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What is the true nature of that which we call Future

Started by TheMagician, September 24, 2017, 12:51:39 PM

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An adjacent question would be, does time-symmetry, as we know it imply retrocausality?

In 2012, a little-known physicist and philosophist by the name Huw Price presented a theory which basically stated that if the strange probabilities behind any given quantum state mirror something real and if nothing restricts temporality into one direction, a reversed causality could be an equal given probability in the blurry cloud of probabilities permeating our Universe.

A Physicist, or Mathematician, well versed in Quantum Theory in line with Huw Price´s revolutionary discoveries, on the other hand, would certainly be able to explain the appearance of this "Future" rather than the one expected and belonging to the old world of classical physics.

Recently, In a new paper published in Proceedings of The Royal Society A, physicists Matthew S. Leifer at Chapman University and Matthew F. Pusey at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics have lent new theoretical support for above argument that, if certain reasonable-sounding assumptions are made, then quantum theory must be retrocausal.

From a roulette players view, Huw basically said particles or waveforms do not act like a solid roulette ball rolling on a predestined orbit around a wheel before it hits a pocket and rests there once its kinetic energy is dispensed, but more in an obscure cloud of countless possibilities shifting constantly depending on inter-dependent occurrences around in the Casino.

From his own theory of probable retro-casuality, the ball could in one possibility jump back into the hand of the dealer as much as it could land via a Classical Newtonian predetermined ball decelerating orbit and stop in a pocket of the wheel corresponding to said orbit and kinetic energy dissipation.

If we, for example, take a future probability 1, of n futures, in this ongoing possibility in our Quantum Cloud, we have this drunk player at a roulette table who suddenly pushes the table with his mass and kinetic energy due to his biochemical inability to control his strong desire to win this specific spin,  and the very vibration spreading through the various molecules constituting the table, the bowl, the upper and lower ball bearing mechanism and the wheelhead itself. results in a slightly shifted path where the ball hits a certain dust corn of a certain density, sufficient to change its orbit a millimeter lower, which makes it hit a diamond from a certain incoming angle, that redirects said ball of certain mass and kinetic energy, into the dealers hand, instead of the previous predestined pocket 0.

Few gamblers at the table, even the most experienced professional advantage players, would even know the precise reason why not number 0 or its closest neighbors did not come up and why the ball landed back in the dealer's hand for that matter.

The majority of the human mindset still believes and perceives a distorted reality of a Universe devoid of the everchanging probabilities in a blurry continuum of possibilities this normal human mindset call the world and its apparent illusion of the three times known as past, present, and future.

Of course, there are, and has been, a lot of critique of Huw´s theories,  where the loudest ones claim that the strange things that take place in quantum mechanics cannot ever be explained by actions taking place in our spectral interpretation of said reality. i.e that which we call our world. and then other stubbornly holding on to old adage´s that there is complete time-symmetry in classical physics and no apparent retrocausality. Why should the quantum world be any different?

Huw basically said that the ongoing quantum entanglement between particles resulted in a myriad occurrences of where actions took place somewhere else in a spatiotemporal continuum, a property of the other instantly affected the one in our closest perimeter could be measured and proven to probability wise correspond in its action to the former, while other particles didn´t.   

Einstein called this strange cloud of distant impervious particle behavior, spooky, and I call it a natural behavior of phenomena based on the interdependent origination with the so far obscure dark energy substance that governs our Universe and many others from a level even below the subatomic.

If you seek proof -  the very game of roulette is an excellent source and proof enough that should open your eyes and mind to an underlying absolute reality taking place as a myriad ongoing realities of sheer possibilities , on so many minute levels, it goes way beyond your wildest imagination.

Hence Imagination here is an obstacle and not an instrument of proper perception. One could in a way say that the "imageless" mind, on par with the actual reality of the Universe taking place is the proper mindset for a good roulette-player.

For more information about Huw Price´s theory, pay a visit to phys.org

The Magician

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


"Einstein disguised as Robin Hood with his memories in a trunk
passed this way an hour ago with his friend, a jealous monk" (Bob Dylan).
The jealous monk must be Niels Bohr! An old cartoon drawing showing Einstein & Bohr might have inspired Dylan.
As you might know, Einstein in a heated debate said that God does not play dice.
The Danish Niels Bohr answered that we should not interfere with what God might do or not do.

The Young Einstein did not exclude a field beyond the subatomic level. Some called it the unified field; I remember that Maharishi (the founder of Transcendental Meditation) told us to be in accordance with all the Laws of Nature.
"Utopian hermit marks. side saddle of the golden calf" - oh, it was Bob Dylan Again, I am afraid, my viking neighbour!
Nice car, by the way. Most people are more interested in their car than in discovering the deepest level of themselves and the Whole wide universe beyond clocks and cars. And gamblers do not grow into Heaven. Greed and selfish stuff are superficial values.

               Donovan Leitch


Time is an illusion, everything can be explained by other means but time.

Time is not about where you could go but about how you feel for a moment in your life, loss sense of time, time passes fast (quickening), time passes slowly (boredom)...in a way time is human invention and exists only within us.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Ha,ha,ha...nice one Dane.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?  You mean this muppet? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-512747/Lennon-right-The-Giggling-Guru-shameless-old-fraud.html


How many Rolls-Royces and Rolex clocks did he own now?

