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Let me run this past you

Started by Mr J, July 25, 2014, 02:07:51 AM

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Mr J

Okay, I've been doing quite "well" lately playing a certain method. Last Monday, they threw 7 different dealers at me in two hours, just to piss me off.

My question/concern is this >> (00 wheel), I would PREFER to have the same dealer for hours and hours. However, what is your view on this.....

Lets say we lined up 190 DIFFERENT dealers in a row, they all get ONE spin (its pretend, play along). In addition, we'll say three different ball sizes. So, 190 dealers and the ball switches every spin. Should we get ROUGHLY THE SAME stats after 190 spins compared to one dealer doing all 190?

During those 190 different dealers, I ASSUME we'll still get a couple numbers that are very hot and a few numbers that are quite cold? (non-bias wheel BTW)

I know its an odd question but its still important to discuss (imo).

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))


Dealers do not make a random game lesser random. If the casino doubts you of being an AP(cloaking speed of ball, rotations or any other flaws or bias) they may take steps like this to harass you a bit. Since I have never tried AP techniques or ever thought that necessary or even useful, I personally feel that you should not bother even if they make a queue of dealers to spin ball for your session. [smiley]aes/joking.png[/smiley]
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


After many years of research and millions of test spins, I came to the conclusion that the dealers have no connection to the nature of the distribution of numbers. Roulette is one of the ways to generate random numbers. Whether we play live, RNG or taking numbers out of the bag nature of occurrence of numbers will have the same characteristics. I often have a situation that on the basis of the two numbers in the previous dealer place the bet, the next dealer comes to the table and turning my number
People are mostly victims their own insecurity to cross the border of known.


          Your conclusions are correct. No dealer can do anything about the outcomes otherwise his family, companions and friends would have become super rich without any effort. If I am a regular dealer in a big casino having skills to determine the results even with slightest accuracy, I would create an edge for whomsoever I wish. It won't be difficult to make a team playing at my spins actively and churning millions.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player



I concur. In fact, the "eye in the sky" is there as much for casino staff as for the punters, more so, perhaps. As for dealer signature, there is some evidence that this phenomenon does occur, but that's a very different proposition from the claim that dealers can hit sectors at will. It would be interesting to set up some controlled experiment though, or maybe some members here have their own roulette wheel and can try it?
A small error in the principles is large in the conclusions.

The Crow

Mr J,

The question you are asking is vitally important. Most players have a "system" or "method" when playing roulette. Your question puts the player in unknown territory as this will never happen. However, if the scenario you are posing is the "standard" of most casinos, then all system and method players will lose. They will be out of their comfort zones and would suffer from dulled senses, because their training has not prepared them for this type of gaming.

The only way to profit from this type of approach is to be knowledgeable of random numbers, regardless if each number is spun by a different dealer on each spin, different balls, and varying speeds of the rotor. For me, it does not matter if the numbers are spun in this manner. I will win regardless of any extreme scenario. Why?, because my approach does not follow any traditional or defined strategy. What my approach is, does not matter. What matters is that most roulette players are not prepared to face this type of obstacle.

The Crow