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A quantum leap

Started by Leapyfrog, August 13, 2014, 07:42:09 AM

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A leap.

I have always passed through the covent garden station.  I have been to the Leicester square a number of times.  Always a thought comes out about getting into one of those inviting casinos on the way.  But the fear of unknown has always stopped from entering them. 

Friday was different.  Over the last few months I have learnt a lot about roulette here and at betforum And it has brought in a new found confidence. Playing at viewcasino on an experiment following Bally has given a better exposure with real money bets.  That confidence let me enter into the hippodrome just outside Leicester square station.  No membership needed was a treat to my eyes. Stepped into it for the first time and said hi to the big man standing outside.  Handing over the bags at reception, felt like checking into one of those posh hotels. Then it was absolute darkness.  Is it deliberate that the lighting was dim to suggest what was being practiced here is what someone might consider as the dark art of gambling.  But the atmosphere was riveting and felt like in a market but a bit more organised chaos. 

Cente of the hall was 4 tables of roulette surrounded by black jack tables and didn't notice anything beyond it. There was still the fear of unknown masking my eyes.  Didn't know where to start.

Then there were four letters that caught my eye. C A S H.  Had 300£ on me.  Gathered all my courage went to the cashier and asked for chips worth 150.  Came the question cash or card.  Cash I whispered.  He said buy at the table.  Dang. I went into the shell again.  Back to tables with the thought of how and who to ask. I saw something which I could t understand but it was a welcoming sight. There was a table with a lady dealer and no one was playing.  Next moment I was standing in front of her Asking for chips. Then there was a reply which nearly made me go back and get out.  She cried you better use the other tables as this table has min bet size of 10£.  Well that explained why there was no one at the table. Somehow gathered All my courage and asked the dealer in the next table chips for 100, before taking a walk back to cash desk and denied buying chips for credit card without membership.  And hurray, my journey started.

First 5 outside bets, flat bet winning all give in a row. Shifted to dozen and won it but was warned for the min outside bet to be less than 10.  Ended a 20 min session turning 100 to 150.  Wanted to play more, but had an appointment at covent garden in half hour and had to leave. 

Will be back hippodrome.  I like the sound of balls rolling and some one real standing in front of me saying no more bets and out in frenzy popping out so many hands with chips to place at the dying seconds.  Characters throwing black 25£ chips at dealers calling for nbers on neighbour bets.  Roller coaster emotions.  Just love it and can relate with people here saying play only at b&m. 

One thing I can't figure out though is an explanation behind the large number of Chinese women in late Middle Ages. 

Giant leap is formed of baby steps.