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Messages - Razor

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 09, 2013, 04:18:14 PM
It's funny and sad at the same time that you all need a bet to be given into your hands and start making fortune from it.
Instead of waiting for a CWB to be published (this will never happen), you should test and observe to find it for yourselves.
So lazy...so hopeless  so stupid....these kind of ppl will never find a bet because they don't deserve it.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 31, 2013, 06:32:40 PM
What kind of question was that?
When I say I play everyday how can I be down?

The life time BR is only 50 chips.

The bet passed the 30 sessions test as it should so how can it not do the same while playing?

Nothing can pass the 30 sessions test flat bettinf if its not a CWB.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 29, 2013, 08:15:34 PM
Playing everyday.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 19, 2013, 04:57:42 PM
xqzbox and graildigger you will find the bet one day if you will put a lot of time in it.
Even Carlitos showed big development
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 17, 2013, 11:33:50 PM
Quote from: Graildigger on October 17, 2013, 08:41:26 PM
You are the man Razor! Thanks for help and understanding!

So combo could be 2 dozens + 2 EC or maybe 2 DOZ + 1 COL + 1 EC.

You are correct.
But without the formula , this betting sheme means nothing at all.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 17, 2013, 02:56:54 PM
 It s funny asking me for proofs because I m not here to sell anything.
Do you beleave it? FINE ... You don t beleave it? Also FINE.

2CatSam from the comments and questions you are making here it is obvious that you haven t read a single page of Win3mill...so you shouldn t even participate in this topic.
If you will ever take the time and the parience to read them(I doubt) then we can speak again.

For the ppl that are searching for the bet:
Open RX and inset a spin file of real Casino spins.
Spin and observe the movements that are happening on the dozens and on colums( I ain t gonna say particularly look on the Doz or look on the Col...I have already said enough...it s  your bussines to find what the triggers and formula is)

Observe of a movement that is NOT happening as much as it should(Ringing a bell?)
Then try to trap this by trapping the opposite(Ringing a bell?).
When you are testing you will realize that the 3d part of the formula must me played in order to make the consistent losses(at some point of the playing) ,consistent wins...and then part 1 or 2 again.

The hard part is the 4th chip where to be placed...but when you will have found the formula with more work you will find where this 4th chip must be placed.

With just the 3 chips you will have found a bet that is not winning but its not losing either(RINGING A BELL?????)
This simple means that in every 100 placed bets you will be close to 0 (+5 or -5 in the end etc.)
And with the adding of the 4th chip you will have a winner(Ringing a bell???)

Charles clues were so specific and when you will find the bet you will realize that every single clue was bits of the puzzle that will have a real meanning when you will have solved the puzzle.

Good luck.

Ps . Carlitos once again you have everything wrong.
Charles never said " most of the times no more then 2 chips are being used before being in profit.".
He said most of the times no more than 2 placed BETS(meaning 2 betting spins) are being used before being in profit.

These mistakes of urs will make you never find the bet..sorry.
Read all the pages and shikamaru clues again.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 16, 2013, 08:36:19 PM
I think it is not nessesary to post this but a lot of stupit ppl are on planet so :

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 16, 2013, 04:43:26 PM
Hello again.
I have played a lot of sessions in my 2 Casinos (Land based) and I have managed to double my chips value.Now more profit will come .

I had the curiosity to read what happened to the topic that I posted with the help I gave and it was a nice surprize to see that most of the members are not negative in searching for the winning bet except the old full of negativity ND.
ND the fact that you can t find the bet doesn t mean that it doesn t exist.

I will help some more you people.

1) Carlitos once again you are not remembering the clues that CHE gave and you are making people confused in here with the wrong posts that you are posting.
CHE had clearly stated that from 30 sessions the 1 or 2(the most) is allowed to lose less than 10 chips in the end.(10 chips is nothing) So my bet is correct because this is how it performs.
30 sessions only 1 loss
30 sessions 2 losses
30 sessions NO loss.
This is about how it should perform.

2)sqzbox all the clues that you have gathered are correct

3)The triggerd of the bet are NOT on the Ecs...very importand
When CHE was telling movements on the carpet it is so easy to understand that it not the Ecs...

4) Do not care what the movements are doing on the inside bets...the triggers are not on the inside bets

5)The bet is very simple to be applied. With a little trainning you knwo where to bet in a sec...but you do not have to do any trainning because as you are testing the bet to see if it s the right one..the trainning is happening.

6)The bet does not have 2 parts... It has 3.
I said so many times to read the clues and read them correct..I alaso said to read the shikamaru s clues and he clearly started that the bet has 3 parts.
7)Only with RX is easier to SPOT the movements ...the hard part is to spot the correct ones because on every spin a lot of movements are happening.
RX not only will help you find those movements but it will also make your life easier in testing the bet.
Knowing what is the last doz or col or Ecs can t help you because only 1 spin is NOT a movement.
Only the flashing thing that RX has is helping in spoting the movements.

