 10.

Rounding down should be done for keeping the bets working on actual game conditions.
Real-World Casino Action / Re: Don't criticize.
May 15, 2019, 07:48:38 PM
Don't criticize => Productive mindset #1 motto!!!  :cheer:

Congrats on the win! :thumbsup:
Quote from: zuffle on August 03, 2017, 03:24:02 AM
Works very well on straight up numbers as well if you use a good strategy and the right length cycle.

As a curious note, I tend to like "transforming" wheel methods to street-wheel ones since the "times" accelerate and the payout is reasonable while still having a good cycle dynamics.

i.e. the "super zones". They can be sweet on the the street-wheel:

Baccarat Forum / Re: STAR PROGRESSION
April 18, 2019, 07:39:21 PM
Hi Jim, what's the file size?
Congrats on the win Peter :thumbsup:

Thanks for sharing your live sessions videos!
Quote from: Leander on February 03, 2019, 11:54:49 PM
Hello All

This is my first post . I have really enjoyed "lurking" here for the last year or so and finally stopped procrastinating and signed up .

Welcome to the community Leander :applause:

Quote from: Leander on February 03, 2019, 11:54:49 PMFor the record I live in Sydney , Australia and enjoy Baccaarat and from time to time Roulette and Sic Bo . Only ECs with SicBo .

Sweet! We're pro-baccarat & pro-roulette around here :nod:

I'm putting up a new club focused mostly on the Roulette side while Glen/Alrelax can certainly assist in your Baccarat journey.

Hope you enjoy your time around!!  :thumbsup: