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Messages - greeneclipse

Baccarat Forum / Re: After all of this...
August 13, 2017, 08:09:12 PM
Quote from: Atlantis on August 13, 2017, 06:42:32 PM
Hi Garfield,

Must have been a nice surprise for you. I would imagine those free copies of the book have circulated far and wide in the bacc world esp to lots of bacc forum members nationwide by now and whatnot... Nothing to stop other people giving it away, I suppose to others... and others giving on... etc.

I think the author has really brought this sad situation upon HIMSELF by his own actions and is now paying the penalty for trying to "take over" and monopolise the forum for his own business advantage.  This has brought on a Lose-Lose situation.
for him.

It's regrettable things like this had to go this far (and I do genuinely sympathise with the poor author about that)
However, I have MUCH more sympathy and respect for our genuine stalwart forum members who were only trying to do right by the forum and who have been the subject of undeserved and nasty comments made about them (and that includes myself as well, btw.  - Tabone you are sick in the head and should quickly see a doctor about your delusional egomania - seriously mate!)

Garfield  - I'd like to ask you about Izak's systems - did you ever play any of those too? Or do they fall into same category as what you described as well?


PS. I just saw he posted a couple of times over at gamblingforums.com under his "cluedupcity" alias
Shamelessly promoting his own system without even owning up to the fact that he is the author!
You really should read your posts over again and then try to think about who is really sick in the head. With all your malice I'm sure the doctors will want to take a good look into your mentality but maybe they already are. Keep taking the tablets.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Dr Tom's baccarat system
August 13, 2017, 08:08:33 PM
Quote from: Chamzy on August 12, 2017, 04:33:01 AM
I am not a "gay" retired airline pilot. It seems as though because I support Mr. Tabone and his new book, the golden secret baccarat winning strategy 3.0 that your attacking me now like you attacked him. 

And a man like you who swears on his kids' lives is a low life in my book. A low life drunk from the Bronx who hangs around in casinos hoping for a free drinks, throwing things about, getting banned, threatening people like some 1930s mob movie.

Come on buddy, give it a rest will ya! Get over it man.

You're only promoting Mr. Tabone's book. If I were he I would love it if you wrote to all the gambling sites and wasted your time promoting his books. There is no such thing as adverse publicity. It will only increase his book sales!

But they between you and him. I have not seen him on this site for weeks. The drunk from the Bronx got him banned. Well done bud you achieved something in your low life for once. Lol you copy bud?

Over and out.

Gambling sites? Is that like all the casinos in the world, or just online sites? Online sites don't do reviews of gambling books. Casinos have magazines in their casinos but they don't publish these. I saw a review of Stephen's book
The Ultimate Silver Bullet Proof Baccarat Winning Strategy 2.1
In one of those magazines.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Dr Tom's baccarat system
August 13, 2017, 08:07:40 PM
Quote from: Chamzy on August 12, 2017, 07:29:34 AM

Well you did call Mr. Tabone names, it's all fair and all in good spirits, no harm meant.

Over and out,

Chamzy don't get involved. Don't support Stephen because they will ban you. They hate Stephen and his books.

I read a lot of posts on this forum and there was a big effort to get rid of him and they did. So if you support him, even if you are right that they are breaking forum rules they will just get rid of you like they did him.

Don't worth getting involved. I mean you're 82, and a retied airline pilot you know if there is no runway you just have to fly one.

Anyway I also read
The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0
And like you I am winning money using it. I think they don't want people to know this is why they are banning Stephen's fans so as I wrote best keep out of it.

I read you won 3k wow. I won 400. did you double down 1 or flat bet all the way, and what game play did you use?

PM me if you when captain.

Baccarat Forum / Re: Dr Tom's baccarat system
August 13, 2017, 08:06:54 PM
Quote from: 21 Aces on August 12, 2017, 11:14:35 AM
I don't care if I am banned for life on this site ON ALL fronts, but this Stephen Tabone cat and all his fake alias accounts will take this site faster to the bottom than the ice berg that the Titanic smacked.  He is an insult to baccarat players and all his c r a p accounts and c r a p posts and c r a p commentary should be deleted.  Right now there are diligent casino staff all around the world away from there family and friends at insane hours to offer baccarat.  And there are baccarat players around the world playing their heart out to win and play professionally AND NOBODY IS USING YOUR C R A P.

