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Started by Rolex-Watch, May 12, 2014, 06:20:19 PM

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A WARNING TO BACCARAT  PLAYERS  « on: October 18, 2013, 06:54:15 am »

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  •   Beware -- some of you might be contacted privately (PM or email) to buy a baccarat system.

    None of us want to be scammed by anyone who has been banned elsewhere for -- (putting it tactfully)  --  undesirable behaviour.

    So for your sake, run any such approach past one of the administration team here first, before you hand over any money.

    Adulay in particular is a very experienced and successful baccarat player, who can detect BS at 1000 paces whichever way the wind is blowing.[/l][/l]
Seeing the sticky is locked.  This has to be a joke right?  Firstly it is okay it appears to entice board members to subscribe to sending some chancer $450 of your hard earned cash, secondly, Adulay has been assocaited with some of the worst scammers out there.  There is Ellis and his never ending system, Adulay has promoted these for years, and then there was that scammer suppose to be based in Hawaii who took money from people and gambled it all away, and simply shut up shop (web-site), reopened about 6 months later, did the same again.  Think he might have done some jail time because of it.  And who was promoting it, who was the forum admin, yep the one and only Andy Dulay, so asking him to vouch for some snake oil seller, hmmm one thinks commission, ca-ching, we can both make a buck here from the stupid ones. 


The rules clearly state that personal attacks on members will not be tolerated.

Seeing as you've attacked Adulay by name you can now use the consequent muting to reflect on whether or not you will observe the rules in future.