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Messages - ADulay

Quote from: 21 Aces on September 09, 2017, 02:10:17 AM
If you review this cat's posts you will see it is Stephen Tabone XXXIII.  The guy is setting new standards for the definition of psycho.  Every new edition is the same, pointed attacks of select others coupled with laced pitches of his work.  It is so transparent and obvious.

Yes, I realize that, of course.

I was just trying to draw out some conversation instead of just reading the blanket statements.

I'm sure Titanium Version 4.0 will be out soon explaining how only rich people play baccarat and the reason they can play is because of the new Platinum Version 4.0 book! 

Quote from: ekeoma.prince on September 08, 2017, 09:32:34 AM
Get real will you...it's only a game for rich people to burn some time.

Hopefully you can produce some kind of evidence of your blanket statement.

It is incorrect of course, but if you can substantiate it, we would all be happy to read about it.

Off-topic / Building a forum is difficult
September 07, 2017, 02:31:44 PM

  I do believe that "Stephen" is finding that running a successful forum is much harder than it would appear.

  After storming out of here a month or so ago, he has collected 8 members in "his" forum of which probably three are actual real members.

  Of course there is no content to speak of other than more advertising and wild claims about his "service" and writings.

  If anything of substance shows up, I'm sure someone here in this forum will mention it.

I still want to know what an "uncivilized bachelor daddy" is.

Quote from: toknoy on August 27, 2017, 03:05:18 PM
Just like the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight, (Wrestlemania circus act)21 aces,alrelax,backudos, Dr.tom's baccarat videos, are all designed to mislead, entertained the would be prospective player.Never listen to these people.I only want to be impartial so that the public are warned before they realized that it's too late!! trust me! don't say I didn't warn you about these scammers!! OVER AND OUT!  >:D


  You have alluded to several members of the forums as being "scammers".    I don't find all of your selections to be correct.

  Can you explain your gambling background that makes you an "expert" on scammers as I believe you have made a few mistakes in your choices.

Baccarat Forum / Re: Baccarat Kudos System
August 26, 2017, 06:18:13 PM
Quote from: toknoy on August 26, 2017, 04:06:12 PM
just like alrelax, the devil, you never stop sending BULLCRAP vidsos why not be an author like stephen to address a larger crowd!  >:D

OK, that was your "one time" at name calling.  Don't do that, as per the rules.

If you have something constructive or destructive to say, then write it out, but mere name calling isn't going to cut it.

Baccarat Forum / Re: Baccarat Kudos System
August 23, 2017, 01:25:59 AM
Quote from: backudos on August 22, 2017, 12:34:30 AM
See here



  Sorry, I don't do Facebook so if you have any documentation or data you wish to share, especially considering the amount of people reading this thread, I would appreciate it if you would post some of it up here otherwise it's just talk.

  Nothing personal, just trying to keep your interests at the front of the line before the others get critical of so much talk and so little data.


Baccarat Forum / Re: Baccarat Kudos System
August 21, 2017, 03:27:49 PM

  OK, I just spent almost 9 minutes of my life watching a painfully directed video.   Here's a hint.

   If you're going to make a video like this, write a script first and read from it.   Making up the dialog on the fly is boring, distracting and will usually result in having any viewer just leave after a minute or so.

   That should help.

   As to that "70%" advantage, well I think you'll need to reevaluate your logic on that case.  From what you've shown and described, that 70-30 ratio in not valid.

   Hopefully someone else will report back on the next video in the series as this one pretty much finished me off.


Hey man.  I'm not arguing with you.

I was just making a few comments.

And what the heck is an "uncivilized bachelor daddy"???

Doesn't sound very Lord Krishna to me.

Peace and Love, Brother.

AD (but have a plan at all times)
Everybody's got to die.  Can't get around it.

Let's see.  The six deadly things:

1. No illicit sex.   OK, I can see that.

2. No gambling.   Nope, life is a gamble as is any change made to your direction in life.

3. No drugs.     Nope.  Coffee and tea are world wide staples of life.

4. No meat eating.   Nope, the rise of mankind's brain was based on meat protein, not grasslands.

5. Chanting.    Well, to quote Han Solo: "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a blaster at your side".

I'm not condemning your choices, only offering up the reality of life in this world as we know it.

Everyone has a choice, yours may be correct as might mine.

Good luck with your recruitment.

AD (Glock factory certified armorer)
Baccarat Forum / Re: Gambler's Dream
August 14, 2017, 04:06:10 PM
Quote from: Albalaha on August 14, 2017, 07:48:41 AM
I have been talking to Izak for long. He weaves systems around zumma books only. All his methods are playable but nothing makes any difference in real play in long run. I do not know much about Tabone's but we have many members using his system who can write a true review. A long run simulation on a random sample would do justice with any test.


  Very true about Izak's stuff.  Mostly worked around Zumma for data and display.  Most of his stuff carries a high wager somewhere in the mix as he like to press on losses.

  As to reviewing Tabone's stuff, there are several people here who can and would give it a fair test on a long term basis, but evidently that's not to be as nobody will purchase the thing at whatever price it is today.  Hopefully it will eventually drift into the internet somewhere and we can all test it, but in the mean time, it's just all talk in spite of the glowing reports from many NEW members.

Baccarat Forum / Re: Good luck
August 13, 2017, 08:19:20 PM

  How about you stop engaging in message baiting and start discussing baccarat.


Baccarat Forum / Re: I"m Back from Sturgis
August 13, 2017, 08:14:03 PM
Quote from: greeneclipse on August 13, 2017, 08:04:25 PM
Hey Stephen, I read your latest book, The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0. It's a great book, clever system the finest I've ever read on Baccarat.

I read on Goodreads that you offered author signed copy. When you write your next book please can you let me know if you do the same offer on Goodreads again because I'd like to enter.

I hope you don't leave the forum but I read in your book about your new site I clicked on and saw on there that a forum is to follow. I'll send you a PM with my email address if you could please let me know when your forum is up and running.


By the way I won 400 using your system the other day.

Oh please.

Let me reiterate an earlier statement:

" If you absolutely love a published system, it takes more that just spouting off about it AS A NEW MEMBER to gain any credibility.   Without any supporting data, the claims are just that, wild claims for advertising purposes.   Stop doing that."

Get it?

Baccarat Forum / Re: Dr Tom's baccarat system
August 13, 2017, 08:02:59 PM
Quote from: greeneclipse on August 13, 2017, 07:57:30 PM
Can you recommend any other system that in your opinion might be better than Stephen Tabone's books on how to win baccarat?

If you can I'd like to know.

Which ones have you tried so far?

Baccarat Forum / Re: After all of this...
August 13, 2017, 07:54:42 PM

  Let me say this one more time.

  Man, you're losing it.  Step back and take a break from the insanity.