It is so transparent what this s h i t for brains is doing.   You're lucky you're in England, Stephen.  VERY LUCKY.  This must stop.
So you've finally played your Ace card. Complete breakdown and using swear words. You must have loved Alrelax a lot. But he is on the long break now so you have to get used of this situation and try not to lose control over your emotions.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Dr Tom's baccarat system
August 13, 2017, 08:05:29 PM
Quote from: ADulay on August 12, 2017, 06:39:22 PM

  You do realize the "over and out" is totally incorrect in the context that you're attempting to use it.


  AD (a real retired B-747 Captain)
Wilco, but I think Chamzy, the real retired pilot had been using, over and out, in the correct context.

'Over' means that you have finished sending your message and are waiting for the other person to reply to you. You expect a response - the conversation is not concluded. 'Out' however, means that you have finished sending your message and do not require/are not waiting for a response - you no longer wish to talk to that person. Using these together basically means "Message finished

Therefore Chamzy did not want to hear back from whoever he left a message for. It's easy to assume this.

Baccarat Forum / Re: I"m Back from Sturgis
August 13, 2017, 08:04:25 PM
Quote from: Stephen Tabone on August 13, 2017, 01:36:34 AM
I would like to make a statement if I may.

I had not been on this forum for weeks. I had not read posts on this forum for weeks. I like this forum but I had not engaged on this forum after what occurred some weeks ago.

A certain member kept on referring to me, writing bad things about me. I tried to defend myself but that member continued to cause trouble.

I was asked not to post on his board / threads and though he continued to write a number of untruths about me, and insult me, I stayed away from his blog. Though I stayed away from his blog he continued to insult me and write untruths. My hands were tied and I had to put up with being aware of his posts about me which were all designed to try and upset me and to try to damage me.

Then there was a conflict again on another boards. That member complained about me and I was banned as a sponsor and also moderated. But no action was taken against that member even though I had clearly set out the posts that contained rule breaking content. In fact my complaint was censored and removed. It was ignored. So the member's posts about me remained and even though I had left the forum that member continued to insult me for weeks.

Other members had been waiting for my 3.0 book. Many members from this forum emailed me a number of times asking about that book. Yet I did not return to this forum since there was no point.

Then as my book was published I received a number of emails informing me that that member was writing about me moreover namely because other members were asking about one of my books. That member became very vindictive and resumed his insults despite that fact that I still had not used the forum. Again his posts remained, nothing he wrote was removed despite forum rules being broken and he had not been moderated.

Then I learn that new members were supporting my work. I do not know who these members are but I read that those members are post from me. Well that could not be possible because firstly I had been away travelling. Secondly the posts span day/night and are from a number of members. Thirdly I had demonstrated my ability to keep away from the forum after what had occurred weeks ago.

I do not know who these members are, if it's someone, or a number of people pretending to be fans or they are really fans or are from a member who is playing psychological games.

Personally I don't need to be on this forum or any forum to promote my books or ask any others to promote my books. But I did join initially to engage in debate with members. This was occurring until a certain member stared the trouble.

I consider the contents of my system books as a serious endeavour to combat and win the games I write about. Yes they are my opinions, but they are rule based systems, logical instructions therefore I am not selling scams, dreams or magic etc. I receive emails from people all the time saying those systems work for them. While they may not work for everyone for whatever reason/s I do not know; there can be many factors the fact is they are nevertheless understanding, well thought through approaches to trying to win when playing baccarat. Win can mean walking with a few units.

I understand that many people do not believe in any kind of system and I had written extensively about this in my 2.1 book. Of course people have the right to believe in whatever they want to believe in. However when members; certain members attack casino system authors as myself on a gambling forum this is where the true conflict rests.

Some people love my books and some hate them, fair enough.
Some people don't believe in systems while others do.
It's interesting and strange how the people that hate by books have either not read them, read them but not understood some aspects, or have found that it makes them feel good to join other system author haters and engage in malice of various kinds.

I understand too that there are some non sponsor members who promote their own book/s and workshops and websites etc but who have also attacked my books. This is perplexing but this is where for me the issue is. They try to drive away credible rule based system authors as myself while promoting their own whatever material as non sponsors. And to support their cause they use the likes of the member who caused the conflict with me. And he in turn has his own clan of supporters that take it upon themselves to join in as if they believe that he and they are justified.

