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Started by Jimske, October 24, 2015, 01:25:03 PM

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Locked post!  Who locked it?  Why? 

I will answer WBK.  Reason is that this is a guessing and betting game.  Sure, you can start with a certain specific structure using bet placement and MM but in the end there is just going to be some subjective decisions which will come down to luck and maybe just experience. 

Personally I have spent a LOT of time looking at different mechanical methods but to no avail.  Like some others I'd say my selection for placement and betting is 90% mechanical.  But when things don't go the way I predict I got to make some guesses.  So far that has worked out for me to continually grind out wins.

Another problem with any forum is that few are on the same page when it comes to tactics or style.  You can spend a LOT of time4 posting on how you play but in the end most will just go there own way.  So why bother?



Since his thread is locked, I'll respond here:

I disagree with WBK's assessment that this forum is "done".  Every forum has its "slow downs" in postings from time to time; if you've been around the forums for awhile, you both realize and accept it.  No big deal.  I happened to have been at the Borgata for the last three days, and I will not post while I'm in the midst of a playing trip.

As far as Jimske's post, yes, the postings can and do get a bit repetitive.  But, isn't their something good that can be said of that?  Sure there is:  Consistency.  Where some might see boring repetitiveness, I happen to like when certain members are doing nothing but repeating their winning "mantras"; to me, as to most serious players, the old adage of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies well here.

Lastly, I also agree with "in the end most will go their own way"....that's exactly as it should be.  I am a firm believer that only the player that has honed his own game, in his own image, with his own personal goals in mind and exactly the best way to go about obtaining them; I believe that only this sort of player can be destined for true long-term success.  The number one reason for that:  Commitment.  The player that developed and tailored his own style of play to best serve his own personal needs....that is the player that will remain committed to its success and, hence, the player most likely to succeed.

As always, I wish it for all of you.  Stay well.


The forum is dead because everyone's post, including my own has been deleted. They know this is c***. ADULAY or some other moron deleted everyones posts. HITLER's REGIME at its FINEST! F THIS BOARD and F U to whoever deleted it


board is a joke and its owners are worse than comical. deleting posts because they don't want people to express their opinions! idiots


I don't know much about deleting posts; in all my years on these forums I've never deleted any of my posts.  So I've no answers for you there, WBK.....I can only assume that the moderators might be better suited to answer for those deletions.

That said, I have seen other members (and we all know the main culprit) delete their own posts, which I find absolutely ridiculous....try standing behind what you post, rather than erasing it in embarrassment. 

Oh, well....I still enjoy this forum, I happen to think that Victor is a stand-up guy, and I should hope his forum assimilates.


Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on October 25, 2015, 11:56:41 AM
The forum is dead because everyone's post, including my own has been deleted. They know this is c***. ADULAY or some other moron deleted everyones posts. HITLER's REGIME at its FINEST! F THIS BOARD and F U to whoever deleted it

Once again, the famous complainer, WorldBaccaratKing, has decided what is right and wrong with the world, this forum and all things in Creation.

No, this "moron" did not delete your lame post.  There was no need to in my opinion as the original thread would have died a natural death in three days.

I've noticed that in EVERY forum that I see you participate, that your main complaint is that nobody is telling YOU how to win.

You can cover it up with all kinds of things to make it look like you're a serious player, attempting to help out all of humanity, but the bottom line has always been: "PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR SYSTEM".

Which one can generally translate into "I'm losing and I can't get up".

So, although someone has deleted, removed or closed your thread, you can see that it still lives on in another area.

If you have something of value to offer the collective group here, feel free to speak up.

If all you want to do is whine and complain, please take it elsewhere.  It is tiresome and does tend to make you look bad.

If there is something you are looking for, then ask for it.  There appear to be plenty of people still willing to talk baccarat.  What a concept.

If you honestly believe this forum is being run like some Nazi super site, you really don't have to show up here several times a day.  I've left many forums because they didn't fit my style.  However, I left them quietly and without calling people names.

So, you can man up and stick around or continue to complain.

I personally don't know what to offer you as we have no idea of what you're looking for.

If your idea of how to run a forum is radically different that this one, feel free to start your own and enjoy the fun and excitement of dealing with "the gambling public" on a daily basis.   Yes, the fun just never ends.


PS  Normally for calling me a "moron" I should do something but considering the source and the mood you're in, I think I can let it slide this time.


Quote from: ADulay on October 25, 2015, 04:56:56 PM
Once again, the famous complainer, WorldBaccaratKing, has decided what is right and wrong with the world, this forum and all things in Creation.

No, this "moron" did not delete your lame post.  There was no need to in my opinion as the original thread would have died a natural death in three days.

I've noticed that in EVERY forum that I see you participate, that your main complaint is that nobody is telling YOU how to win.