How many followers did he screw over (financially and bodily) at his TM ashrams?

In any case, the post was meant as some nice Sunday reading. Greetings from a rainy Sweden.

Have a better one.

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Quote from: Blue_Angel on September 24, 2017, 02:54:57 PM
..in a way time is human invention and exists only within us.

Really? So those assumed beings (calculated from a mere Drake equation POV) living in other world systems, in this Universe, look at each other and go, "hey this thing called temporality is claimed and patended by those damn humans. Bummer, that means I 'll never get to my job in time!"  ´

By the way, what has time done to your face and body since you stared into that mirror, 25 years ago?


All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


In case you didn't know that's called ageing and it's 100% due to human biology, cells regeneration slows down.
Like I said everything can be explained by means other than time.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


The process of aging is a chemical process. Any chemical process is a thermodynamic occurrence and any thermodynamic occurrence demands a spatiotemporal continuum (second law of thermodynamics) or a direction of time.

If this was not so, your body would not be able to take a single breath as the lungs you carry around must function through a biological process, supported by a gravitational field that acts on any particle, from a subatomic particle or waveform, up to an overgrown petulant child like yourself, via sheer temporality. The last part, Einstein himself tried to prove via his unified field theory but failed. Latest discoveries in Quantum Physics though might succeed where he couldn´t.

Now, where was I, ah yes,  thank God the Timeless, I have a computer clock that shows it's time for an afternoon snack.   8)
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


In my point of view time exists only as notion and not as energy, is not like electricity or gravity for example, but it's used to set order for past events (history) and future events (schedule,plan).

Furthermore ageing effect can be precisely described as a biological process rather than an effect of an invisible energy.
Time and motion are irrelevant since what we call time passes by regardless if we are moving or not, everything we do takes a part of our lives.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


You seem to suffer from receptive aphasia. Even given time, as an illusion or non-illusion, time itself cannot cure that. Proper training combined with a specific set of biochemically based medicines (read drugs) can. Oh, given time to have an effect of course... :nod:
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


QuoteMost people are more interested in their car than in discovering the deepest level of themselves and the Whole wide universe beyond clocks and cars. And gamblers do not grow into Heaven. Greed and selfish stuff are superficial values.

Nice point Dane, most people are shallow and make their lives harder by their own deeds.
Humans are prisoners of their own desires and identities. Budda
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


If you want to quote someone famous historical figure, at least use their proper name. It wasn´t Buddha (not Budda) that said that. It was Gautama Buddha, or Siddharta Gautama.

Buddha is merely a denomination given to beings of an immense spiritual awakening, known as Unexcelled Complete Enlightenment, in classical Sanskrit also known as,  Annutara-Samhyak-Sambodhi. ( In my youth I lived for a while in some Japanese Zen Buddhist Temples so I picked up a few things.) ;)
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Quote from: TheMagician on September 24, 2017, 04:25:58 PM
If you want to quote someone famous historical figure, at least use their proper name. It wasn´t Buddha (not Budda) that said that. It was Gautama Buddha, or Siddharta Gautama.

Buddha is merely a denomination given to beings of an immense spiritual awakening, known as Unexcelled Complete Enlightenment, in classical Sanskrit also known as,  Annutara-Samhyak-Sambodhi. ( In my youth I lived for a while in some Japanese Zen Buddhist Temples so I picked up a few things.) ;)

I'm sorry, you know better.
Thank you for your enlightenment!
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Reading some of the material here puts in perspective my intellect level. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Its good for my vocabulary enhancement (no insult meant, truly!) because I really tried to understand what was presented and debated but failed miserably.

In any case, I have never thought about approaching gaming from this intellectual level. it's a resfreshing approach. Has anybody brought it to validation?


Quote from: TheMagician on September 24, 2017, 03:13:08 PM
Ha,ha,ha...nice one Dane.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?  You mean this muppet? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-512747/Lennon-right-The-Giggling-Guru-shameless-old-fraud.html


How many Rolls-Royces and Rolex clocks did he own now?

How many followers did he screw over (financially and bodily) at his TM ashrams?

In any case, the post was meant as some nice Sunday reading. Greetings from a rainy Sweden.

Have a better one.

So you don´t like rain in Sweden? You like sun? If so you are probably not dominated by PITTA (one of the main doshas according to the ancient  Indian health system called Ayur-veda). As a matter of fact I visited Stockholm together with Maharishi & Co. in 1983.  Like the surviving members of the fab four and David Lynch I still practice the scientifically validated technique.

Of course SCIENCE  AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCES can´t compete with old rumors from the acid days and  and  certain papers.
(Irony might be typically Danish and Pitta-like  :-[).

Initiation into the scientifically validated technique of Transcendental Meditation once was inexpensive. This is not the case today. Shame on the movement!
And Maharishi himself did not limit himself to limited thinking, but came up with statements that to critical Westeners must be perceived as be raving Utopia. Rena rama sanningen!
Nice sunday reading it was.      "Monday, monday, can´t trust that day".

THANKS TO BLUE ANGEL! AGEING is not completely dependent on DNA. Using certain techniques you might slow Down the process. Of course growing old should not be a goal in itself. Experiencing SAT-CHIT-ANANDA must be good!

               Donovan Leitch