I don't want to engage in such complex, perplexing mind games. This is why I have remained away from this forum. I can see clearly that another issue is present and that is that a certain member had set upon me because he felt that I was taking away the limelight from him. That I was getting all of the attention and he was losing attention.

Well in the end he got what he wanted. He got full control over this forum and a free run of it to continue to post insulting untruths without any consequences for him. Even moderators failed to take action against him, as I wrote despite him breaking forum rules.  Thus I think this in and of itself sums up the way this forum operates. This is why I do not wish to be part of it and this is why I have kept away.
Hey Stephen, I read your latest book, The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0. It's a great book, clever system the finest I've ever read on Baccarat.

I read on Goodreads that you offered author signed copy. When you write your next book please can you let me know if you do the same offer on Goodreads again because I'd like to enter.

I hope you don't leave the forum but I read in your book about your new site I clicked on and saw on there that a forum is to follow. I'll send you a PM with my email address if you could please let me know when your forum is up and running.


By the way I won 400 using your system the other day.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Good luck
August 13, 2017, 08:03:13 PM
Quote from: Lungyeh on August 12, 2017, 11:14:10 PM
Glen, why do you have to abstain for some newbies with their contrived support messages bro? Yes, sometimes the length and number of your posts can be overwhelming 😎😎, it is nevertheless the actual thing. You were probably compressing what, 20-30 years of experience into a short period of less then a year.

Everyone is aware that an endorsement of any book by you or Adulay or Asymbac or Garfield or a few other 'seniors' (for lack of a better word) is worth much more then contrived endorsements from suddenly appearing chit-chatty new members. And the way they promote the book they bought sounds like a pimp touting their new 16 year old ware. Traffickers. Book and human. They are all the same. To these people, 'I do not condemn you. But go and sin no more'.
It would be better for the site if he took a long break something like 10 years until the all his posts even out his 30 years of experience...what experience, anyone can spend 1 week in a casino and know all there is to end. So come on.

I doubt Glen even goes to casinos he wrote himself that he was thrown out from post of them. He gets thrown out because he picks fights with dealers just like he does with other members on here.

So because he can no longer get into casinos and has no money to gamble with he comes on here. He gets pictures of overturned tankers and pretends his a rescue officer haha, can you imagine it...

He turns up at the scene with his 30 years casino advice.
Baccarat Forum / Re: After all of this...
August 13, 2017, 08:02:25 PM
Quote from: Garfield on August 13, 2017, 04:48:20 PM
Well, what a conclusion. May I say that ? ???

What's there left ?

Some on watch-list ; a (last?) note from a member ; explanation from the "you-know-who" etc

And I have this surprise !!!

Never seen it coming...

Got an e-mail from someone@somewhere.com, said that he read the recent topic, and he felt blablablah and he want me to blablablah and to cut the story short, he sent me the "controversial" book.

Wow !

This is something I never expected.

Be assured, it wasn't the one who get involved in the recent situation.

So, I am on dilemma. Look at it, or no ?

Well the curiosity win, so I read it...and read it...and keep on reading to the last page.

Should I make a review ? I didn't buy it or anything, so I supposed I shouldn't.

Beside, the copyright issues, the law, the attorney etc etc. I'm just a simple cat.


Maybe a general comment wouldn't hurt anybody. ( I guess ???)

For me, IMHO and personal comment only,

I've read Silverthone's, bought Alvin's, got free for Dr.Tom...and this is no different with what I've read.

Try it with real money ? Nah, I think I will pass....

Not because I don't believe it will work whatsoever, just personal choice.

I've learned my lesson.

So, for the sender, sorry to let you down. I will send it back to you, and I promise I won't keep it.

And please don't ask me to share. Even though I got it for free, and I've read it, I won't give you anything.

So, for me the finale is a surprise for me.
Me thinks you're referring to Stephen's book, The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0

Or was it his Ultimate Silver Bullet Proof Baccarat Winning Strategy 2.1


(Controversial book) was it from a member who got a free copy? I wonder, tut tut. It must be that good then.