You can cover it up with all kinds of things to make it look like you're a serious player, attempting to help out all of humanity, but the bottom line has always been: "PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR SYSTEM".

Which one can generally translate into "I'm losing and I can't get up".

So, although someone has deleted, removed or closed your thread, you can see that it still lives on in another area.

If you have something of value to offer the collective group here, feel free to speak up.

If all you want to do is whine and complain, please take it elsewhere.  It is tiresome and does tend to make you look bad.

If there is something you are looking for, then ask for it.  There appear to be plenty of people still willing to talk baccarat.  What a concept.

If you honestly believe this forum is being run like some Nazi super site, you really don't have to show up here several times a day.  I've left many forums because they didn't fit my style.  However, I left them quietly and without calling people names.

So, you can man up and stick around or continue to complain.

I personally don't know what to offer you as we have no idea of what you're looking for.

If your idea of how to run a forum is radically different that this one, feel free to start your own and enjoy the fun and excitement of dealing with "the gambling public" on a daily basis.   Yes, the fun just never ends.


PS  Normally for calling me a "moron" I should do something but considering the source and the mood you're in, I think I can let it slide this time.

First off,

This is the ONLY forum I am on. I was on BF and then it shut down. I was on johno's for a week and got booted.

Well, someone erased my thread and all the posts. Was it ghosts? Halloween is near? Is that what you're going to say, ghosts did it?

Listen, I don't complain.....I just get sick and tired of people stating they have the progression or system that can break baccarat and the casinos and these same "PIKERS", probably have NEVER, EVER played the game....

So, if that is complaining, so be it. As for me asking for a system or asking for proof, well YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Just answer me one thing and one thing only:

IF, I mean IF.........You have a system that you are making a living with, WHY OH WHY OH WHY OH WHY OH WHY OH WHY are you on this board, that board, whatever board stating this? Seriously? Are you lonely (not you per-say)? Do you feel that you are inferior? Do you feel the need to gloat? I just do not get it for the life of me!

I mean I do get it, these people who make these outlandish claims have what I leave in the toilet on a nightly basis (no need to clarify that, right?).  So, I guess I am a complainer!!!!!!

Do you see me making threads saying I make a million a day and I have pixy-dust that allows me to change the cards in mid air!? Do you see me asking others for 50k for a system that will make them rich? Absolutely not, I do the opposite if you read my posts. I point out to the newbies, the naive, that you WILL NOT WIN LONGTERM!

As I have stated in prior threads, I have offered MANY people to fly them out to me, me to them, etc etc and so far, NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! what's that tell ya??????????????????


Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on October 26, 2015, 01:19:54 AM
As I have stated in prior threads, I have offered MANY people to fly them out to me, me to them, etc etc and so far, NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! what's that tell ya??????????????????

I can't believe "Rolex" hasn't taken you up on your offer.  He appears to be well in control of his game, at least according to him, and I would think he would love a trip to the states to teach you.

Ask him.  What can it hurt?  He will be back in a few days.



Quote from: ADulay on October 26, 2015, 01:38:33 AM
I can't believe "Rolex" hasn't taken you up on your offer.  He appears to be well in control of his game, at least according to him, and I would think he would love a trip to the states to teach you.

Ask him.  What can it hurt?  He will be back in a few days.


No thanks.........


Quote from: ADulay on October 26, 2015, 01:38:33 AM
I can't believe "Rolex" hasn't taken you up on your offer.  He appears to be well in control of his game, at least according to him, and I would think he would love a trip to the states to teach you.

Ask him.  What can it hurt?  He will be back in a few days.

Good to see you participating as a "regular" member rather than just barring people.  Are you going to give yourself a demerit for  being snarky?   :))  Maybe you should ban yourself for a week!!!!!!!!!!!


There are a select few number of cats who pull down a nice full/part-time income from the baccarats and dice tables. But that's hard to prove cuz a cat could win well and regular for a year or more and others would say that he ain't buck up against the "long run" which nobody can define, hey hey.


Quote from: Jimske on October 26, 2015, 09:02:21 PM
Good to see you participating as a "regular" member rather than just barring people.  Are you going to give yourself a demerit for  being snarky?   :))  Maybe you should ban yourself for a week!!!!!!!!!!!

Please.  Spare me the drama.

In all the time I've been here I have put one person in the penalty box for two weeks, not a total ban.

Believe me when I say I try to stay out of all of the "discussions" on the internet now and just let everyone else blather on and on.

So, unless things are addressed expressly towards me, I don't join in if I can help it.

Obvious stupidity and grossly incorrect information are the exclusions.

I have two classes to instruct tomorrow so I'll be a bit late with my daily check in.




  You know, I wish I could post up some of the absolute filth that gets posted here in these threads by supposedly adult gamblers who apparently believe they are somehow making a statement (from the safety of their keyboards) about me, my family history and my sex life.   If their parents catch them using the computer like that, they'll have to go without FaceBook for two weeks or more!

