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Re: Words from Tony Renzoni....

Started by Xander, January 30, 2014, 01:05:41 AM

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QuoteIts naive to believe Casinos are threatened and do nothing about it.-Turner

Actually it's entertaining, but often true.  Many casinos are in the dark.  By the way, sort play is legal.  Just like counting cards is legal.

QuoteMartingale wins?...lower the house limit-Turner

No, actually it doesn't work. The long term expectation is still a loser.  It's simply a foolish venture that most new gambler's try.  It's really no different than any other "up as you lose progression".    Casino's like them.

QuoteCard counting?...burn cards and use half the shoe -Turner

Card counting isn't an efficient way to win, unless you're ok with minimum wage.
QuoteVisual Balistic computers? ....no bets after the spin. They will do that if VB becomes a threat.-Turner

Are you an expert in ballistic AP roulette play?  Have you ever encountered this?  I have.  Only in three casinos over the years.  The funny thing was, in some cases I wasn't even playing VB.  So calling off bets before spinning the ball didn't help the casino.

QuoteThey will use CSM if AP becomes a threat.-Turner

Again, as long as the player can see the back of the next card in the shoe, the sort player can get an edge.  If the player can't see the next card, then he'll simply move to the next casino.  The CSM won't stop a knowledgeable sort player.

QuoteOK, CSM may turn people off playing. So they must still make enough with punters playing shoes to not care about AP.-Turner


Do you know what the term AP means?  It means playing with a real edge.  This is something that everyone on this forum dreams about, and it's what they're all chasing.  If you find a way to consistently win, then you've found a way to get the edge, and are by definition, an AP player.  Understand?  :thumbsup:




I would love to see a VB computer predict where the ball lands if the casion stopped bets before the ball was spun. Do you understand?

the Casino is in control. If you can do it.....it because they are letting you.

They love a smart ar.se



Ballistics isn't the only way to beat the wheel, so calling "no more bets" early isn't always a big killer.

So tell me, are you trying to become an AP player or just trying to lose less?



Xander.....Im still trying to work out what your remit is to be honest


Quote from: Xander on January 30, 2014, 09:00:24 PM

Is that what you call the number one AP threat to casinos in 2014?  Perhaps you'd like to point to a beter system that gives the player the edge?     Dr. Elliot Jacobson and Bill Zender , gaming experts and consultants, certainly don't consider it to be "Malarkey".  ;)

As long as the player can see the next card to be dealt, then he can get an edge via sort play, regardless of the continuous shuffle.  Besides, there are still several casinos that do not use the CSM.

  By the way, the incident with Phil I'vey just recently happened.  LV Strip casinos have lost millions to sort players.  MGM recently replaced their cards with a new back pattern.  Unfortunately for them, the new pattern enables a beter play for the sharper APs.
You talk a lot of sense and there is no disputing it offers a measurable edge when it presents itself. 

Ivey and his lady friend went a whole lot further than trying to sneek-peek cards about to be drawn next.  Besides needing at a minimum 20/20 vision, it is not something that everybody can take advantage of.  Some places use cards (where I play) which have a thin white border surrounding the card pattern, also trying to spot design anomalies seeing only a small portion of any card from four feet at best, could be tad difficult close to near impossible.