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Messages - Mr J

Gambling Philosophy / Re: "BEST BETTING QUOTES"
November 16, 2014, 10:57:17 PM
With any DECENT method, aim for progress not perfection.

THE GAMBLER >> I'm a big movie guy, this looks damn good >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5gPQXbFs9Y
Gambling Philosophy / Re: ALBALAHA'S QUOTE!
November 15, 2014, 05:15:28 PM
We should rank the best quotes on the board. I really think mine is top 5 material, I simply love it.

General Discussion / Misc. overall thoughts on roulette
November 08, 2014, 04:28:23 PM
This is PART of the reason why I try and create easy methods >>
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor AND http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/occam.html

General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
November 08, 2014, 04:16:04 PM
This "hold" subject is so damn interesting to me >> http://gaming.unlv.edu/reports/nv_table_hold.pdf

Split / Liberty with a hint of basil method
November 08, 2014, 03:38:05 PM
I worked on this years ago and got too busy to complete it. It's a TWO number method, flat betting please.

The only real way this tanks (in the short term) is if a column sleeps for a long time.

We will be using the 6 standard double streets. Yes I know there are more than 6 (like the 16-21) but we'll use the 1-6 etc.

Your bet can be as short as two spins before switching OR perhaps 12 spins before switching, I've seen it all. Our goal is to CONNECT the left side of the layout with the right side WITHIN a double street.

All our bets will be north/south. EXAMPLE being >> 7/10 or 21/24 or 32/35 etc.

Never across >> 17/18 etc. I find that a few different numbers within a double street hit in a period under 17 spins (profit).

Lets get started ...... You will have to have a way of CONSTANTLY crossing off numbers, then perhaps a few spins later, you'll need those same numbers again NOT crossed off so it is a bit of a challenge.

This is one of FEW methods I play where I do NOT use the history board numbers.

Use NO past numbers from the board.

12 hits, cross off 9/12.
31 hits, cross off 31/34.
0 hits, cross off nothing.
4 hits, cross off 1/4.
27 hits, cross off 27/30.
9 hits, its already crossed off.
10 hits, cross off 7/10......its now time to bet. We bet the 8/11 AND all crossed off numbers are NOW UNcrossed off.  We are trying to CONNECT the left side with the right side within that DS.

We continue betting the 8/11 until there is a new bet. Maybe the next two numbers are the....25 and 30. Its now time to bet the 26/29, all previous crossed off numbers are NOW UNcrossed off etc. If a 0/00 hits, bet the numbers you were just on. After a win, *NOTHING* is crossed off, we start fresh. Do not use numbers from the history board. Cross off future numbers but it does NOT take long before its betting time again. Its around 4-7 spins. Repeat process.

I also like this......lets say you can afford betting $5 and $5 but $10 and $10 is a bit too much for you. Bet $15 on the split, that's the beauty of the split bet.

So make sure and pay attention when its time to switch bets AND UNcross numbers after a switch or a win. This method works great if you don't mess up. Questions?

Split / Re: A complete line or DS (thanks to Mr. J)
November 08, 2014, 03:36:57 PM
WOW !!!!!!!!!

I just got done re-typing this and am in this section to post it and I see this.

That is STRANGE. Anyways, I posted it again.

General Discussion / Re: Ronjos Climb
November 08, 2014, 05:07:55 AM
Hello Ronjo.

Very nice, another "old school" thinker on site. Welcome my friend.

Blackjack Forum / Re: Getting caught counting cards?
November 07, 2014, 04:33:33 AM
"Capitals are a writer's device often used for emphasis" >>> Thank you Esoito, you are correct.

Blackjack Forum / Re: Getting caught counting cards?
November 07, 2014, 02:44:56 AM
that's it?

Blackjack Forum / Getting caught counting cards?
November 04, 2014, 04:07:44 AM
I have a question/concern regarding being CAUGHT counting cards and counting cards in general.

Is it not an assumption by the casino that you are counting cards?

A person does not wear a sign around their neck stating they are counting cards and I'm sure one would not admit it so HOW does a player "get caught"?

Just so I understand this......you are doing VERY WELL at blackjack so pit might say, you MUST be counting cards, time for you to leave, you are banned. I don't get it?

General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
October 27, 2014, 03:37:39 AM
Very interesting, I'll be book marking this page for future study. In a way, I (we) kind of already know this info but could not really do the math or know the lingo of it.

"What the ACTUAL take is for roulette".......Hmmm

General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
October 27, 2014, 03:02:33 AM
Hmmm, interesting, thanks. So the players *CREATE* the hold (held).

If we all left the table while up even at 2% of our BR, the hold (held) would be quite small.

General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
October 27, 2014, 02:05:41 AM
Sorry for another post, trying to take this in and watch Packer game. So the 21% is not necessarily me, correct? Its all 00 roulette players as a whole?

I'm trying to grasp this. So lets say in a 24 hour period at one 00 table, the buy-ins are 20K in TOTAL. 5.26% is the minimum but up to (around) 21%?

General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
October 27, 2014, 01:21:29 AM
Hold – Refers to the amount the casino keeps as net gaming revenue. It is calculated by "Total in – amount paid out = hold." Typically, this is referred to in percentages. <<< Yeah, I also looked it up and am lost as hell.

So if I buy in for 1K, this means what?