  It's quite comical.  Typing all types of profanity to show what real gamblers (or something) they are.  At least I think that's the reason.

  Usually, if not always, a newly logged in member.   Oh gee, I wonder who that could be.

  Kind of childish when you think about it and rather sad.

  Oh well, someday they'll grow up and realize that there is a reason the forums have rules.

  In the mean time I guess I'll just have to check the moderation area and remove the daily trash as needed.



Quote from: ADulay on October 27, 2015, 04:38:09 AM

  You know, I wish I could post up some of the absolute filth that gets posted here in these threads by supposedly adult gamblers who apparently believe they are somehow making a statement (from the safety of their keyboards) about me, my family history and my sex life.   If their parents catch them using the computer like that, they'll have to go without FaceBook for two weeks or more!

  It's quite comical.  Typing all types of profanity to show what real gamblers (or something) they are.  At least I think that's the reason.

  Usually, if not always, a newly logged in member.   Oh gee, I wonder who that could be.

  Kind of childish when you think about it and rather sad.

  Oh well, someday they'll grow up and realize that there is a reason the forums have rules.

  In the mean time I guess I'll just have to check the moderation area and remove the daily trash as needed.

Oh cut it out!  That dern RW always posting those filthy posts!  Give me a break please.  You closed WBK original post for why?  I don't think anyone complains if you don't let the porn through but don't try to bolster your argument with exaggeration.

WBK attacked the site and you attacked him.  What did you expect?  So now you want a moderators free pass to hit and run?


PS.  BTW, I am wondering who those girls are you posted with your pic.  Are they your sisters or something?    Just curious.  You're the one who put it up there so I guess you don't mind the question.

Also, since you brought up your instruction stuff (I'm assuming it's gun instruction, right?)  It's one thing to teach someone how to squeeze off a round, quite another to teach someone how to behave in a struggle.  Without appropriate and THOROUGH military type training most people would freeze and get themselves or some innocent killed.


Quote from: Jimske on October 27, 2015, 12:57:33 PM
Oh cut it out!  That dern RW always posting those filthy posts!  Give me a break please.  You closed WBK original post for why?  I don't think anyone complains if you don't let the porn through but don't try to bolster your argument with exaggeration.

WBK attacked the site and you attacked him.  What did you expect?  So now you want a moderators free pass to hit and run?


PS.  BTW, I am wondering who those girls are you posted with your pic.  Are they your sisters or something?    Just curious.  You're the one who put it up there so I guess you don't mind the question.

Also, since you brought up your instruction stuff (I'm assuming it's gun instruction, right?)  It's one thing to teach someone how to squeeze off a round, quite another to teach someone how to behave in a struggle.  Without appropriate and THOROUGH military type training most people would freeze and get themselves or some innocent killed.

OK, here we go.  I'll try to answer the entire mess in one message and then I am out of the thread.  You'll have to fight among yourselves (or by yourself) after this one.

1.  I did not close WBK's thread.  Period.  End of statement.  If you have a problem with his thread being moved, closed or whatever, take it up with the forum owner.  I will ALWAYS state my reason for closing, moving, deleting any thread.  Can I make that any clearer?

2.  Actually we get very little "porn" here.  What we get is deranged posts, full of pretty bad stuff directed at ME or I would assume, Esoito when he was doing this job.   I don't understand what it accomplishes except the poster get to type dirty words over and over, usually in ALL CAPS and with my name included.   I feel so blessed.

3.  Those two girls in my avatar are models.  Yes, I actually know people who don't gamble.  They were working out in Sturgis, SD during one of my trips out there for the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.   If you're nice to people, they let you stand next to them and take their picture.  It's one of the things that happen when you're civil and nice out in public.  I believe they were selling either Allstate insurance or some kind of cell phone holder for motorcycles.

4.  You don't know of what I teach or who I teach it to.  As usual, you've jumped to some foregone conclusion that I'm teaching civilians to pull a trigger and get themselves killed in some kind of fight.   Get a grip. 

    For the record I am a certified Instructor for Pistol, Rifle and Knife and I got my initial training from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in New Mexico.   Also hold instructor ratings in multiple disciplines in "other areas".   The Knife/Blade rating is for when I accidently bring a knife to a gunfight.

   So, as much as I would love to sit here and waste still more time replying to unfounded accusations from people who have some kind of axe to grind, I'll leave you to your own use of internet bandwidth.

   Hopefully I've answered your questions.  I would love to just walk away from the thread, but then I'd get accused of all kinds of things, but I think I can get over it.


PS  The class was in shuffleboard for new players.   Oh yeah, among my other attributes is Florida State Pro Shuffleboard Player.  Really!  Look it up.