Remember it's a Secret. lol
Baccarat Forum / Re: Good luck
August 13, 2017, 08:00:56 PM
Quote from: greenguy on August 13, 2017, 10:53:06 AM
Glen, there never was.
From one green to another I second that motion.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Good luck
August 13, 2017, 07:59:57 PM
Quote from: buckhunter on August 13, 2017, 04:41:41 PM
Hi Glen,

I am a new bac player, and very thankful i found your blog. i have gone through some of the tragic newby experiences, but after last few months reading and following your advice and guidance with 35 yrs of experience both B$M  you are the only truth of any kind above and beyond any BS strategy or system!! It would be awful to not see your messages and stories.


Jeff from Ontario Canada
Emm me smell a rat. A new member who is overenthusiastic about Glenyboy...loves his blog so much that he decided to become a proxy server member and beg Glenyboy not to leave lol I'm rolling the the floor laughing.

Why don't buckhunter start a blog of his own, I'm sure it will be in the style of Alrelax...and we'll see his general behavior continue. Long posts, many posts, dominating the whole forum and every board an expert on baccarat, roulette, trading etc etc
Quote from: alrelax on August 11, 2017, 01:11:49 PM
This is Stephen, I will go ahead and say it.  A dirty spade is a dirty spade, plain and simple.  The writing style, the attack, the 'know where all the posts are', it is Stephen waiting for the day his garbage (IMO) book came out, and maybe i just do have a damn copy!  If you keep pushing the way you have, I will do exactly what I did the last time around bro---I called your bluff with Vic.  I will do it again and buddy boy--you have a lot more lose than I do.  I will again, obtain your book, take pictures and write reviews on all major gambling sites, I promise that, I swear that over a couple of little kids life's close to me--it is okay when the result of what I am swearing is true.

I will also state, there is no way that the sudden 'rash' of  all the brand new (BY PROXY IP) members are not Stephen, no possible psychical way. This board is screwed, Vic---do something.  Delete all the new accounts the past couple of days, they are all Stephen's accounts, plain and simple.
Hey man, I read on another forum that you done a deal with Stephen Tabone, that you are his proxy provocateur and this was all set up to get him banned so that you could get commission from increased book sales.

I read you and he planned it through email and it was all your idea. Now I get it...you write bad about him so people will buy his books. How much have you made so far?

Does this forum know what you have been up to?

Bit of extra money on the side hey...nudge, nudge wink wink, say no more man, all cool here. Great marketing tactic you came up with there Alrelax and to think we all on this forum believed you. But now we know.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Dr Tom's baccarat system
August 13, 2017, 07:57:30 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on August 11, 2017, 02:21:07 PM
I will clear some minds and see if we all can agree, i read about many losing system that has been about flat betting even money position, but i learn something from most of them ...
For example once i got some one coding Marigny De Grilleau work, so when i say is winning or losing i can prove my point with statistical significant results.
Also during this point i among other notice that you can play one side by it self and get the same result as using both random streams.

As you see two simple things come out of a methodology during thinking and development process.
But that was the easy part, then come advance improvments to the learning curve.
For example if your expectation is to win +1 units following a march and lose your first bet, then your expectation and variance change during the games process, as you are now -1 and need to win twice to get to +1 unit flat betting ,,, then other solutions comes to mind as winning two in a row using smooth 30 step progression.

My point is that no matter what or who, so does it means something to learn new things from the core of your thinking and development process when tackle even money bets.
One thing i never been thinking about before i read Stephen book was that you can let the last unit ride and strike if you have a run of something - that make a difference - my opinion.
That is a tiny additional improvment or option to add if you have the right method.
I can list many other things that open my mind into things i know and things i did not know before and after reading Stephen book - but i won't as i made my point.

It does not matter if system fail or win we can learn things from that, details that might work with other solutions and i am not only talking about Stephen i talk about everything.
I deal with at least 3 to 10K random bits each day playing the game online or making furhter development.
So the hole process to get more skills and never stop learning is 5 starts in my book for does who agree.
Can you recommend any other system that in your opinion might be better than Stephen Tabone's books on how to win baccarat?

If you can I'd like to know.
Quote from: Chamzy on August 11, 2017, 02:28:21 AM
Members have the right to express satisfaction about things they read that help them. Many authors have happy fans as well as persistent haters.