8) The last and most importand clue.
Find the formula...find where to change from the part 1 to 2 and to 3 ... it is obvious that a loss will make the part to change.

Thanks for the nice Pms that you sent me people but I will not answer to any of them.
In fact if i will ever post again it will also be in public like now.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 06:39:36 PM
Ok now my final post.

Not everyone is able to find the bet and this for sure.
It needs huge of dedication and a brain that is full of observation.

The bet can not be found without the help of the RX software..this is because the RX flashes the doz-col-B-R-O-E-L-H of the last spin and is a huge help in finding the bet.
Sure it can be found with pen and paper but it s a lot harder and maybe will never notice what is going on.

For the ppl that need help from me...

Find a way and read again all the pages of win3mill.
Every page has clues...even the little ffunny stories has clues in them.

Go in GG forum and find the posts of the person named "Shikamaru".
He was charles and he have fundimendal clues for the bet...clues that never been published in his site.(such as the bet is 4 chips on every spin and that the bet includes a Doz and a COL ...INCLUDES ...it s not the hole bet)

You should really focus on the formula that contains 3 bets and find out when you alter bets in order t TRAP THE RUNS AND THE CHANGES! Ringing a bell???

Forget systems that includes probability based on maths...every math educated person has tried beating the game with it and none could and will ever be able to.

On every spin observe...observe the movements...ringing a bell??

Read charles site so many times that if someone would ever ask you to re right it from scrach you should be able to do it.

unfortunatelly the bet can t be found if someone doesn t have the ability to observe EVERYTHING and know how to adapt.
The person that is gonna find the bet must be able to think very analitic...even in his personal life.

Copy/paste in a word doc the posts of "Shikamaru"...they are vital!!

Finaly Charles was so right when he was telling that the person that will find the bet ...he will have so hard time and dedication to find it that he will never share it with nobody.

I did my duty and helped some ppl in here that I know they desearve finding the bet....just a 2% of the ppl in any forum.

If they will accept that the bet really exist they will find it one day...
I was fighting by my own without knowing if the bet really exist and when I saw Charles scamming ppl my faith had colapsed...
But I was lucky not to give up because I had already found the formula and the only thing that was missing is to arrange the 4 chips correcty in order to make the bet a CWB.

I would have found the bet 1 year before but a simple mistake in playing the formulas wasn t letting the bet to pass the sessions tests...
Today I found out what the mistake was!
It was the zero.....and what you do after it....Remeber Charles saying "Zero is a loss".....it was a major clues because it affects the formula...

I hope I helpled some ppl in here...

I know that 99% of you do not beleave that I am telling the truth but I really don t care.

All I care was to say to you that the bet really exist because so many years I cough blood in order to find it and the best ppl to share this thing is with the ppl that had also searched for the bet and that they know Charles story.

Thank you all for the beautifull jurney you helped me make all those years of exploring roulette.

ps. Atlantis Boffind bet has nothing to do with Charles bet my friend...you are confused.
Carlitos I said that the bet maches the creteria of the clues of Charles...not only the testing creteria.
You are NOT reading anything correct.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 06:19:48 PM
You see carlitos I have already told you to re read my 1st post.

You think all this time that the question I made is "IF the CWB of Charles really exist"
I never asked for something like that.

I am telling you again that all i asked is "WHY he scammed all these ppl if the bet really exist"

If you can t understand a simple straight question then I asure you that you are unable to find the bet.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 05:48:33 PM
2catsam has anyone asked you for your credit card?

In my opinion Charles has the bet he was talking about.(At least this is what my testing showed).
The only reason that I can think of that Charles stole the money from the idiots was that he gave them one final lesson before he disappeared...
And the lesson was "Never pay anyone for a CWB even if it is me"(by me I mean that he was referring to himself)

He had worn everyone about it before in his site...didn't he?

He had also mentioned 1 million times that he hates lazy ppl that are not searching for the bet and they want everything easy and ready.
I trend to believe that these were the ppl that he aimed by taking their money.

As for me...I am gonna start playing the bet from tomorrow on land based Casinos.
Even If i will lose it s only 50 chips br.

I have cracked my head searching for this bet for about 4 years now.
I haven t played roulette since I started exploring the bet.
Finally the formula I have found(with the help of RX) is matching Charles criteria 100%.
Its time to let myself play.

Ps. Nathan I do not think that Charles had an army of scammers.
I believe that he was alone in this.
Simon and Charles and every other name he had mentioned it was the same person.
All high clever ppl are alone and have no friends because they feel that everyone is above them and they are making them tired.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 03:57:37 PM
I m glad that you have a winning way for roulette Flatino. [smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 03:52:29 PM
I m in this forum for a long time.
If i was a scammer I would have acted a long time ago.

I just asked a simple questions for the ppl that were familliar with Charles , because from my point of view it doesn t make sense.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 03:09:39 PM
Carlitos I suggest you to read my first post.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 02:38:40 PM
Thanks for the answers ppl.

But what I am eager to hear is IF Charles had the bet WHY he stole ppls money?