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Started by esoito, July 25, 2013, 12:10:53 AM

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And just to remind you, here are  RELEVANT EXTRACTS from many undertakings YOU made in your own posts (and the spelling errors are yours as well)

Its my method, and its down to me to show it works solidly. I still have time to make good. I set July 19th as the date. After that time If I haven't at least quadruppled the Bankroll I have nothing more to say.

Theyll know by July next year Shogun. All the methods I now play will be proofed over the long run. Every critic and I mean everyone of them will be shown im for real.

I have what I consider a virtual H.A.R grail. It for me validates and will be substantiated as such in July that H.A.R played on certain methods produces grail like winning ability.

And why I will absolutely succeed. And shut alot of people up in July next year.

Its ongoing. July is the point most people realize I am for real.

Youll get your answer on July 19th. don't be shy then will you. Remember you can dispute sim results till your blue in the face. Cold hard cash has a sobering effect.

RANDOM HAS VIRTUAL LIMITS. Find them and the game is yours. More people will take me seriously come July.

So while everyone and the kitchen sink thinks im mad. The numbers starting with the first milestone in July. Will tell the truth.

There's more but the point is made -- honour your undertakings or lose credibility altogether.

[For those that want to search themselves do this once you click Search:

Search for:  July 

By User:  JonLegend

Options:   tick the option Show Results As Messages

You'll see he was VERY strong on promises and undertakings!!


Jl bit off a bit more than he could chew.  That's all.

In my years, I've seen things work for a time and I thought I was a genius.  Then random taught me a lesson.  I never dreamed the man could beat random, but I liked him for his efforts.

We should all learn a lesson from this:  Walk a long walk before you talk.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


I think we are only wasting our times in expecting a miracle. When I tested half million spins on his pattern breaker through MST, I got to know that PB has no merit at all. No form of martingale, is playable and expecting a miracle from such methods is nothing but unwise. He was bitten by another fallacy bug called "Hit and Run" apart from his so called "martingale with a twist".
                      JL, however, is a modest person and we should not make too much fun of him. He is just one among us (I am little different, though lol).
                People got overexcited with his fallacies and claims. Superman tested it, "Speramus" played it, I did test it. What else u want to know?
                   If he or his methods are failures, so are all.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


You will have those who love John Legend no matter what.


The rhetoric was amusiing to say the least.....but i still use an idea i thought of directly from Johns ideas.
I can't recall him attacking anyone personally. He wound people up who also wanted attention but didn't have the ideas.


I noticed yesterday, whilst looking for another member, that John Legend
was messaging a fellow member.

Any chance that message receiver could just drop a note in here, to say if John is OK, fit and well?

I for one, was not involved in the rhetoric of the claim/counter claim nor the challenge, (I re-joined after that period),
but I have always found John, someone you could approach, and discuss Roulette and Random with.
We shared a few ideas that were being 'batted' around during the Matrix phenomenon.

Hope your well JL.

A simple message would suffice for me!


Thanks again to JL and Atlantis for bringing the Vertical-Matrix concept way of playing.

Whatever JL's results are,for me it's the ORIGINAL IDEA that can create NEW ways to make PROFIT.

PB etc sparked different thinking,i've made far more profit since reading JL's posts.

Only play LIVE with HIT-RUN-WIN.

Wherever you are playing John........cheers.



Hello all,

JL mentioned a little while back that he had not been feeling well and didn't like all the negative stuff on the forum.

He is doing well from what I understand and I would very much like to see him on the forum again but is ofcourse his choice/"playing style" and I respect that.


I, too, would welcome ol' John back to the fray.  What he is saying is basically this:  I'd like to be quarterback if those darn linesmen would quit busting my chops!  Well, they won't.

Come on back, Jl, brave the slings and arrows and tell is your latest.

You really add to the discourse and there's a young woman called Yanks who might love to banter with you.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


I'm trying to remember what I said about Legend/Fender right from
the start, and what he said about me. And what was said about laughing
last. But I don't recall any of it, best forgotten..


Quote by John Legend , Second and Third Columns Jan 23 , 2013

I will say you are seriously mis informed Mr detroit. But all the sweeter when the wizard of odds devotees get a shock that will reverberate around not just this forum. But every forum in cyberspace. Watch this space.**************  end of quote.

Holy catfish  !!


Atlas Shrugged   !!!


LOL...ND......like I said, the rhetoric was laughable.

I think many more modest people here are doing better.