I'm 82 years of age and a retired airline pilot, I often was praised when I landed aircraft safely. But there were also haters that would blame pilots when flights were delayed from taking off.

Over and out.

Take it easy buddy and enjoy the flight!
I agree, that's what I tried to do. I was looking out for Stephen Tabone's book after learning of it from this site and then when I get to find it I got attacked by Alrelax. I mean it's only a system book, a set of instructions. For me it helps me to set my mind to the moves I could play that helps me to win.

I mean I'm a baccarat player and have been playing for years. I doubt that Alrelax even plays baccarat. I mean no baccarat player would be so hatful towards a system author. Stephen is an author is tries to win at the game and therefore readers will win from casinos too. Anyone who attacks such an author is crazy.
Quote from: Garfield on August 11, 2017, 04:14:41 PM
Disclosure :

This is my personal opinions. Not to be debated whatsoever.

Okay, so this is more to those who are new. New to this forum, or even new to baccarat.

I joined this forum about 2 years ago ( if I'm not mistaken) , when I was high in baccarat. I meant I played everyday, making around $100 per bet, and could bet to $5k per hand MAX.

Then I started to lose, big time. http://betselection.cc/baccarat-forum/it-breaks-my-heart-!-t_t/

That's when I joined this forum. Read everything. Try everything.

There was one particular system's seller ; Alvin iplayforliving.
He posted here, some of his thought, and obviously his system. And by that time, for me he had what I need. To cover my lost. To make me a winner again.

So I bought it. Use the money I didn't own. After that I thought "Wow ! Never heard, seen or even thought about this before ! This will surely work. "

After that, thousand of shoes. Some lost, some won. Mostly, LOST !!!! And it was bigger, because I was so naive and think that the system will work out. Thus I came to what I am today.

"I believe every system has it own nemesis. It will work sometime, and it may not work on another. No matter what. And NO system could help you to beat baccarat / gambling"

I write this because the recent issue of some author promoting his book. He claimed many things. Personally, I DON'T BELIEVE him. But this is an open forum.

Thing's going everywhere since that. Some is funny, some is not.

Then this issue is re-appeared. Many positive reviews etc etc.

I found this misleading. But, it is YOU who decide, what you would do. It is YOUR own money, not mine. It is YOUR life / money / family at stakes, not mine.

So, IMHO, PLEASE, consider everything. EVERYTHING.

Baccarat / Gambling is not something you could consider as a source of steady, daily income.

Don't believe me ? Hey it is your choice. YOLO bro !

Over and out ?
Hi, Garfield, is the playforaliving on available on Amazon?
Quote from: alrelax on August 11, 2017, 01:11:02 PM
Praised???  For what, if you really are an airline pilot, which I doubt and I know in my gut you are Stephen, an airline pilot os paid to take off and land safely, nothing else, not to crash.  What a flaming unintelligent that is not who or what he says, IMO.

This is Stephen, I will go ahead and say it.  A dirty spade is a dirty spade, plain and simple.  The writing style, the attack, the 'know where all the posts are', it is Stephen waiting for the day his garbage (IMO) book came out, and maybe i just do have a damn copy!  If you keep pushing the way you have, I will do exactly what I did the last time around bro---I called your bluff with Vic.  I will do it again and buddy boy--you have a lot more lose than I do.  I will again, obtain your book, take pictures and write reviews on all major gambling sites, I promise that, I swear that over a couple of little kids life's close to me--it is okay when the result of what I am swearing is true.

I will also state, there is no way that the sudden 'rash' of  all the brand new (BY PROXY IP) members are not Stephen, no possible psychical way. This board is screwed, Vic---do something.  Delete all the new accounts the past couple of days, they are all Stephen's accounts, plain and simple.
Hey Alrelax, I am not Stephen, and I don't think the airline pilot is Stephen. I think Stephen was banned, that's what I read.

I emailed him and his travelling South France so I don't think he would have time to be on here and doubt he knows anything about what is written on here.

I played again his strategy from his golden secret 3.0 book and I won again. It's a fantastic strategy. Have you read it? Have you really read it?

I think you'd be doing Stephen a great service if you wrote to all those gambling sites because they would have to read it.

Wow bud you really hate stephen don't you. Try to clam down man, it's all cool bro.